

We’ve accumulated a massive amount of data in the Information Age, which is only increasing as the digital universe grows. By 2020, the digital universe will likely grow to 40,000 exabytes, compared with just 130 in 2005.

在信息时代,我们已经积累了大量的数据,并且随着数字世界的增长而不断增加。 到2020年,数字世界将很可能 增长到40,000 EB,而2005年仅为130 EB。

Because of the wealth of data that is now available, big data has shifted from a novelty to a necessity for businesses in the last few years. Combing through large datasets to pull out relevant insights has applications in nearly every industry. Businesses that want to stay competitive are using big data to become more efficient, improve their marketing, and save money.

由于现在可获得的大量数据,在过去的几年中,大数据已从新颖性转变为企业必需品。 通过对大型数据集进行梳理以获取相关的见解,几乎在每个行业中都有其应用。 想要保持竞争力的企业正在使用大数据来提高效率,改善营销并节省资金。

It’s clear now that big data isn’t going away—but is it helping us? Or is it simply adding more complexity into our lives and society overall that we really don’t need? Let’s take a look at some of the good—and bad—big data has done in our lives in the last few years.

现在很明显,大数据并没有消失,但是对我们有帮助吗? 还是仅仅是增加了我们真正不需要的生活和社会的复杂性? 让我们看一下过去几年中我们生活中的好坏大数据。

Big Data and Online Media


Social media is a great tool for keeping track of friends who live far away, but we’re starting to see the ramifications of big data usage on social platforms. People are tracked through their information and that consumer information is used to determine what kinds of content and advertisements people see.

社交媒体是跟踪居住在远方的朋友的好工具,但我们开始看到社交平台上大数据使用的后果。 跟踪人们的信息,并使用消费者信息来确定人们看到的内容和广告类型。

Now, in some ways, that doesn’t sound too bad. If you’re going to be targeted for advertising, wouldn’t it be nice if those ads were relevant? However, this kind of data collection can lead to things that are darker. Big data and predictive analytics can be used for everything from calculating your credit score to making decisions about visas or even parole. Because these calculations are often inaccurate on an individual level, this use of big data can hurt individuals and cost them opportunities.

现在,从某些方面来说,这听起来还不错。 如果您将要投放广告,如果这些广告具有相关性,那岂不是很好吗? 但是,这种数据收集会导致事情变得更暗。 大数据和预测分析可用于从计算您的信用评分到 做出有关签证甚至假释的决定的所有内容 。 由于这些计算通常在个人层面上不准确,因此使用大数据可能会伤害个人并给他们带来机会。

Big Data and Health


One of the best applications for big data is in the healthcare sector, where clinics and hospitals are improving patient care and cutting costs using these tools. Electronic patient records allow the use of predictive analytics to help recognize risk factors, prevent medication errors, and help healthcare organizations become more efficient. Data synced from patients’ fitness trackers and health apps improve physicians’ ability to monitor their patients and encourages people to stick with healthy habits.

大数据的最佳应用之一是医疗保健领域,其中诊所和医院正在使用这些工具改善患者护理并削减成本。 电子患者记录允许使用预测分析来帮助识别风险因素,防止用药错误并帮助医疗机构提高效率。 从患者的健身追踪器和健康应用程序同步的数据可提高医生监测患者的能力,并鼓励人们坚持健康的习惯。

Although big data in the healthcare industry has many benefits, there are some downsides as well. Moving to electronic records puts patient data at greater risk for theft from cybercriminals. These breaches are extremely common in the industry, due to the fact that medical records were valued at $50 a piece in 2016. In breaches affecting thousands of patients, there’s more than just privacy at stake—there’s a lot of money on the line.

尽管医疗保健行业的大数据有很多好处,但也有一些缺点。 转移到电子记录会使患者数据遭受网络犯罪分子盗窃的风险更大。 这些违规在行业中非常普遍,原因 是2016年 医疗记录的 价值为每张50美元。在影响数千名患者的违规中,不仅仅涉及隐私,而且还有很多钱。

Big Data and Youth


Young people are growing up in a very different world than their parents did. They have access to all the information they’ll ever need, and the online tools at their fingertips can help them to learn and keep up with what’s going on in the world.

年轻人在与父母不同的世界中成长。 他们可以访问所需的所有信息,而唾手可得的在线工具可以帮助他们学习和掌握世界上正在发生的事情。

Unfortunately, this information overload can be draining—it’s a lot for kids and teens to handle. They have their attention pulled in so many different directions at once that focus and attention to suffer. Kids also may not have the scepticism and knowledge to check the information they find on the internet for accuracy, and instead, take it at face value. When they’re surrounded by others’ opinions, it’s hard for them to form their own and they may only care about what their friends think of them.

不幸的是,这种信息超载可能正在排干-儿童和青少年需要处理很多事情。 他们的注意力一下子吸引到了许多不同的方向,从而使注意力和注意力受到影响。 孩子们可能也没有怀疑和知识来检查他们在互联网上找到的信息的准确性,而是以其面值为准。 当他们被别人的观点包围时,他们很难形成自己的观点,他们可能只关心朋友对他们的看法。

It’s critical that parents and kids adapt and understand the need to use a digital platform and data for what they are—tools. Young people growing up in the digital age need to make a real effort to develop face-to-face social skills and improve concentration to offset the effects of social media and other digital tools.

父母和孩子必须适应并理解使用数字平台和数据作为工具的需求,这一点至关重要。 在数字时代成长的年轻人需要做出真正的努力来发展面对面的社交技能,并提高注意力以抵消社交媒体和其他数字工具的影响。

Big Data: A Gray Area


At the end of the day, it’s clear that big data does have its benefits—but it can also cause great harm. Lives can be changed by a single algorithm. It’s helping us to improve organizations, connect, and streamline our lives—but it also takes away from other areas of our lives and leaves us vulnerable. About 2.5 billion gigabytes of information is being created daily, and we need to think about how we can use it for good. Big data can be a grey area in society, and we need to stay vigilant about controlling our information and keeping ourselves safe.

归根结底,很明显大数据确实有其好处-但它也可能造成巨大危害。 生命可以通过一种算法来改变。 它正在帮助我们改善组织,联系并简化生活,但同时也带走了我们生活的其他领域,使我们变得脆弱。 每天大约创建 25亿千兆字节的信息 ,我们需要考虑如何永久使用它。 大数据可能是社会中的灰色地带,我们需要保持警惕,以控制我们的信息并确保自己的安全。

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/33116/Is-Big-Data-Making-Life-Easier.html






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