


#3 This post is part of the Velocity countdown series. Stay tuned for the articles to come.

#3这篇文章是Velocity倒数系列的一部分。 请继续关注未来的文章。

Without further ado, please point your browser to the newborn bookofspeed.com.


It's a free (public domain), online, open-source, not yet finished, book about web performance.


欢迎捐款 (Contributions welcome)

The source files are on Github - https://github.com/stoyan/Book-of-Speed. I'll be glad to receive any errata, technical mistakes, requests, grammar checks, anything really. Just edit the stuff in /src and send a patch. /src is the text for the chapters alone, then what you see on the site and in the main directory - TOC and chapters - are generated by a build script (of course a javascript).

源文件位于Github- https://github.com/stoyan/Book-of-Speed上。 我很高兴收到任何勘误表,技术错误,要求,语法检查,以及任何真正的东西。 只需编辑/src并发送补丁即可。 / src是单独章节的文本,然后您在站点上和主目录中看到的内容( TOC和章节)是由构建脚本(当然是JavaScript)生成的。

我们怎么到这里结束 (How did we end up here)

Year and half ago I did this Performance advent calendar experiment (since moved to a new home), writing an article a day for 24 days (sounds vaguely familiar?). PeachPit press approached me about publishing a book based on those. PeachPit publishes mostly web design books (like Designing with Web Standards) and I thought designers should know about performance. Also business folks, product managers. So why not write something more accessible and less technical?

一年半以前,我进行了Performance Performance日历实验(自从搬到新家以来),每天写一篇文章,持续24天(听起来有些熟悉吗?)。 PeachPit媒体联系我,要求我根据这些书出版一本书。 PeachPit主要出版Web设计书籍(例如Web标准设计),我认为设计师应该了解性能。 也是业务人员,产品经理。 那么,为什么不写一些更易于访问,技术含量更低的东西呢?

"Speed Matters" was the title.


Fast forward... I kept missing deadlines (a favorite thing, ask Douglas Adams) until eventually after 5 and a half chapters out of 9, the publisher decided to cancel the project. Fair enough. Wasn't meant to be. We're grown ups, no hard feelings. (Well, I did try to save the project by suggesting Marcel Duran who now works on YSlow to finish it, to which PeachPit expressed interest initially but then didn't bother to follow up with a comment or explanation)

快进...我一直错过最后期限(这是我最喜欢的事情,问道格拉斯·亚当斯( Douglas Adams )),直到最终在9分之5分半之后,出版商决定取消该项目。 很公平。 并非如此。 我们长大了,没有难受的感觉。 (好吧,我确实尝试通过建议现在正在YSlow工作的Marcel Duran来保存该项目,PeachPit最初对此表示了兴趣,但随后又不屑于提出评论或解释)

So instead of letting PeachPit keep the content and maybe publish it on their site, I decided to keep the chapters and return them the money for the royalty advance they have given me. After all, I did wanted to try self-publishing for some time .

因此,我决定保留这些章节,并退还他们为我提供的专利使用费的款项,而不是让PeachPit保留内容并可能在其网站上发布。 毕竟,我确实想尝试一段时间自我出版。

Fast forward again... I didn't do anything further. Changing computers, failing disks and non-existing backups convinced me I should let this content free sooner. "Information wants to be free". So I managed to restore from emails (but not the images, had to copy images from Word) and thought the Velocity countdown is a good excuse to release this thing.

再次快进...我什么也没做。 更换计算机,出现故障的磁盘和不存在的备份使我确信我应该尽快释放此内容。 “信息想要自由”。 因此,我设法从电子邮件中还原(但不是还原图像,而是必须从Word复制图像),并认为Velocity倒数是释放此内容的好借口。

I mentioned to my good friend and designer Yavor about the project two days ago, he had a few free cycles and sent me a mock. Awesome! the only "brief" I gave him was "it's to be a free online book, like diveintohtml5.com and eloquentjavascript.net". And here's what he came up with, how cool is that! (oh and I gave him a turtle drawing, see below)

两天前就跟我的好朋友和设计师Yavor提到了这个项目,他有几个空闲周期,并给了我一个模拟。 太棒了! 我给他的唯一“简要介绍”是“这是一本免费的在线书籍,例如diveintohtml5.comeloquentjavascript.net ”。 这就是他的想法,那太酷了! (哦,我给了他一张乌龟画,见下文)

(As you can see, he's so humble he doesn't want any credit on the site. But this is my blog and I can give credit as much as want now, can't I? 🙂 )


So last night between writing last night's post and today, I turned this mock into HTML (not fully complete, missing ego-header and pagination) and converted the 5 chapters I have so far from word docs to HTML.


听众 (Audience)

If you follow my blog there isn't much new for you. Like I said, the audience was to be less technical. But there are a few new never-before seen bits and pieces.

如果您关注我的博客,那么对您来说没有什么新鲜的。 就像我说的那样,听众应该减少技术性。 但是有一些前所未有的新点滴。

Assuming the html-writing part of the PeachPit audience will be still very attached to XHTML, I decided to do what I generally tend to avoid - closing tags, using type="text/javascript" etc. Further edits should convert these to more compact html5-allowed syntax.

假设PeachPit受众的html写作部分仍然非常喜欢XHTML,我决定做我通常会避免的事情-关闭标签,使用type =“ text / javascript”等。进一步的编辑应将它们转换为更紧凑的格式html5允许的语法。

In the markup for the site though, in the rush to convert everything I started not closing P and LI to save time 🙂 Feel free to send a patch.


没有学分 (No credits)

I was planning on having one round of credit-giving either as footnotes or appendix once the book is done. But the books is not done, so forgive me if I havent given you credit where it was due.

本书编写完成后,我计划进行一轮信用授予,作为脚注或附录。 但是这些书还没写完,所以如果我没有给你应得的荣誉,请原谅我。

没有链接 (No links)

It's silly to have no links in an online publication, but given the rush, I didn't edit the content at all to add them. Again I was planning on appendix, or actually a companion site. Will do. Will accept a patch 🙂

在线出版物中没有链接是很愚蠢的,但是由于匆忙,我根本没有编辑内容来添加它们。 再次,我正在计划附录,或者实际上是一个伴侣站点。 会做。 会接受补丁🙂

编辑时 (On editing)

My editor from PeachPit sent me notes and edits. These are not in the online edition. Partly because I don't think it's fair (what's in it for them?) and partly because, trivially, I didn't have the time.

我的PeachPit编辑器给我发送了笔记和编辑内容。 这些不在在线版本中。 部分原因是我认为这不公平(对他们来说有什么用?),部分原因是,我没有时间。

在审查中 (On reviewing)

I got technical reviews from Marcel Duran and Sergey Chikuyonok while working on the book. I haven't incorporated their feedback. Will do 😉 (Sergey said my chapter on image optimization was too basic 🙂 It is, especially compared with his articles on smashing magazine and his blog )

在撰写本书时,我得到了Marcel Duran和Sergey Chikuyonok的技术评论。 我尚未纳入他们的反馈。 会做😉(谢尔盖说我关于图像优化的章节太基础了🙂尤其是与他在smashing杂志和博客上的文章相比)

But Annie Sullivan from Google went way above and beyond any review I have seen. She actually read the chapter with her husband (not technical) and explained to him what's going on. So I had very eye-opening observations and I'm grateful and indebted for this.

但是Google的Annie Sullivan超越了我所见过的任何评论。 实际上,她与丈夫(不是技术人员)一起阅读了这一章,并向他解释了发生了什么。 因此,我的观察令人大开眼界,对此我深表感激和感激。

(As you guessed, the feedback is not yet reflected in the text)


PageSpeed (PageSpeed)

PageSpeed runs on Dreamhost where the site is. So I though I should check the "use pagespeed" check in DH's panel. Not bad, not bad at all. Having your images and other stuff taken care of for you automagically. I have 99/100 Page Speed score and 94/100 YSlow.

PageSpeed在网站所在的Dreamhost上运行。 因此,尽管我应该在DH的面板中检查“使用pagespeed”检查。 不错,真不错。 自动处理图像和其他内容。 我有99/100 Page Speed得分和94/100 YSlow。

I do minify CSS myself though and inline it, because it's small



I couldn't use the turtle (nor the title) from Speed Matters. But my kid drew a turtle in drawing class so I thought I should use it. Here's what it looked like before the my designer friend took over:

我不能使用Speed Matters的乌龟(也没有标题)。 但是我的孩子在绘画课上画了一只乌龟,所以我认为我应该使用它。 这是我的设计师朋友接任之前的样子:

祝您阅读愉快! (Happy reading!)

Like I metioned, regulars on this blog won't find much new information, but feel free to send your junior team members to learn from the free source.


And don't forget to send patches - book editing via GitHub sounds pretty nice to me.


Once again - here's the book of speed and here are its source files.


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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/book-of-speed/


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