
Here is how to use MFC's automatic Radio Button handling in your dialog boxes and forms.  Beginner programmers usually start with a OnClick handler for each radio button and that's just not the right way to go.  MFC has a very cool system for handling this, but the documentation is a bit unclear, and it helps to see the whole system in action.  

这是在对话框和窗体中使用MFC自动单选按钮处理的方法。 初学者通常从每个单选按钮的OnClick处理程序开始,但这并不是正确的方法。 MFC有一个非常酷的系统来处理此问题,但是文档尚不清楚,它有助于查看整个系统的运行情况。

I'll also show a useful technique of creating an enumeration variable to simplify identification and processing of the selected option.  And I'll describe how to disable sub-items that are related to just one of the radio-button options to give your U/I that truly professional look.

我还将展示一种创建枚举变量的有用技术,以简化对选定选项的识别和处理。 我将介绍如何禁用与单选按钮选项之一相关的子项,以使您的U / I具有

Example Dialog or Form

But when there are only two or three options, it's usually best to show a set of Radio Buttons in your dialog (BTW... Never use a radio button when there is only one option -- use a checkbox instead).


MFC provides the tools, but the Wizard support is a bit finicky -- you need to do things in the right order if you want the Wizard to work for you,  You can also add the radio-group handling manually, but it's worth knowing The MFC way.


1个 (1)


In the example, there are three radio buttons.  There are some additional settings related to only the third option ("Custom").

在示例中,有三个单选按钮。 还有一些仅与第三个选项(“自定义”)相关的其他设置。

2 (2)


It's important that the radio buttons are numbered sequentially.  To set the tab order, use the menu command

请务必对单选按钮进行顺序编号,这一点很重要。 要设置选项卡顺序,请使用菜单命令

    Format / Tab Order (Ctrl+D)  

格式/制表符顺序(Ctrl + D)

Click on each control in the order you want them.  In particular, make sure that the radio buttons have sequential numbers.

单击每个控件所需的顺序。 特别是,请确保单选按钮具有序号。

Setting the Tab Order

3 (3)

Set the Group attribute to True for the first button only.  


Click on the other items to verify that "Group" is set to False.


Important: Set the FIRST one to "Group"

4 (4)

您需要在DDataExchange函数中添加DDX_Radio行。 让我们为您做向导吧。

In the Dialog Editor:


Right-click the top radio button and choose Add Variable... Set (in this order):

右键单击顶部的单选按钮,然后选择“ 添加变量...集”(按此顺序):

        Category:  Value

类别: 价值

  Variable type:  int

变量类型: int

Variable name:  m_eRdoGrpFrab

变量名称: m_eRdoGrpFrab

Adding an 'int' Value Variable to the Dialog

My DoDataExchange function now looks like:


void CMyOptsDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
	DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_RADIO1, m_eRdoGrpFrab);  // <<--- Note
	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT3, m_sLogFile);

that can be set to 0, 1, or 2 (Standard, Partial, or Custom).  When you run the dialog, you'll simply set it like so:

可以设置为0,12(标准,部分,或自定义)。 运行对话框时,只需像这样进行设置:

	CMyOptsDlg dlg;
	dlg.m_eRdoGrpFrab= 0; // or 0,1, or 2
	int nResp= dlg.DoModal();
	if (nResp == IDOK) {
		... etc...

[step="" title="An Additional Slightly Advanced (but very useful) Technique"][/step]You can use the literal values 0,1, and 2 in your programming, but this is a perfect time to use the more advanced technique of setting up an enumerated datatype; there are only three options, so give each one a name.  It makes your code self-documenting and it's cool to see the names (rather than arbitrary integers) when debugging.  Add this to the header for the dialog:

[step =“” title =“是一种稍微高级的附加技巧,但非常有用)”] [/ step]您可以在编程中使用文字值0,1和2,但这是使用更多文字的绝佳时机建立枚举数据类型的先进技术; 只有三个选项,所以给每个选项起一个名字。 它使您的代码具有自我说明性,并且在调试时看到名称(而不是任意整数)很酷。 将此添加到对话框的标题:

	//int m_eRdoGrpFrab;  // the Wizard added this... change to:
	typedef enum { FrabStd=0, FrabPartial=1, FrabCustom=2 } FrabOpts;
	FrabOpts m_eRdoGrpFrab;
  DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_RADIO1, (int&)m_eRdoGrpFrab);  // <<--- Note (int&) cast
	dlg.m_eRdoGrpFrab= CMyOptsDlg::FrabPartial;
	if (dlg.m_eRdoGrpFrab==CMyOptsDlg::FrabCustom ) {

[step="" title="About that Automatic Enabling..."][/step]Looking at the example in Figure 1-1, note that when the first or second radio button is selected, input items relating to "Custom" are disabled.  This is good U/I design.  The user can't modify these settings because they make no sense unless Custom is selected.  And you should want to disable the labels, as well as the controls.  That sort of little enhancement is what separates the high-paid, top-tier programmers from the novices who get laid off in the first downsizing pass.  Which one do you want to be? :-)

[step =“” title =“关于该自动启用...”] [/ step]查看 g在图1-1中的示例中,请注意,当选择第一个或第二个单选按钮时,与“自定义”相关的输入项将被禁用。 这是很好的U / I设计。 用户无法修改这些设置,因为除非选择了“自定义”,否则它们毫无意义。 而且您应该要禁用标签以及控件。 这种一

In order to disable those other controls, do the following:  


1) First, make sure the tab order is correct/sequential for the entire set.  


2) Give a symbolic name (other than IDC_STATIC) to the first and last label.


3) Double-click each radio button to have the wizard provide an OnClick handler.  


I usually collapse my code so that it looks like this:


void CMyOptsDlg::OnBnClickedRadio1(){ DoEnabling(); }
void CMyOptsDlg::OnBnClickedRadio2(){ DoEnabling(); }
void CMyOptsDlg::OnBnClickedRadio3(){ DoEnabling(); }
//--------------------- Utilities for disabling a range of dialog items (labels and controls)
void EnableDlgItm( CDialog* pDlg, int nId, BOOL fEnable/*=TRUE*/ )
    CWnd* pwnd= pDlg->GetDlgItem( nId );
    if (pwnd ) {
        pwnd->EnableWindow( fEnable );

void EnableDlgItmRange( CDialog* pDlg, int nIdFirst/*=-1*/, int nIdLast/*=-1*/, BOOL fEnable/*=TRUE*/ )
    CWnd* pwnd;
    if ( nIdFirst == -1 ) { // IDC_STATIC
        pwnd= pDlg->GetWindow( GW_CHILD );   // first Child
        nIdFirst= pwnd->GetDlgCtrlID();
    pwnd= pDlg->GetDlgItem( nIdFirst );
    while ( pwnd ) {
        pwnd->EnableWindow( fEnable );
        pwnd= pwnd->GetWindow( GW_HWNDNEXT ); 
        if ( pwnd ) pwnd->EnableWindow( fEnable );
        if ((nIdLast != -1) && (pwnd && pwnd->GetDlgCtrlID() == nIdLast)) {
//--------------------------- Using this in the dialog
void CMyOptsDlg::DoEnabling() 
    UpdateData(TRUE);  //--- find out what's been selected
    //----------------------------- disable some items when "Custom" is not selected
    BOOL fEnab= (m_eRdoGrpFrab == FrabCustom); 
    EnableDlgItmRange( this, IDC_LblCustomStart, IDC_LblCustomEnd, fEnab );

4) In your OnInitDialog function make a call to the DoEnabling() function.




The MFC coders at Microsoft implemented support for automatically handling a group of radio buttons.   This Article has described how to use that support quickly and easily.  Knowing how the MFC Wizard works will make these U/I design and implementation tasks easier.   And when you know the system, you can use more advanced techniques to make your forms more professional.

Microsoft的MFC编码器实现了对自动处理一组单选按钮的支持。 本文介绍了如何快速,轻松地使用该支持。 了解MFC向导的工作方式将使这些U / I设计和实现任务更加容易。 而且,当您了解系统后,就可以使用更高级的技术来使表格更专业。


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