


I've never been into crime fiction. I mean I've read The Hound of the Baskervilles, but that's about it. I like Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, looove Kurt Vonnegut, enjoyed On the Road, Catch-22... So it came as a surprise even to me when I started reading Raymond Chandler and actually enjoying it. The thing is I love to learn about the places I visit - culture, people, history, geography. Living and curious about LA now, I came across an article saying that Chandler wrote quite a few things about LA and California that stuck around. Anyway, I picked up a volume, read The Long Goodbye and loved it.

我从未涉足犯罪小说。 我的意思是我已经读过《巴斯克维尔猎犬》,但仅此而已。 我喜欢道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Adams),特里·普拉切特(Terry Pratchett),喜欢库尔特·冯内古特(Kurt Vonnegut),喜欢在路上,Catch-22 ...所以当我开始阅读雷蒙德·钱德勒(Raymond Chandler)并真正享受它时,这甚至让我感到惊讶。 我最想了解的是我所参观的地方-文化,人,历史,地理。 现在,我对洛杉矶生活充满好奇,对我好奇,我碰到一篇文章,说钱德勒写了很多关于洛杉矶和加利福尼亚的文章。 无论如何,我拿起一本书,读了《再见》,并喜欢它。

Just read an article about Chandler's writing process. Since I just started working on my new book, I found the article pretty interesting. The "normal" editing process I think is: you write a draft, you review it and scratch some parts, maybe replacing them with others, adding, removing. Chandler did the opposite - he underlined only the words that will stay in the next draft, everything else is to be rewritten or simply gone. This way he could tighten his sentences if not cut them in half. I like that a lot. Short is good, short is often clearer. It's so easy to be verbose, hoping this will clarify whatever you want to say. But often it isn't. I believe Mark Twain said something like "I would have written you a shorter letter, but I don't have the time"

只需阅读有关钱德勒写作过程的文章。 由于我刚开始写新书,所以发现这篇文章很有趣。 我认为“正常”的编辑过程是:编写草稿,审阅并刮擦某些部分,也许将其替换为其他部分,然后添加,删除。 钱德勒则相反-他只强调将保留在下一次草案中的词语,其他所有内容都将被重写或干脆消失。 这样一来,即使不减半,他也可以收紧句子。 我非常喜欢那个。 空头是好事,空头往往更清晰。 变得很冗长很容易,希望这能澄清您想说的话。 但通常不是。 我相信马克·吐温(Mark Twain)说过类似的话:“我会写一封简短的信给您,但我没有时间”

That makes me think - it's so bad that most computer books today don't aim for brevity, but for volume instead. I've heard authors saying that their publishers love to ship big ass books on the market, because supposedly readers want big books. If it's big, there must be good stuff in there. Luckily my publisher is not like this, of course 🙂 Although they would probably also agree that the overhead of publishing a 100 pages book is pretty much the same as a 1000 pages book. A tiny book still needs to go through the same process as the big one. So why not ship a bigger volume that will look more impressive. Imagine the dialog:

这让我觉得-太糟糕了,以至于当今大多数计算机书籍都不是为了简洁,而是为了数量。 我听说作者说他们的出版商喜欢在市场上出售大型书籍,因为据说读者想要大型书籍。 如果很大,那儿肯定有好东西。 幸运的是,我的出版商当然不是这样的。尽管他们可能也同意出版一本100页的书的费用与一本1000页的书的费用几乎相同。 一本小书仍然需要经历与大书相同的过程。 那么,为什么不发货更大的体积,看起来会更令人印象深刻。 想象一下对话框:

- Honey, how do you want to decorate this room? - Hmm, I'd love to have a shelf of Java books right there, about four feet long. Yes, and right below it, gimme some design patterns and some .NET, half and half. Fabulous!

-亲爱的,你想如何装饰这个房间? -嗯,我很想在那儿放一本Java书架,大约四英尺长。 是的,在它的正下方,给出了一些设计模式和一半的.NET。 极好!

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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/on-raymond-chandlers-writing/






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