oracle bi软件_BI软件的7个有用片段

oracle bi软件

The term “business intelligence” was first used in the late 1950's, and was first used to denote a set of technologies called decision support systems. Since then, the term has grown and is now linked to the rise of “big data”. Business intelligence helps businesses make better decisions by tracking and compiling market, human, and environmental data and to transform them into meaningful pieces of information.

“商业智能”一词最早于1950年代后期使用,最初被用来表示称为决策支持系统的一组技术。 从那时起,这个术语不断增加,现在与“大数据”的兴起相关。 商业智能可通过跟踪和汇总市场,人类和环境数据并将其转化为有意义的信息,来帮助企业做出更好的决策。

Business intelligence refers to various applications and covers a wide range of technologies. By using them, businesses can gain a competitive edge by improving their decisions and basing them on insightful and relevant information. Without the BI software to make this job easier, businesses could easily get lost in the huge pile of data that needs to be processed. Everybody deals with data processing in the Information Age, and you need to uncover all the useful information the data provides. 

商业智能指的是各种应用程序,涵盖了广泛的技术。 通过使用它们,企业可以通过改进决策并基于有见识的相关信息来获得竞争优势。 如果没有BI软件来简化这项工作,则企业很容易在需要处理的大量数据中迷失方向。 在信息时代,每个人都会处理数据,因此您需要发现数据提供的所有有用信息。

How does a BI software function?


BI software uses one central database (data warehouse) to store all the disparate compiled data. Other applications can quickly access them by using the extract-transform-load method. Simpler versions of data warehouses are called data marts, which focus on specific subsets of data and are useful to smaller enterprises. 

BI软件使用一个中央数据库(数据仓库)来存储所有不同的编译数据。 其他应用程序可以通过使用extract-transform-load方法快速访问它们。 数据仓库的简单版本称为数据集市,它专注于特定的数据子集,对小型企业很有用。

Data comes in 3 main forms: unstructured (the most common), semi-structured, and structured. The data is then analyzed through: data mining (uncovering inconsistencies and patterns in large sets of data through automated and semi-automated analyses), predictive analysis (forecasting future events based on historical and current data by drawing connections between data sets), and text analytics (combining unstructured data sets to find patterns within large sets of textual data). 

数据有3种主要形式:非结构化(最常见),半结构化和结构化。 然后通过以下方式对数据进行分析:数据挖掘(通过自动和半自动分析发现大数据集中的不一致和模式),预测分析(通过绘制数据集之间的连接来基于历史数据和当前数据预测未来事件)和文本分析(组合非结构化数据集以在大量文本数据中查找模式)。

The reasons for investing in business intelligence are numerous. Business intelligence software are simplified and accessible and those who use analytics are five times more likely to make faster decisions, while the software will allow your business to be more dexterous. Without further ado, these are some of the best BI software on the market that can help you to improve the productivity of your business. 

投资商业智能的原因很多。 商业智能软件经过简化且易于访问,使用分析的人做出更快决策的可能性是其五倍,而该软件将使您的业务更加灵活。 事不宜迟,这些是市场上一些最好的BI软件,可以帮助您提高业务效率。

微观策略 (

MicroStrategy runs against data stored in data warehouses, operational databases, and ERP systems (e.g. SAP and Oracle):


  • Save data on-site or in the cloud via Amazon Web Services;

    通过Amazon Web Services将数据保存在现场或云中;
  • Users may operate it on their desktop computers or via mobile app;

  • There is a free 30-day enterprise evaluation edition which allows you to test the software.


The one primary goal of MicroStrategy BI is helping organisations find informed and timely answers to their questions by leveraging data. Easy-to-understand reports, which are created by powerful dashboards and data analytics, are designed to monitor trends, boost cost-efficiency, improve productivity, fortify client relationships, and forecast new opportunities.

MicroStrategy BI的一个主要目标是通过利用数据来帮助组织找到问题的知情且及时的答案。 由功能强大的仪表板和数据分析创建的易于理解的报告旨在监视趋势,提高成本效益,提高生产率,巩固客户关系并预测新机会。

全景花蜜 (
Panorama Necto)

  •  Accessible to anyone in your organisation due to its visual approach and straightforwardness;

  • Provides dynamic reports on changes and trends through interactive infographics;

  • Leverages and integrates social decision making and power of automated intelligence.


Its visual interface provides its users with a completely customised, interactive and intuitive analytics output in an infographic format, and is the first solution of its kind. Panorama’s AIDEN (Automated Intelligence Driving Engine) automatically provides each user with relevant data and insights by learning user’s unique behaviour. 

它的可视化界面以图表形式为用户提供了完全定制的,交互式的,直观的分析输出,是同类解决方案中的第一个。 Panorama的AIDEN(自动智能驾驶引擎)通过学习用户的独特行为,自动为每个用户提供相关数据和见解。

自适应套件 (
Adaptive Suite)

  •  No tech know-how or programming is required;

  • The Adaptive Suite integrates four CPM and BI solutions: Adaptive Discovery, Adaptive Planning, Adaptive Reporting, and Adaptive Consolidation;

    Adaptive Suite集成了四个CPM和BI解决方案:自适应发现,自适应计划,自适应报告和自适应合并。
  • The tool has flexible drill-down capabilities within and across multi-dimensional and multi-source data.


The only Business Intelligence (BI) and Corporate Performance Management (CPM) solutions suite that allows one to build from the “cloud up” is the Adaptive Suite. Adaptive Insights is very powerful, integrating web and MS Office reporting, collaboration, and a wide variety of other features that are made accessible via the mobile or web app.

自适应套件是唯一允许从“云端”构建的商务智能(BI)和企业绩效管理(CPM)解决方案套件。 Adaptive Insights非常强大,集成了Web和MS Office报告,协作以及可通过移动或Web应用程序访问的各种其他功能。

SAS商业智能 (
SAS Business Intelligence )

  •  The need for IT support and coding is eliminated by auto-charting;

  • Enterprise and business IT solutions create centralised metadata, scalability, and governance

  • ​Big data and related insights are easily understood thanks to data visualisation.


SAS business intelligence is a self-serving tool that helps businesses with inputting the right information, under the right circumstances, at the right time, and to the right people. The tool provides real-time analytics throughout your whole organisation network, allowing any decision-maker or collaborator to monitor and analyse the metrics required for making effective and informed decisions.

SAS商业智能是一种自助服务工具,可帮助企业在正确的环境下,正确的时间和正确的人员输入正确的信息。 该工具可在整个组织网络中提供实时分析,使任何决策者或合作者都可以监视和分析制定有效且明智的决策所需的指标。

Jaspersoft (

  •  Available in the cloud or on-premise;

  • Available to anyone thanks to its scaled architecture and can be integrated into a mobile device or app;

  • Use a web-scalable platform to embed anywhere or download for your device.


Jaspersoft is another business intelligence self-service tool, which means that it generates powerful data insights with little IT intervention. It enables an organisation to make faster decisions by providing them timely and actionable data inside business processes and apps through an analytics platform and embeddable BI reporting. 

Jaspersoft是另一个商业智能自助服务工具,这意味着它几乎不需要IT干预就能生成强大的数据见解。 它通过分析平台和可嵌入的BI报告,在业务流程和应用程序内向他们提供及时且可操作的数据,从而使组织能够更快地做出决策。

InduSoft Web Studio (
InduSoft Web Studio)

  • Cloud-based data accessible from mobile devices or desktop;

  • Easily integrated into “back-office” systems and ERP via built-in relational database connectivity;

  • More than 200 drivers, as well as TCP-IP, OPC (client and server), and PLC are supported by a flexible platform.


Indusoft Web Studio’s supercharged tools to develop various business intelligence solutions take automation to the next level. Its users are enabled to develop customised solutions that can be deployed across MS-supported platforms (Mobile, Windows CE, Server editions or XP Embedded) due to a combination of InduSoft’s Microsoft platform and graphic and design tools. 

Indusoft Web Studio开发各种商业智能解决方案的辅助工具将自动化提升到一个新的水平。 由于InduSoft的Microsoft平台以及图形和设计工具的结合,其用户能够开发自定义解决方案,这些解决方案可以在支持MS的平台(移动,Windows CE,Server版本或XP Embedded)上部署。

Microsoft SharePoint (
Microsoft SharePoint)

  •  Easily accessible data stored in the cloud;

  • SharePoint experience enhances by many add-on apps to creating custom solutions;

  • Easily integrates with Yammer, Microsoft Dynamic solutions, and similar tools.

    轻松与Yammer,Microsoft Dynamic解决方案和类似工具集成。

This business intelligence software is among the most common and popular choices for businesses around the globe. Microsoft SharePoint is a management and analytics solution that is an especially great pick for organisations that already use an SQL Server for storing their information. The tool enables collaboration, makes it easy to share, analyse, and sync company data, and provides security for data labelled as ‘sensitive’.

该商业智能软件是全球企业最普遍和最受欢迎的选择之一。 Microsoft SharePoint是一种管理和分析解决方案,对于已经使用SQL Server存储其信息的组织而言,这是一个特别好的选择。 该工具可实现协作,使其易于共享,分析和同步公司数据,并为标记为“敏感”的数据提供安全性。


oracle bi软件





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