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翻译 webaudio_WebAudio Deep Note,第5部分:增益节点

webaudioPreviously on "Deep Note via WebAudio": 以前在“通过WebAudio进行深度注释”中: intro 介绍 play a sound 播放声音 2.1. boots and cats 2.1。 靴子和猫 play a sound 播放声音 loop and change pitch 循环并改变音高 multiple sounds ...

2020-09-29 10:48:41 451

翻译 textmate 主题_更漂亮的TextMate

Prettier is a code formatter, great for following consistent coding conventions with 0 effort. Here's how to add it to TextMate, my text editor of choice. Prettier是一种代码格式化程序,非常适合以0的努力遵循一致的编码约定。 这是将其添...

2020-09-29 10:38:38 975

翻译 集成react环境_集成React Profiler

react ts集成Say hello to the new perf hotness - a profiler built into React. This announcement blog post shows how to use it as a Chrome Extension, but you can also use it in your code, to get insight i...

2020-09-29 10:29:06 464

翻译 程序员工作计划 工作周报_程序员的工作范围

程序员工作计划 工作周报I'm not the one who philosophizes often in public, but indulge me this thought on the types of work we do as programmers and feel free to add your own dimensions. 我不是经常在公开场合进行哲学思考的人,而是让我沉...

2020-09-29 10:18:42 1190

翻译 webaudio_WebAudio Deep Note,第1部分:简介

webaudioYou've heard of WebAudio, but have you done any experimenting with it? This is a series of posts on exploring and discovering various APIs that WebAudio has to offer, by doing something concre...

2020-09-29 10:09:07 361

翻译 社交网站facebook_本地延迟加载Facebook社交插件

tl;dr: Add data-lazy="true" to your Facebook social plugins that are below the fold and reap the benefits. tl; dr:将data-lazy="true"到首屏以下的Facebook社交插件中并获得好处。 In code: 在代码中: // before<div cl...

2020-09-29 09:59:42 536

翻译 facebook_Facebook之后的生活?

Yesterday was my last day at Facebook. After 9 1/2 years it was high time for a change. I dropped the news on twitter/fb and thought now it would be nice to answer the question of "what's next?" that ...

2020-09-29 09:49:37 502

翻译 使用MuseScore和Node.js随机分配音乐

One of my esteemed professors from Santa Monica College, Dr. Driscoll asked for an opinion on how one can use a sheet of music and reshuffle some measures to generate a unique exercise for each stude...

2020-09-29 09:40:03 601

翻译 一个书签:dataURI,请!

错误!未定义书签Ever had a string of a data URI image and you want to see said image? Simple: type data:image/png;base64, followed by the base 64 string. Except... it's too much syntax to remember. I mean c'm...

2020-09-29 09:29:55 79

翻译 WebAudio Deep Note,第2部分:播放声音

webaudio(Part 1 (intro) is here.) ( 第1部分(简介)在这里 。) Now that we know what to do, let's go for it! First rule of business: load an audio file and play it. 现在我们知道该怎么做,让我们继续吧! 第一要务:加载音频文件并播放。 用户界面 (U...

2020-09-29 09:19:38 277

翻译 她偏爱雏菊一样的淡黄色_探索偏爱减少运动

她偏爱雏菊一样的淡黄色Animations and transitions on the web are cool and all, they can make the UI feel snappier and responsive (if used judiciously). However there are problems with motion like this. A whole lo...

2020-09-29 09:08:48 222

翻译 内联脚本_通过数据的异步内联脚本:URI

内联脚本Inline scripts are synchronous. "Well, duh!" you may say. That's a feature, not a bug. Because accessing a variable after an inline script should succeed. And that's fine. But not great. 内联脚本是同步的...

2020-09-29 08:59:11 460

翻译 WebAudio Deep Note,第2.1部分:靴子和猫

webaudioIn the previous installment we came across the idea of creating noise via an oscillator and via a buffer filled with your own values (as opposed to values being read from a pre-recorded file)....

2020-09-29 08:48:48 580

翻译 定义用户风格

User styles have been around since the early days of the web. They are a way for users to specify their browsing preferences using CSS cascade. I remember way back when this option was fairly prominen...

2020-09-29 08:39:38 202

翻译 WebAudio Deep Note,第5部分:节点

webaudioPreviously on "Deep Note via WebAudio": 以前在“通过WebAudio进行深度注释”中: intro 介绍 play a sound 播放声音 2.1. boots and cats 2.1。 靴子和猫 play a sound 播放声音 loop and change pitch 循环并改变音高 multiple sounds ...

2020-09-29 08:29:43 127

翻译 间隔时间计算公式_间隔

间隔多选快捷键Here's my new tool called intervals 这是我称为间隔的新工具 Play with it here. 在这里玩 。 Learn about the theory behind it here. 在这里了解背后的理论 。 The code for the tool. 该工具的代码 。 它有什么作用? (What does it do?...

2020-09-29 08:20:28 2719

翻译 webaudio_WebAudio Deep Note,第4部分:多种声音

webaudioPreviously in this series: 本系列之前的内容: intro 介绍 play a sound 播放声音 2.1. kick and snare (a fun distraction from the main series) 2.1。 踢和圈套 (主系列有趣的干扰) play a sound 播放声音 loop and change pitch...

2020-09-29 08:10:42 190

翻译 字体摆弄

I've been trying to stay away from webfonts as much as I can. IMO they are not worth the performance complications. Font loaders, FOUT, yadda-yadda. But... it happens. 我一直在尝试尽可能远离webfonts。 海事组织他们不值得...

2020-09-29 08:01:12 72

翻译 stylelint_你好Stylelint

stylelintStylelint is a great new modern unopinionated CSS linter. It's a must for any project beyond test.html. Stylelint是一款很棒的新型现代无污染CSS短绒。 对于test.html以外的任何项目,这都是必须的。 After my last post about alwa...

2020-09-29 07:51:41 166

翻译 在脚本中使用ESLint

Instead of running ESLint on the command line and passing files to it, I wanted to require() and use it with code from strings. That is because I want to lint and unit-test the code from the book I wr...

2020-09-29 07:42:37 276

翻译 ffmpeg混合音频文件

ffmpeg读取音频文件Here's how to mix three audio files into one: 以下是将三个音频文件混合为一个的方法: ffmpeg -i alex.aiff -i fred.aiff -i whisper.aiff -filter_complex "[0:0][1:0] amix=inputs=3:duration=longest" out.mp3...

2020-09-29 07:31:45 411

翻译 OnlineMusicTools.com

Finally managed to cobble together an index page for the bunch of tools I've been hacking on in the past year as I progress through my music education. Is it better UX than the Apache default file lis...

2020-09-29 07:22:27 198

翻译 文件删除不消失点刷新才消失_博客评论何时消失?

文件删除不消失点刷新才消失I disabled comments on this blog and a few other some time ago because I couldn't keep up deleting spam and it was getting embarrassing. I decided to clean the old ones up, add more prote...

2020-09-29 07:13:10 106

翻译 WebMIDI测试页

Yesterday I had to plug in my keyboard to the computer and wasn't sure if it was working. How do I test? Well, I had to look up an older post, copy and paste some code to the console... what a drag. ...

2020-09-29 07:04:09 318

翻译 此页面在X秒内加载

页面加载两秒后I was just admiring Tim Kadlec eye-pleasing site. Nice, simple, see what I'm talkin' 'bout. 我只是欣赏Tim Kadlec令人赏心悦目的站点。 很好,很简单, 看看我在说什么 。 The feature I liked most was the footer that said "This...

2020-09-29 06:53:29 83

翻译 textmate 主题_Stylelint + TextMate集成

textmate 主题Naturally, you want your lint tools integrated with your text editor. Here's what I did to integrate Stylelint (hello!) with TextMate. 自然,您希望将皮棉工具与文本编辑器集成在一起。 这是我将Stylelint ( hello! )与Text...

2020-09-29 06:44:09 281

翻译 说Yuri,或者说如何在一个下雨的下午消磨一个小时

yuri shkuroHow to kill an hour on a Mac on a rainy afternoon? 在一个下雨的下午,如何在Mac上消磨一个小时? open Terminal.app 打开Terminal.app say -v ? (to list all the voices installed) or say -v ? | grep en_ (for Englis...

2020-09-29 06:34:18 132

翻译 jpeg渐进式编码_如何分辨渐进式JPEG

jpeg渐进式编码Using ImageMagick ($ brew install imagemagick) certainly helps. E.g. 使用ImageMagick( $ brew install imagemagick )当然可以。 例如 $ identify -verbose baseline.jpg | grep Interlace Interlace: No...

2020-09-29 06:24:16 1100

翻译 多目标优化可行解与不可行解_最低可行共享元标记

MVSMT for short... yeah, like this is going to catch up. So anyway. 简而言之,MVSMT是的,就像这样,将会赶上来。 所以无论如何。 Before starting publishing the Web Performance Calendar this year I though: hey, them articles sh...

2020-09-29 06:13:27 647

翻译 你好,WebMIDI

Inspired by this talk by Jean-Philippe Côté I saw at Web Unleashed in Toronto last month, I thought I should dust off the old midi cable. 上个月我在多伦多的Web Unleashed上看到的让-菲利普·科特 ( Jean-PhilippeCôté)的 演讲启发...

2020-09-29 06:03:45 219

翻译 React:启动并运行

I'm a little late (like, omgbbq, 2 months late) with this announcement, but here goes: I published my new book, called "React: Up and Running". Go get it everywhere where books are sold and learn Reac...

2020-09-29 05:54:07 494

翻译 搜索引擎会说JavaScript吗?

A quick survey... So my onlinemusictools.com is a bunch of little React apps. I was wondering - is the JS-generated content of the apps visible in search engines? A quick survey was in order. 快速调查......

2020-09-29 05:44:54 176

翻译 f8 2015

2015 f题So I spoke at Facebook's F8 in San Francisco last week. Actually my teammate Varun spoke mostly, I just interrupted a few times. 所以我上周在旧金山的Facebook F8上发表了讲话。 其实我的队友瓦伦 ( Varun)说话最多 ,只是打了几次。 Am...

2020-09-29 05:34:16 62

翻译 CSS差异

CSS is the worst because it blocks page rendering. The bigger it grows, the more it blocks. And bigger is what CSS becomes if left unattended, as anyone who has worked on any project for more than a f...

2020-09-29 05:25:11 162

翻译 可调电源diy_DIY源图

可调电源diyIn today's world of always having some sort of code transformation before your JS/CSS/HTML reaches the user, e.g. minification, concatenation, es6-to-es3 transpilation, it's nice to be able to ...

2020-09-29 05:16:03 461

翻译 信标性能

Beacons are small requests that our apps make to report some information "home", to the server. Beacons are often used to report visitor stats, JS errors, performance metrics. 信标是我们的应用向服务器报告一些“家”信息的...

2020-09-29 05:06:02 202

翻译 ffmpeg 批量转换_ffmpeg:批量转换

ffmpeg 批量转换Say, a bunch of .wav files to .mp3 说,一堆.wav文件到.mp3 $ for f in *.wav; do ffmpeg -i $f "${f%.*}.mp3"; done Tell your friends about this post on Face...

2020-09-29 04:55:08 731

翻译 亚像素像素值_你好亚像素世界

Since IE9 and Firefox(v.?) we now have subpixel rendering of fonts. This is cool and all but imagine this: 从IE9和Firefox(v。?)开始,我们现在有了fonts的亚像素渲染 。 这很酷,但所有人都可以想象一下: you have some text 你有一些文字 you wan...

2020-09-29 04:45:13 127

翻译 ReActiveTable书签

Previously... React and tables. I've been meaning to improve a little on the table example built with React and a post by Steve was the final push. He shared his "ActiveTable" bookmarklet. 以前... Rea...

2020-09-29 04:35:34 102

翻译 css绝对定位手机差异_CSS差异#2

css绝对定位手机差异Continuing from last night... 从昨晚开始... First, two twitter responses pointed to even more readily-available options for comparing screenshots. One is Wraith from BBC engineers which suppor...

2020-09-29 04:25:33 357



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