04-17.eri-test 5本书供Java开发人员学习Spring Boot,微服务和Spring Cloud

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Hello guys, If you are a Java developer和always wanted to learn more about Microservices, 小号pring Boot and Spring Cloud frameworks, then you have come to the right place。 In the past, I have shared some of the best Spring Boot, Microservices and Spring Cloud online training courses, and today, I am going to share few awesome books to learn Spring Boot, Microservices, and Spring Cloud.

但是,在此之前,让我们尝试了解什么是微服务? and Spring Boot和Spring Cloud如何帮助Java开发微服务?.

微服务不过是RESTful Web服务的扩展,其主要目标是将您的代码分解为小型,分布式和独立的服务以获得更好的开发,部署和管理。

The Microservices architecture is perfect for public cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and GCP, with its focus on elastic scaling with on-demand resources. 但是,它确实需要周到的设计和大量准备工作.

Fortunately, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud, two offspring of Spring framework simplifyies your microservice applications by providing common features and allowing you to focus on business logic by abstracting away details required for cloud-based development.

Just like the Spring Framework simplifies Java development, Spring Boot removes the friction and boilerplate code involved with developing a REST-based service.

Similarly, Spring Cloud provides a suite of tools for the discovery, routing, and deployment of microservices to the enterprise and the cloud. 这样一来,您无需关注与云相关的细节,而可以像现在一样继续编写Java应用程序。.

Since Java development is now moving towards a cloud and microservice world, it's probably the best time to learn Spring Boot and Spring Cloud, so that you can be ready for great opportunities in the near future.

5 Best Books to learn Microservices, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud in 2020

不幸的是,关于这些框架的书籍并不多,因此我们没有太多选择。 同时,一些可用的书确实很棒。

As more and more Java developers are learning Spring Boot and Spring Cloud for developing cloud-based Java applications, you can expect more books to be written and released on these topics.

现在,这里是一些学习Spring Boot和Spring Cloud的最佳资源。

1. Spring Microservices in Action

这是关于基于云的Java开发的另一本好书,但它侧重于微服务. Actually, this is the first book I read on this topic before starting with Cloud-Native Java.

作者John Carnell是一位资深的云工程师,在Java领域拥有20年的经验,这确实体现在本书中。 他出色地解释了微服务的关键概念和模式,例如配置,路由,扩展以及通过实际示例演示服务的部署。

This book will also teach you how to build microservices-based applications using Java and the Spring platform. You will not only learn these concepts, but you will also get hands-on experience with microservices design while you build and deploy your first Spring Cloud application.

总体而言,这是具有Spring经验并希望用Java开发微服务应用程序的Java开发人员的最佳书。. For better results, you can also combine this book with the Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud course by [In28Minutes Official] to learn Spring Boot and Spring Cloud better.

2. Cloud-Native Java

这是有关基于云的Java开发的书中的瑰宝。 我认为没有其他书籍可以成功涵盖基于云的Java开发以及使用Spring构建弹性分布式应用程序(如本书)。

两位作者[Josh Long]和[Kenny Bastani]都是Spring框架的权威,本书中对此进行了介绍。 Spring的不同方面(例如MVC,配置和云)的介绍非常好。 他们已尽力使这个复杂的主题尽可能简单。

In the beginning, cloud terminologies and services may seem overwhelming, but if you stick around and finish the book, you would have to build a strong foundation on building cloud-based Java applications using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry.



If you need some live examples, then joining an online course like Deploy Java Spring Apps Online to Amazon Cloud (AWS) by Chad Darby can really help you. 在本课程中,您不仅将学习AWS(最流行的云平台之一)的基础知识,而且还将Spring Boot REST API部署到AWS,这将使您充满信心.

3. 学习Spring Boot 2.0

这是另一本很棒的书,用于学习Spring Boot 2.0。 这是流行的Spring Boot框架的最新版本。 作者Greg Turnquist是Spring的权威,并在Spring Framework背后的公司Pivotal(现为Vmware)工作。

他是Spring数据团队的成员,也是Spring Session MongoDB的负责人。 他还参与了Spring Boot,Spring HATEOAS和Spring Data REST的开发,同时还担任Spring入门指南的总编辑。

所有这些经验在本书中都显而易见. 我特别喜欢他如何在次要细节中解释事情. For example, in the first Spring Boot examples, he explains what a @SpringBootAppliation is doing in terms of scanning for Spring component recursively, enabling auto-configuration and stating that the class itself can be a source of Spring beans.

然后,他出去解释日志并证明他的观点,这实际上巩固了信息. 这本书不仅涵盖了Spring Boot,而且在测试Spring应用程序方面也非常丰富. The author is a bit of a test junky, having written the Python Testing Cookbook.

学习Spring Boot 2.0探索使用Spring Boot开发微服务以及将Spring Boot应用程序部署到生产环境的前景。 简而言之,这是为Java开发人员学习Spring Boot的完美书。

4. 掌握Spring Boot 2.0

这是[Dinesh Rajput]撰写的关于Spring Boot的另一本相对较新的书. 他是Java博主和Spring爱好者. He is also a Pivotal Certified Spring Professional and the author of Spring 5 Design Patterns, another fantastic book on the Spring framework.

The full title of the book is "Mastering Spring Boot 2.0: 使用Spring Boot构建现代,云原生和分布式系统." As the extended title explains, it also covers Spring Cloud and cloud-based Java development.

在本书中,您将从Spring框架的最新版本Spring Boot 2.0开始,然后学习基本功能,例如自动配置,启动程序依赖项,Actuator,Spring Boot CLI等。

熟悉基础知识后,您将探索高级功能,例如自定义自动配置以满足您的期望. After that, the book explores the microservice and cloud landscapes by introducing key Spring Boot tools and services.


5. Spring Boot in Action

This is the best book to learn Spring Boot from none other than Craig Walls, who has taught most of Java developers' Spring Framework through his classic book Spring in Action.

克雷格(Craig)具有出色的能力,可以用优美的类比用简单的语言解释复杂而乏味的概念。 除此之外,您还将在本书中找到许多美丽的示例。

The book covers almost all the essential topics in Spring Boot, starting from auto-configuration and starter dependencies with a general idea of how Spring Boot simplifies Java development.

该书进一步探讨了高级概念,例如Spring Boot Actuator,以了解Spring Boot应用程序内部发生了什么。. It also looks at the Spring Boot CLI for even simpler Java Spring development with Groovy.

In short, Spring Boot in Action is one of the best books to learn Spring Boot and a must-read for any Java developer who wants to master the Spring Boot framework.

目前,关于学习Spring Boot和Spring Cloud的最佳书籍。 这是用于开发基于云的Java应用程序的两个领先的Java框架。 这些书籍不仅可以帮助您学习基础知识,还可以为您提供在云上创建和部署自己的Java应用程序所需的动手经验。

These books should be enough to learn cloud-based Java development, but if you need more assistance, you can also refer to Master MicroService development with Spring Boot for more instructor-led learning.

Other Java and Spring Articles you may like:
10 Advanced Spring Boot Courses for Java Developers
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感谢您阅读本文! 如果您喜欢这些Spring Boot和Spring Cloud书籍,请与您的朋友和同事分享。 如果您有任何疑问或反馈,请在下面的评论中添加注释。

P.S.- If you prefer online courses than books then I also suggest you check out Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud course by Ranga Rao to learn Spring Boot and Spring Cloud better.

from: https://dev.to//javinpaul/5-awesome-books-to-learn-spring-boot-microservices-and-spring-cloud-for-java-developers-2330

Book Description Build a microservices architecture with Spring Boot, by evolving an application from a small monolith to an event-driven architecture composed of several services. This book follows an incremental approach to teach microservice structure, test-driven development, Eureka, Ribbon, Zuul, and end-to-end tests with Cucumber. Author Moises Macero follows a very pragmatic approach to explain the benefits of using this type of software architecture, instead of keeping you distracted with theoretical concepts. He covers some of the state-of-the-art techniques in computer programming, from a practical point of view. You'll focus on what's important, starting with the minimum viable product but keeping the flexibility to evolve it. What You'll Learn Build microservices with Spring Boot Use event-driven architecture and messaging with RabbitMQ Create RESTful services with Spring Master service discovery with Eureka and load balancing with Ribbon Route requests with Zuul as your API gateway Write end-to-end rest tests for an event-driven architecture using Cucumber Carry out continuous integration and deployment Who This Book Is For Those with at least some prior experience with Java programming. Some prior exposure to Spring Boot recommended but not required. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: The Basic Spring Boot Application Chapter 3: A Real Three-Tier Spring Boot Application Chapter 4: Starting with Microservices Chapter 5: The Microservices Journey Through Tools Chapter 6: Testing the Distributed System Appendix A: Upgrading to Spring Boot 2.0




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