

Consumers’ practices are changing at a rapid pace. Today, consumers come to the purchase decision well before they reach out to the sales team. This is why it is very important to think about adjusting the marketing strategy according to the 3 stages of the

消费者的习惯正在Swift变化。 今天,消费者在联系销售团队之前就已经做出购买决定。 这就是为什么考虑根据广告的三个阶段调整营销策略非常重要的原因

buyer’s journey: awareness, consideration, and decision.  买方的旅程 :意识,考虑和决定。


The Awareness Stage 



This is the first stage of the buyer’s journey. At this stage, the buyer is probably completely unaware of your company’s existence. They are also unaware that they have a certain need that you can fulfill. 

这是买方旅程的第一阶段。 在此阶段,买方可能完全不知道您公司的存在。 他们也没有意识到他们有一定的需求可以满足。

How can a buyer be interested in your product or service if they do not know you exist? This is a rhetorical question, of course. What you need to do here is to create awareness of your brand. 

如果买方不知道您的存在,那么他们如何对您的产品或服务感兴趣? 当然,这是一个反问。 您需要在这里做的是建立您的品牌知名度。

Your potential buyer needs to understand your industry and how you can help them with a particular problem. You should create informational content that does not directly advertise your product, service or brand. It should only address the buyer’s pain points

您的潜在买家需要了解您的行业以及如何为他们解决特定问题。 您应该创建不直接宣传您的产品,服务或品牌的信息性内容。 它只能解决买方的痛点


Buyer’s Research 


Once a buyer becomes aware of the fact that they have a certain pain point, they will begin their research. Most of the buyers will turn to Google for their research. At this stage, the buyers are usually looking for educational material, testimonials, and customer reviews. 

一旦购买者意识到他们有一定的痛苦点,他们将开始他们的研究。 大多数买家将求助于Google进行研究。 在此阶段,买家通常在寻找教育材料,推荐书和客户评论。

You should have these pieces of content readily available on your website. There are many marketing automation tools that you can utilize to track content downloads and to collect the information about your prospects. Think about creating paid surveys such as this one to gather more information about your potential buyers. But you should not go ahead with the sales pitch just yet. 

您应该在网站上随时提供这些内容。 您可以使用许多营销自动化工具来跟踪内容下载并收集有关潜在客户的信息。 考虑创建像这样的付费调查 ,以收集有关潜在买家的更多信息。 但是您现在不应该继续推销。


Criteria Prioritization 


After a considerable amount of research, the buyers are now aware of the criteria that do or do not meet their needs. This allows them to prioritize questions that they will ask during the product demos. At this point, the buyers will start eliminating the vendors that they believe will not be able to cater to their needs. They might narrow their choice to just 2 or 3 brands. 

经过大量的研究,购买者现在知道满足或不满足其需求的标准。 这样,他们就可以确定在产品演示过程中将要提出的问题的优先级。 此时,买方将开始淘汰他们认为无法满足其需求的卖方。 他们可能会将选择范围缩小到2个或3个品牌。

At this stage, it is critical to have educational pieces of content such as white papers, industry reports and analyst reports readily available on your website. This stage (Awareness) is all about building trust with the buyers. 

在此阶段,至关重要的是要在您的网站上提供教育性内容,例如白皮书,行业报告和分析师报告。 这个阶段(意识)就是与买家建立信任。

They should be able to recognize your company as a valuable source of information. Consider building a few lead nurturing campaigns which will help you to gradually deliver content to the buyers through form completion. This leads us to the Consideration stage of the buyer’s journey. 

他们应该能够将您的公司视为有价值的信息来源。 考虑制作一些潜在客户培养活动 ,这将帮助您通过表格填写逐步将内容交付给买方。 这使我们进入了买方旅程的考虑阶段。





As the buyers go through the awareness stage of their journey, they narrow their choices down to just a few brands of interest. At this point, most of the buyers will return to Google to further their initial research. 

当买家经历其旅程的认知阶段时,他们将选择范围缩小到仅几个感兴趣的品牌。 此时,大多数买家都将返回Google进行进一步的初步研究。

They will look at each company specifically to find out how each of them can relieve their pain points. As the buyers continue researching, you should use your marketing automation tool to adjust their scores and thus keep track of their interest in your product. 

他们将专门研究每个公司,以找出每个公司如何减轻痛苦。 随着买家继续研究,您应该使用营销自动化工具来调整他们的得分,从而跟踪他们对您产品的兴趣。


Buyers Compare Different Products 


There is a certain point in the buyer's journey when the buyers begin doing in- depth comparisons of the vendors whose product they consider using. Now the buyers will start reaching out to sales representatives. They want to know additional things regarding the product or service to find out exactly what features could be useful to their team. 

当买方开始对他们考虑使用其产品的卖方进行深入比较时,买方的旅程就有一定意义。 现在,买家将开始与销售代表联系。 他们想了解有关产品或服务的其他信息,以准确找出对他们的团队有用的功能。

The buyers now begin to identify their pain points. The sales team should use the valuable information gathered by the marketing automation tool to customize the conversation with each of the potential buyers.

现在,购买者开始确定他们的痛点。 销售团队应使用营销自动化工具收集的有价值的信息来定制与每个潜在买家的对话。




The buyers are slowly but surely approaching the decision stage of their journeys. But before they make the decision to purchase, they will first want a sign- off from one of the c-level executives. They will focus on those pieces of content that deal with ROI and pricing so that they could justify their investment. 

买家正在缓慢但必定会接近其旅程的决定阶段。 但是,在他们决定购买之前,他们首先要从一位C级高管那里签字。 他们将专注于那些涉及投资回报率和定价的内容,以便可以证明其投资合理性。

Here, you should stop using the marketing- friendly vocabulary and focus on speaking the C-suite language. Focus on the bigger picture by using the phrases such as “return on investment” and “increase revenue” instead of “creative new approach” or “revolutionary product”. Now the buyer moves on to the last stage of the buyer’s journey- the decision stage. 

在这里,您应该停止使用与市场营销相关的词汇,而应专注于讲C套件语言。 通过使用诸如“投资回报率”和“增加收入”之类的短语,而不是“创造性的新方法”或“革命性产品”,着眼于更大的前景。 现在,买方进入买方旅程的最后阶段-决策阶段。





After the buyers have been supported by the upper management, they are ready to decide upon a vendor whose product they would like to purchase. Things that they are thinking about here are initial costs, implementation, preparation, as well as customer support. 

在采购员得到高层管理人员的支持之后,他们准备决定要购买其产品的供应商。 他们在这里考虑的事情是初始成本,实施,准备和客户支持。

Now it is time for you to create content that is specific to your brand. You should focus on things like customer success stories, case studies, and positive reviews. Nothing speaks better to a potential buyer than testimonials of satisfied customers. 

现在是时候创建与品牌有关的内容了。 您应该专注于客户成功案例,案例研究和正面评价之类的事情。 对于潜在的买家而言,没有什么比满意的客户的评价更好。


The Purchase 


Your buyers are now ready to make a purchase. It has probably taken them days, weeks or even months to make that important decision. Now it is time for implementation and paperwork. However, the buyers still have things to do, like researching the best practices of using the product, implementation and more. 

您的买家现在可以进行购买了。 他们可能需要几天,几周甚至几个月的时间才能做出这个重要决定。 现在是实施和文书工作的时候了。 但是,购买者仍然有事要做,例如研究使用产品的最佳实践,实施等。

The content you create should not only be aimed at the potential buyers but on your customers as well. You should consider creating content that explains some of the advanced features of your product and how they can utilize it  to its full potential. Your customers will be even more satisfied to learn about how to fully utilize their new product. 

您创建的内容不仅应针对潜在买家,而且还应针对您的客户。 您应该考虑创建说明产品某些高级功能的内容,以及它们如何充分利用它。 您的客户将更加满意地了解如何充分利用他们的新产品。


Customer Evangelists


This is the best and the most rewarding part of the buyer’s journey. This is when the satisfied customers become brand evangelists and start advertising your product based on how much it helped them with a certain pain point. Those customers will become crucial to your marketing efforts and you should work hard to attain them. 

这是买方旅程中最好,最有意义的部分。 在这种情况下,满意的客户成为了品牌宣传人员,并根据产品在一定程度上帮助他们的痛苦程度开始宣传您的产品。 这些客户对于您的营销工作将变得至关重要,您应该努力实现这些目标。

Happy customers are the best marketing investments you can make. This is because word-of-mouth marketing is the only form of marketing that comes from the customer and not the company. Make customers happy and they will make you happy in return. 

客户满意是您可以做出的最佳营销投资。 这是因为口碑营销是唯一一种来自客户而非公司的营销方式。 让客户满意,他们会让您满意。


All Journeys Come to an End


But this is a happy ending for the both parties. 


By carefully planning out your marketing strategy according to the buyer’s journey stages, not only will you be able to make a sale and acquire valuable customers but you will make the customer happy and they will return the favor by word-of-mouth marketing.


As this is only a quick review of the buyer’s journey, take some time to inform yourself as much as you can about the stages if the buyer's journey, so that you can be on your way to creating successful marketing strategies. 


翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/28804/The-Evolution-of-the-Marketing-Funnel-the-Buyer-s-Journey.html






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