

Whether you’re a college noob or a soon-to-be  pro, these tips are sure to help you in your journey to becoming a programming ninja and stand out from the crowd.


  1. Interview for summer internships early and often. Technical interviews can be difficult if you’re not used to them, often spanning multiple sessions with involved coding puzzles. It is not uncommon to go through several of these before being offered a position, so getting used to them early on will be helpful for the rest of your academic career and beyond.

    暑期实习经常要面试。 如果您不习惯技术面试的话,可能会很困难,通常会涉及涉及编码难题的多个会话。 在获得职位之前经历其中的几种情况并不罕见,因此早日适应它们将对您的其余学术生涯及以后的工作有所帮助。
  2. Choose projects that you are interested in. Many courses have final culminating projects whose scope and subject matter are up to the student with a few course-specific requirements. Focus on a real world problem in the context of what you’re learning in the form of a project that you wouldn’t mind working on even in your free time. It’s not uncommon for students to revisit and improve upon previously completed projects repeatedly over their entire academic career.

    选择您感兴趣的项目。许多课程的最终项目都是最终的,其范围和主题取决于学生,并具有一些特定于课程的要求。 在项目形式的学习环境中关注现实世界中的问题,即使在业余时间,您也不会介意进行工作。 在整个学习生涯中,学生反复访问并改进以前完成的项目并不少见。
  3. Visit your professor’s office hours often, especially if they have a concentration you’re interested in. Professors will often be involved in school projects outside of coursework that you may be interested in contributing to and can offer advice on getting more deeply involved in your field of choice. 

  4. Find out where everyone goes to program and spend time working there. Lasting relationships between peers are often forged over common frustrations over programming assignments and projects. Programming-oriented majors involve many group based projects; you’ll be much better off if you can form groups with friends with whom you have good rapport. 

    找出每个人去哪里学习程序,并花时间在那里工作。 同伴之间的持久关系通常是由于编程工作和项目的普遍挫败而形成的。 面向程序设计的专业涉及许多基于小组的项目。 如果您可以与拥有良好融洽关系的朋友组成小组,那么情况会更好。
  5. Learn how to use a source version control system such as GIT or SVN, even if it isn’t required by one of your courses. Source control will allow you to more easily revert mistakes, recover lost data, and put your hard work on display. Be careful though, many classes consider sharing source code to be a form of cheating, but many project hosting sites will allow students a few free private repositories to use as private storage. 

    即使您的一门课程并不需要,也要学习如何使用源代码版本控制系统,例如GIT或SVN。 源代码控制可让您更轻松地还原错误,恢复丢失的数据并展示您的辛苦工作。 但是要小心,许多班级认为共享源代码是一种作弊形式,但是许多项目托管站点将允许学生使用一些免费的私有存储库来用作私有存储。
  6. Learn how to use the vi editor. Graphical text editing software is nice, but vi is ubiquitous among unix based machines like the ones you will probably be using provided by your school and runs within the terminal. You’ll often find yourself logging into remote machines and wanting to make changes with no graphic interface available which is a use case vi fills perfectly. 

    了解如何使用vi编辑器。 图形文本编辑软件很好用,但是vi在基于unix的机器中无处不在,例如您学校可能使用的机器,并且可以在终端中运行。 您经常会发现自己登录到远程计算机,并希望在没有可用图形界面的情况下进行更改,因此用例vi非常适合。
  7. If you’re in the market for a laptop, get one with a unix based operating system such as Ubuntu or Mac OSX. The further in your school career you get, the more you’ll find yourself dependent on free libraries from others which will often be much more difficult to use on windows based operating systems.  

    如果您在笔记本电脑市场上,请购买带有Unix操作系统的笔记本电脑,例如Ubuntu或Mac OSX。 您在学校从事的职业越远,您越会发现自己依赖于他人的免费图书馆,而这些图书馆通常很难在基于Windows的操作系统上使用。
  8. Don’t overload yourself with core programming classes. A common mistake made by new computer science and software engineering students is to take two to three difficult programming courses at the same time. Not only is this difficult to pull off with decent grades, you’ll learn less and risk frustrating group members with your lack of availability. Ask around to see which courses are the difficult ones and take them one at a time in tandem with general education courses. 

    不要让核心编程类重载自己。 新的计算机科学和软件工程专业学生犯的一个常见错误是,同时学习两到三门困难的编程课程。 这不仅很难获得体面的成绩,而且您将学到更少的知识,并因缺乏可用性而使小组成员感到沮丧。 询问周围哪些课程比较困难,然后与通识教育课程同时选修。
  9. Get some sleep! Programming students often think that they have to pull all-nighters regularly which is a common misconception. Fatigue will make your code sloppy and more error prone and you may find you worked on a project much longer over the course of a few all-nighters than if you were to work on it incrementally over more days. When the projects start to get bigger and more difficult, you’ll find that this strategy no longer works at all. 

    睡一会儿! 程序设计专业的学生通常认为他们必须定期吸引通宵人员,这是一个常见的误解。 疲劳会使您的代码草率,并且更容易出错,并且您可能发现,在一个通宵的过程中,您从事项目的工作要比在更多天中逐步进行处理的时间更长。 当项目开始变得越来越大,越来越困难时,您会发现该策略不再有效。
  10. Have other hobbies besides programming. Focusing on any one thing for too long will cause burn out, especially when that one thing is programming. Having some outside hobbies will make it easier to find friends, relax and reset your mind, and will make you a more well-rounded person. 

    除了编程,还有其他爱好。 专注于任何一件事情太长时间都会导致工作倦怠,尤其是当一件事情正在编程时。 拥有一些外部兴趣爱好将使找朋友,放松身心和重新设定主意变得更加容易,并使您变得更加全面。
  11. Find a support site. When your professor isn’t available and your peers don’t know, asking a question online is often the next best thing. Eventually, you can even begin helping others to hone your skills and earn some points.

    查找支持站点。 当您的教授不在家而您的同龄人不知道时,在线提问通常是下一个最好的选择。 最终,您甚至可以开始帮助他人磨练您的技能并获得积分。
James BilousJames Bilous

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/28600/11-Must-Knows-for-Programming-Students.html






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