

Originally, this post was published on Monitis Blog, you can check it here.

最初,此帖子发布在Monitis Blog上,您可以在此处查看

In business circles, we sometimes hear that today is the “age of the customer.” And so it is. Thanks to the enormous advances over the past few years in consumer technologies such as mobile and social media, customers are the ones who “shop with their voice” so to speak. The world of blog, forums, and numerous other social media channels over the past decade have provided consumers with unheard of power to determine their choice of products, brands, and services. Because of this power customer expectations have also gone through the roof. Continuing advances in technology, along with the “consumerization of IT,” has meant that companies are now expected to offer real-time, 24/7 service to meet the demands of mobile savvy customers.

在商业界,我们有时会听到今天是“客户的年龄”。 就是这样。 由于过去几年在诸如移动和社交媒体之类的消费技术方面取得了巨大进步,因此,客户可以说是“用自己的声音购物”。 在过去的十年中,博客,论坛和许多其他社交媒体渠道的世界为消费者提供了闻所未闻的决定产品,品牌和服务选择的能力。 由于这种力量,客户的期望值也得到了体现。 技术的不断进步,以及“ IT的消费化”,意味着现在期望公司提供实时的24/7全天候服务,以满足精明的移动客户的需求。

Today, it’s all about meeting the customer needs and getting them to buy your products. And in order to do so, companies need to ensure their applications and websites are in tip-top shape. Customers simply will not have any patience for a website or application that is error prone or buggy or one that takes forever to load. This is why website performance and application monitoring is so central to your business strategy.

今天,这一切都是为了满足客户需求并促使他们购买您的产品。 为此,公司需要确保其应用程序和网站处于最佳状态。 客户根本不会对容易出错或有错误的网站或应用程序或永远需要加载的网站或应用程序有任何耐心。 这就是为什么网站性能和应用程序监视对您的业务战略如此重要的原因。

We talk about this subject a lot because it’s really so critical to the bottom-line of a business. And it’s even becoming more incumbent today as the demands of new technologies like the Internet of Things and wearables mean that customers are interacting with companies and their products through more endpoints than ever before. All of these channels require performance monitoring to ensure that things run as efficiently and optimally as possible. At the end of the day, web performance is really about keeping the customers happy.

我们谈论这个主题很多,因为它对于企业的底线至关重要。 随着物联网和可穿戴设备等新技术的需求意味着客户与企业及其产品之间的交互比以往任何时候都要多,如今它变得越来越重要。 所有这些通道都需要性能监控,以确保事情尽可能高效和最佳地运行。 归根结底,网络性能实际上是要让客户满意。

In what follows, we want to do a reality check by discussing 7 “sure fire” ways to improve your web performance and make sure your customers keep coming back. After all, your business ROI really depends on it!

接下来,我们希望通过讨论7种“确保成功”的方法来进行现实检查,以改善您的网络性能并确保您的客户不断回来。 毕竟,您的企业投资回报率确实取决于它!

1.保持快速! (1. Keep Things Fast!)

Research shows a clear relationship between web load speed and customer conversions. The faster a page loads the more likely customers will be to visit and do business on your site. The inverse is also true. The slower a page the less likely customers will be willing to wait around and engage with your brand. While this seems fairly straightforward, it’s surprising how few business owners really get the importance of website performance and the role it plays in their business strategy. It might be nice to have a trendy looking website, but if it takes 10 seconds to load visitors won’t hang around long enough to appreciate all the bells and whistles anyway.

研究表明 ,Web加载速度与客户转化之间存在明确的关系。 页面加载的速度越快,客户访问您的网站并开展业务的可能性就越大。 反之亦然。 网页越慢,客户愿意等待与您的品牌互动的可能性就越小。 尽管这似乎很简单,但令人惊讶的是,很少有企业主真正了解网站性能的重要性及其在其业务战略中的作用。 拥有一个外观时尚的网站可能会很好,但是如果加载需要10秒钟,访问者就不会流连忘返,无法欣赏所有风吹草动。

2.使您的中央信息清晰明了 (2. Make Your Central Message Crystal Clear)

From the moment visitors hit your page you want to give them a clear reason for why they should stick around. To do this you need to deliver your central message as quickly, clearly, and convincingly as possible. Don’t make your home page so convoluted that folks don’t know what action to take. Use large font, go generous on the content, and create clear pathways to the channels they need to purchase your product . . . period, end of story.

从访问者访问您的页面的那一刻起,您想给他们一个清楚的理由,说明他们为什么要坚持下去。 为此,您需要尽快,清晰,令人信服地传达中心信息。 不要让您的主页过于混乱,以至于人们不知道要采取什么行动。 使用大字体,慷慨地展示内容,并为他们购买产品所需的渠道创建清晰的途径。 。 。 时期,故事的结尾。


3.给访问者返回的理由 (3. Give Visitors a Reason to Return)

So you’ve got some visitors, now what? Well, that’s only half the battle. Studies show that most will not purchase on the first visit. So you need to give visitors a solid reason to return to your website. Do this by providing them with something useful, something they can’t refuse. Provide practical articles, a regularly updated blog, a newsfeed, or other user-generated content . . . anything that will engage your visitors and provide them with something of value.

所以您有一些访客,现在呢? 好吧,那只是成功的一半。 研究表明 ,大多数人不会在首次访问时就购买商品。 因此,您需要给访问者一个坚实的理由,使其返回您的网站。 为此,向他们提供一些有用的东西,他们不能拒绝的东西。 提供实用的文章,定期更新的博客,新闻源或其他用户生成的内容。 。 。 任何会吸引您的访客并为其提供有价值的东西的东西。

4.检查您的虚拟主机 (4. Check Your Web Hosting)

When reviewing web performance one of the first things to check is your web hosting service. It’s surprising how many times this gets overlooked. Even though your provider may offer you unlimited bandwidth, does that mean shared service with other sites that end up affecting your own web performance? Are you frequently experiencing downtime or bandwidth issues? If so, it’s worthwhile to review your hosting options to ensure you’re getting the most efficient service. Don’t be afraid to insist on 99.99% uptime.

审查网络性能时,首先要检查的是您的网络托管服务。 令人惊讶的是,有多少次被忽略了。 即使您的提供商可能为您提供无限带宽,这是否意味着与其他站点的共享服务最终会影响您自己的Web性能? 您是否经常遇到停机或带宽问题? 如果是这样,则值得检查您的托管选项,以确保获得最有效的服务。 不要害怕坚持99.99%的正常运行时间。

5.使用网络分析和收集指标 (5. Use Web Analytics & Gather Metrics)

To some, this sounds like a well-worn cliché by now, but it needs to be drilled in more and more. If you’re not tracking the behavior of your visitors with metrics then you’re leaving money on the table. There are many web analytics tools on the market today that can help you closely monitor your customer’s online behaviors. The ability to track a single customer across your site and across multiple devices will ensure that you can tailor your brand to their needs. For instance, you want to learn more about when and where they’re visiting from, what devices they’re using, what are their online activities, and other key demographics such as age. Gaining these insights will help your organization better understand what’s important to your visitors and how to personalize their experience.

在某些情况下,这听起来像是陈旧的陈词滥调,但它需要被越来越多地钻研。 如果您不使用指标来跟踪访客的行为,那么您就没有钱了。 当今市场上有许多Web分析工具可以帮助您密切监视客户的在线行为。 在整个站点和多个设备上跟踪单个客户的能力将确保您可以根据自己的需求定制品牌。 例如,您想了解更多有关他们何时何地访问,他们正在使用什么设备,他们的在线活动是什么以及其他关键人口统计信息(例如年龄)的信息。 获得这些见解将帮助您的组织更好地了解什么对访问者很重要以及如何个性化他们的体验。

6.轻松设计“最佳实践” (6. Take It Easy on Design ‘Best Practices’)

Increasing the size of your website images, third-party scripts, and style sheets come with a heavy price and can adversely affect performance. This is especially true in the world of mobile. Over 50% of all time consumers spend on retails site is on mobile devices and more than 50% of consumers multiscreen during the purchasing. According to this slide deck, some of the worst practices are web pages that are initially blank and then populate, pages where the call to action is the last thing to render, popups that block the rest of the page, and designing and testing in a way that the user experience is completely overlooked.

增加网站图像,第三方脚本和样式表的大小会带来沉重的代价,并且可能会对性能产生不利影响。 在移动世界中尤其如此。 消费者在零售网站上花费的所有时间中,有超过50%的时间是在移动设备上,而在购买过程中,有超过50%的消费者使用多屏。 根据该幻灯片的介绍 ,一些最差的做法是:最初是空白然后填充的网页,号召性用语是最后呈现的页面,阻止页面其余部分的弹出式窗口以及在完全忽略用户体验的方式。

7.采用基于云的网站监控 (7. Adopt Cloud-Based Website Monitoring)

There are significant advantages to offloading your website monitoring to a cloud-based host – cost, scalability, efficiency, to name a few. Not to mention, this frees you up to focus on growing your business, which matters the most anyway.

将您的网站监视卸载到基于云的主机上具有显着的优势-成本,可伸缩性,效率等等。 更不用说,这使您可以腾出精力专注于发展业务,这反而是最重要的。

If you’d like to get onboard with the latest in cloud-based monitoring then you should try a 24/7 monitoring service like Monitis. With its first-class global service, Monitis allows organizations to monitor their network anytime and from anywhere. For instance, with Monitis you can load test your website to determine at what point it starts creating traffic issues. They’ll also send you timely alerts by every possible means (live phone messages, text, email, Twitter, etc.) to keep you apprised about your site performance. If your web hosting services go down then Monitis will be first to let you know.

如果您想使用最新的基于云的监视功能,则应尝试使用Monitis等24/7监视服务。 凭借其一流的全球服务,Monitis使组织可以随时随地监视其网络。 例如,使用Monitis,您可以对您的网站进行负载测试,以确定它在什么时候开始造成流量问题。 他们还将通过各种可能的方式(实时电话消息,文本,电子邮件,Twitter等)向您发送及时警报,以使您了解网站的性能。 如果您的网络托管服务出现故障,那么Monitis将首先让您知道。

When it comes to monitoring your website, you don’t want to shortchange yourself. Get the peace of mind you deserve by entrusting your business to a proven industry leader. Go to Monitis and sign up for a free trial today and let them help boost your bottom-line. You’ll be glad you did!

当涉及到监视您的网站时,您不希望自己变短。 通过将您的业务委托给经过验证的行业领导者来获得应有的安心。 立即前往Monitis并注册免费试用版 ,让他们帮助您提高收入。 您会很高兴的!

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/30725/7-Sure-Fire-Ways-To-Improve-Your-Web-Performance-Strategy.html


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