04-17.eri-test 适用于Java和Spring开发人员的20大免费Pluralsight课程

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Hello Devs, you might have heard that Pluralsight made all of their 7000+ expert-led courses are free for one-month to support people staying at home due to COVID-19.

在过去的几周中,我们的工作和生活方式发生了很大变化,现在大多数人都待在家里。 有了如此多的不确定性,提高技能就比以往任何时候都更加重要。

You can use this Pluralsight FREE April Offer to sharpen your programming and development skills and learn a few more in-demand skills like Java, Spring, AWS, Docker, and much more.


  • See where your skills stand and what you need to work on with Pluralsight IQ
    Pluralsight free IQ test for Java and Spring programmers

  • Grow your career with 7,000+ expert-led video courses on top tech topics

  • Build the right skills in the right order with paths that streamline skill development

如果您有兴趣加入Plurlsight以免费访问其所有7000多个专家主导的课程,那么这里是激活此优惠的链接: Pluralsight ---四月免费学习

Top 20 Free Pluralsight Courses for Java and Spring Developers

如果您对免费的Pluralsgiht课程数量不满意,并且对Java和Spring课程感兴趣,那么您来对地方了。 在这里,我创建了精选的Pluralsight最佳课程列表。 您可以免费参加这些课程并学习全新的技术

1。Java Fundamentals --- Concurrency with Multithreading
Today most programs have a concurrent element and knowledge of concurrency is vital. 本课程将教您如何使用Java库通过多线程实现并发.

2. Python Fundamentals
Python Fundamentals gets you started with Python, a dynamic language popular for web development, big data, science, and scripting.

3. 了解Java虚拟机: 内存管理Kevin Jones

本课程涵盖Java垃圾收集的各个方面,包括如何将内存分为几代并进行管理,以及不同的收集器如何工作。 我们还将介绍可用于与垃圾回收进行交互的类,例如Soft,Weak和PhantomReference。

4. Understanding and Solving Java Memory Problems by [Richard Warburton]

Java应用程序通常会遇到内存问题,例如OutOfMemoryError。 本课程向您展示如何使用免费提供的工具修复它们。

5. What's New in Spring 5 By Bryan Hansen
Spring is the most popular framework for Java Development. 本课程将教您有关最新版本Spring 5中的新功能,包括JDK要求,Core更改,Kotlin,WebFlux的使用以及使用JUnit 5进行的测试。.

6. Functional Programming With Java
Learn to incorporate some tools and concepts from functional programming into Java code, both in Java 8 and earlier versions.

7. Design Pattern Library
This soucrse is like a reference library for design patterns of all types

8. SOLID Principles of Object-Oriented Design
This course introduces foundational principles of creating well-crafted code and is appropriate for anyone hoping to improve as a developer

9. 现代软件架构: Domain Models, CQRS, and Event Sourcing
This course covers DDD analysis patterns helpful in discovering the top-level architecture of a business domain. 架构师和开发人员将找到实现模式的详细信息,例如域模型,CQRS和事件源.

10. What's New in Java 13
This course provides an overview of the most important features in Java 13, such as preview language features like text blocks, API updates, as well as platform changes in Java.

11. Introduction to Spring MVC

本课程很好地介绍了使用Spring MVC构建应用程序。

12. 春季框架: Spring Fundamentals
This course is designed to give you a solid foundation of the fundamentals of the Spring Framework. 它涵盖了如何使用最新版本的Spring入门以及高级配置技术。.

13. Spring Security Fundamentals
A course covering the fundamentals of using Spring Security for securing Java applications built with Spring MVC.

14. Building Your First App with Spring Boot and Angular
Spring Boot and Angular make a great team! See how all the pieces work together by building a full app, step by step.

15. Spring Boot Fundamentals By Kesha Williams
Spring Boot, an extension of the Spring framework, helps developers build applications quickly, with less code, by removing much of the boilerplate code and configuration that characterizes Spring. 本课程探索Spring Boot的功能.

16. Spring Cloud Fundamentals By Dustin Schultz
Spring Cloud helps you take full advantage of developing microservices in the cloud. 了解如何开发利用服务发现,分布式配置,客户端负载平衡,智能路由和容错能力的云原生应用程序.

  1. Core Spring Path


18岁. TensorFlow: Getting Started
This course shows you how to install and use TensorFlow, a leading machine learning library from Google. 您将看到TensorFlow如何创建一系列机器学习模型,从简单的线性回归到复杂的深度神经网络.

19. Oracle Database 12c Fundamentals By Tim Warner
This course will get you up to speed with the Oracle Database platform in general and the Oracle Database 12c release in particular. 您还将准备通过Oracle认证管理员(OCA)认证考试.

20. Scala for Java Developers By Toby Weston
This course is for Java developers looking to transition to programming in Scala. 将您在Java中已经掌握的知识翻译成Scala,并开始您的函数式编程之旅.

这就是在这个免费的月份中Java程序员可以从Pluralsight接受的课程的全部内容。 这是一个很好的机会,不要错过这个机会:只要有时间,就注册并观看课程。

链接免费注册. (No Credit Card) --- Pluralsight Free April Offer

我的意思是,它实际上是免费的。无需信用卡. 没有手表限制。尽管目前情况很怪异,但您可以通过投资自己和自己的技能来充分利用它。

更新资料: If you have trouble signing up for Pluralsight April Free Offer then please use this link to sign up, links from home page ask for the credit card but this link will not ask for any credit card details.

from: https://dev.to//javinpaul/top-20-free-pluralsight-courses-for-java-and-spring-developers-1cl4





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