


So what I've been up to recently? Having a bit of a break, I guess. First, I'm not currently writing a book, after the last one for which I completed my chapter back in June. That's some free time (There is a very exciting book project on the horizon though, we'll see). Then, I'm not working so much on our new house. Now (August) that my family is back from Bulgaria, and the two little princesses are running around, it's next to impossible to do any construction work, however small.

那么我最近在忙些什么呢? 我想休息一下。 首先,在六月份完成了本章的最后一本书之后,我目前尚不在写书。 这是一些自由时间(在地平线上一个非常令人兴奋的书的项目,虽然,我们会看到)。 然后,我在新房子上工作不多。 现在(八月)我的家人从保加利亚回来了,两个小公主在四处奔走,无论多么小,几乎不可能做任何建筑工作。

I changed my job not so long ago, I'm working for SAP now, here in good old Old Montreal. Meeting smart people every day and learning new things, SAP has quite a bit going on and there's always something to learn. Take the proprietary ABAP programing language for one.

不久前我换了工作,现在在SAP的旧蒙特利尔市工作。 每天与聪明人见面并学习新事物,SAP正在进行很多工作,总有一些东西要学习。 采用专有的ABAP编程语言。

As always a PHP junkie, I looked into what's possible in terms of integration of PHP and SAP. Turns out it's possible and it's fun. There is this open-source SAPRFC PHP extension, that allows you to use PHP to connect to an SAP system and do stuff. Out of this interest a few things happened:

像往常一样,PHP迷们,我研究了PHP和SAP集成方面的可能性。 事实证明这是可能的并且很有趣。 有一个开源的SAPRFC PHP扩展,它使您可以使用PHP连接到SAP系统并执行操作。 出于这种兴趣,发生了一些事情:

  • I published an article at the International PHP Magazine about a tool (or more like a collection of tools), called Scripting In A Box which is developed at SAP. It's one big archive (as in ZIP) which you unpackage to your C:\ drive and you get Apache, MySQL, PHP(+SAPRFC), Perl, Ruby/ROR, Python, Eclispse(+PHPEclipse), all pre-configured and running together. So you can start scripting in minutes. This tool actually gave me a chance to try out and love PHPEclipse, something I've missed, being so attached to my TextPad and ignoring any other way to do PHP. Now I can highly recommend PHPEclipse as a PHP IDE.

    我在《国际PHP杂志》上发表了一篇有关工具(或更像是工具集合)的文章,该文章称为SAP中开发的箱脚本。 这是一个很大的归档文件(如ZIP文件),您可以将其解压缩到C:\驱动器中,并获得Apache,MySQL,PHP(+ SAPRFC),Perl,Ruby / ROR,Python,Eclispse(+ PHPEclipse),所有预配置和一起跑。 因此,您可以在几分钟内开始编写脚本。 实际上,该工具使我有机会尝试并喜欢PHPEclipse,这是我想念的东西,它是如此附着在TextPad上,而忽略了其他任何使用PHP的方法。 现在,我可以极力推荐PHPEclipse作为PHP IDE。

  • Next, some folks at SAP (Thanks Craig, André!) recognized my PHP experience and asked me to do a little demo of SAP+PHP at SAP's big event, called TechEd in Las Vegas. This was quite an experience! Las Vegas is one different place and the conference itself was pretty big with 5000 people, I think. I had a chance to meet guys from SDN (SAP Developers Network), which is quite a vivid community with something like half a million members. You know what's the everage response time when you post a question on the SDN forums? 7 minutes.

    接下来,SAP的一些人(感谢CraigAndré !)认识到了我PHP经验,并要求我在SAP拉斯维加斯大型活动TechEd的大型活动中进行一些SAP + PHP的演示。 这真是一种体验! 拉斯维加斯是一个不同的地方,我认为会议本身规模很大,可容纳5000人。 我有机会认识了SDN (SAP开发人员网络)的成员,该社区是一个活跃的社区,拥有大约50万会员。 您知道在SDN论坛上发布问题时的平均响应时间是多少? 7分钟

  • Then, I wrote another article for IPM, which described the demo I did at TechEd. (I'll add the source code and some screenshots at the bottom of this post.)

    然后,我为IPM撰写了另一篇文章,描述了我在TechEd所做的演示。 (我将在本文的底部添加源代码和一些屏幕截图。)

  • I also contributed one new container for the PEAR::Auth package, it allows you to authenticate users against an SAP system in your PHP app.

    我还为PEAR :: Auth软件包提供了一个新容器,它使您可以在PHP应用程序中针对SAP系统对用户进行身份验证。

  • Another contribution to PEAR was the ABAP language definition for the Text_Highlighter package


  • Finally, I did a little ABAP console, but I'll blog about it seperately and will share the code, of course.

  • ... and my first posting on SDN was published today. The next one will be a sort of a cross-post here and on SDN about the ABAP console thingie.

    ...而我在SDN上的第一篇文章今天发表。 下一个将在此处和SDN上与ABAP控制台内容相关的交叉发布。

I think that's about it for SAP. Otherwise, as usual, I get easily excited by different things, so I've been doing this and that, here and there, on my own terms, relaxing, without any deadlines preasure.

我认为这与SAP有关。 否则,像往常一样,我很容易被不同的东西兴奋,所以我一直在做这个那个在这里那里,对我自己而言放松,没有任何最后期限获得快乐。

On the pipeline, I have a bit of stuff to do, again, small little things I enjoy doing, like helping with one article for the PEAR::MDB2 manual, assembling an extra intro chapter for the PEAR book, helping out with Text_Highlighter (I'm this package's official helper since a few days ago), also doing some work for the Image_Text PEAR package, as well as anything else that comes into the radar any given day. Yeah, this is how I understand relaxation, doing whatever you're passionate about, even if this means less sleep at night. Ah, and I have the test for Canadian citizenship tomorrow, so I should be reading as opposed to writing now (I always do this, the busier I am, the more interesting things I "shoehorn")

在管道上,我还有很多事情要做,我喜欢做一些小事情,例如,帮助编写PEAR :: MDB2手册的一篇文章,为PEAR本书编写一个额外的介绍性章节,以及使用Text_Highlighter(自从几天前以来,我一直是这个程序包的官方助手),还为Image_Text PEAR程序包以及任何在特定日期出现的其他事情做一些工作。 是的,这就是我理解放松的方式,不管您做什么都热衷于放松,即使这意味着晚上睡眠不足。 啊,我明天要接受加拿大国籍的考试,所以我现在应该阅读而不是写作(我总是这样做,我比较忙,我更“有趣”)

SAPRFC / PHP演示文件 (SAPRFC/PHP demo files)

Yeah, the demo app uses YUI and a bit of AJAX and animation to make it a bit sexier.


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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/personal-news-update-nov06/






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