vb3.0 升级vb6.0_将VB6升级到VB.NET(性能改进)

本文详细介绍了如何将VB6应用程序升级到VB.NET 2008,包括使用Visual Studio 2008升级向导、更改目标框架、错误修正、代码更新和提高DoEvents性能的技巧。通过这些步骤,可以实现性能显著提升,使VB.NET应用比VB6运行更快。

vb3.0 升级vb6.0

I'm currently working for a company where I have to upgrade over 50 VB6 programs to VB.NET 2008.  So far I'm about half way through, and I've learned quite a few tricks that drastically improve the performance of VB.NET apps.

我目前在一家公司工作,我必须将50多个VB6程序升级到VB.NET2008。到目前为止,我已经完成了一半,而且我学到了许多技巧,可以极大地改善VB的性能。 NET应用程序。

Because there are a lot of programmers that are going to be making this move, I thought I would share this information.  I'm certain it will be very valuable to those who are faced with this task.

因为有很多程序员将采取这一行动,所以我想我会分享这些信息。 我相信这对于那些面临这项任务的人来说将是非常有价值的。

One of the first things to think about is whether you want to upgrade your VB6 program to a VB.NET 2008 Windows Forms application or a VB.NET 2008 Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.  If you are upgrading to VB.NET 2005, then you don't have the WPF option, but if you are upgrading to VB.NET 2008, then you do, and you may choose to use it.  

首先要考虑的事情之一是是否要将VB6程序升级到VB.NET 2008 Windows Forms应用程序或VB.NET 2008 Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF)应用程序。 如果要升级到VB.NET 2005,则没有WPF选项,但是如果要升级到VB.NET 2008,则可以,并且可以选择使用它。

Why would you want to upgrade a VB6 Windows Forms application to WPF?  Because that is the future of Windows programming.  Windows Forms have been using the same technology for more than 15 years, and are now at the very beginning of their sunset.  Windows Forms applications use User32 (User before 32-bit) and GDI/GDI+ for gui rendering, but WPF applications use DirectX for gui rendering, which is much more powerful.  Additionally, WPF uses Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) to define the layout of the interface, and instantiate .NET objects.

您为什么要将VB6 Windows窗体应用程序升级到WPF? 因为那是Windows编程的未来。 Windows Forms使用相同的技术已有15多年了,现在才刚刚起步。 Windows Forms应用程序使用User32(32位之前的用户)和GDI / GDI +进行gui渲染,但是WPF应用程序使用DirectX进行gui渲染,功能更强大。 此外,WPF使用可扩展应用程序标记语言(XAML)定义接口的布局,并实例化.NET对象。

By far, the easiest choice is to upgrade a VB6 Windows Forms application to a VB.NET 2008 Windows Forms application. Since Windows Forms are going to be around for quite a while, we'll take a look at that.

到目前为止,最简单的选择是将VB6 Windows窗体应用程序升级到VB.NET 2008 Windows窗体应用程序。 由于Windows窗体将存在很长一段时间,因此我们将对其进行研究。

Here are some steps and tips for upgrading a VB6 Windows Forms application to a VB.NET 2008 Windows

以下是将VB6 Windows窗体应用程序升级到VB.NET 2008 Windows的一些步骤和技巧。

Forms Application:


     Use VS 2008's Upgrade Wizard

使用VS 2008的升级向导

     Change the Target Framework


     Delete the Upgrade Report


     Correct all errors


     Update Code


     Add API's to increase DoEvents performance.


1.使用Visual Studio 2008升级向导 (1. Using the Visual Studio 2008 Upgrade Wizard)

     Open Visual Studio 2008

打开Visual Studio 2008

     From the File menu, select Open | Project/Solution

从文件菜单中,选择打开|。 项目/解决方案

         -  Navigate to the VB6 project that you want to upgrade, and select it.


         -  The Upgrade Wizard will start automatically.


         -  Click "Next" through each window of the Wizard until the Wizard begins the conversion.


     ** Upgrade Errors:


     I have encountered some VB6 projects that did not complete the Upgrade Wizard, and would not


     upgrade. A couple of the errors I received were:  "Upgrade failed:  General error accessing file 'C'"

升级。 我收到的几个错误是:“升级失败:访问文件'C'时出现一般错误”

     and "Unable to read the project file..."  


     If you have a problem upgrading a VB6 application to VB.NET, then you have 3 options:


          1.  Install Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 (SP1) and try it again.

1.安装Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1(SP1),然后重试。

          2.  Use the command-line version of the Wizard.  


               This is the same Upgrade engine that is used by the VS IDE Upgrade Wizard, but for some reason

这是VS IDE升级向导使用的同一升级引擎,但是出于某些原因

               it worked every time a VB6 program crashed during upgrade.  Here's how:

每次在升级过程中VB6程序崩溃时,它都起作用。 这是如何做:

                   -  Create a folder on the C:\ with a short name (like "Upgrade")


                   -  Copy and paste the VB6 Project files into this folder.


                   -  Open a Visual Studio Command Prompt

-打开Visual Studio命令提示符

                       (Windows XP:  Start button > All Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 > 

(Windows XP:开始按钮>所有程序> Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>

                       Visual Studio Tools > Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt)

Visual Studio工具> Visual Studio 2008命令提示符)

                            -  Make sure you are in the VB directory (mine opened to VC)


                                     -  Type "cd..", press Enter to move up 1 directory.

-键入“ cd ..”,然后按Enter键向上移动1个目录。

                                     -  Type "cd VB", press Enter to change directory.

-键入“ cd VB”,按Enter更改目录。

                            -  Go to the VBUpgrade directory


                                     -  Type "cd VBUpgrade", press Enter.

-键入“ cd VBUpgrade”,然后按Enter。

                            -  Run the command-line version of the Upgrade Wizard:


                                     -  Include "VBUpgrade.exe"

-包括“ VBUpgrade.exe”

                                     -  Include the input project path <filename>


                                     -  Include the new folder the VB.NET project will be created in (Output directory)




                                     VBUpgrade.exe <filename> /Out <directory>

VBUpgrade.exe <文件名> / Out <目录>



                                     VBUpgrade.exe "C:\Upgrade\Project1.vbp" /Out "C:\Upgrade\VB Upgrade"                                      

VBUpgrade.exe“ C:\ Upgrade \ Project1.vbp” / Out“ C:\ Upgrade \ VB升级”

                                     -  Press the Enter key after you type the above, and the Upgrade should begin.


          3.  If the command-line version of the Upgrade Wizard does not work for you, try


               contacting John Hart at Microsoft (John.Hart@microsoft.com), he may be able to help.

与Microsoft的John Hart联系(John.Hart@microsoft.com), 他也许可以提供帮助。

2.更改目标框架 (2. Change the Target Framework)

     By default the Target Framework will be set to ".Net Framework 2.0".  You can use this if you want to.

默认情况下,目标框架将设置为“ .Net Framework 2.0”。 您可以根据需要使用它。

     I changed it to ".Net Framework 3.5".  If you desire to do so, here's how:

我将其更改为“ .Net Framework 3.5”。 如果您希望这样做,请按照以下步骤操作:

          -  Click on the Project Menu | Properties

-单击项目菜单| 物产

          -  Click the Compile tab


          -  Click the "Advanced Compile Options..." button at the bottom of the tab page


          -  Change the "Target framework" to ".Net Framework 3.5"

-将“目标框架”更改为“ .Net Framework 3.5”

          -  Click "OK", then "Yes"


3.删除升级报告 (3. Delete the Upgrade Report)

     When you perform an Upgrade using the Upgrade Wizard, an Upgrade Report is automatically generated.


     If you would like to look at the report, then Open the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio (View menu |

如果要查看报告,请在Visual Studio中打开“解决方案资源管理器”(“视图”菜单|

     Solution Explorer), and double-click "_UpgradeReport.htm".  I personally haven't used the report, so I

解决方案资源管理器),然后双击“ _UpgradeReport.htm”。 我个人没有使用过报告,所以我

     delete it (right-click, Delete in Solution Explorer).


          - If you decide to delete the report, you'll also need to open Windows Explorer and navigate to your


            project folder, then delete the "_UpgradeReport_Files" folder.

项目文件夹,然后删除“ _UpgradeReport_Files”文件夹。

            Example:  delete "C:\Upgrade\VB Upgrade\_UpgradeReport_Files"

示例:删除“ C:\ Upgrade \ VB Upgrade \ _UpgradeReport_Fil es”

4.纠错 (4. Error Correction)

     Once you upgrade your VB6 Windows Forms application to .NET, you will have lots of errors!  To see a

将VB6 Windows窗体应用程序升级到.NET后,将出现很多错误! 看一个

     list of errors, open the "Error List" (View menu | Error List).


     To actually go to an error, double-click an error from the Error List.  Visual Studio will automatically take

要实际处理错误,请从“错误列表”中双击一个错误。 Visual Studio会自动将

     you to the line of code where the error occurs.  


     Above the line of code where the error occurs, you will notice an "Upgrade Warning".  This warning

在发生错误的代码行上方,您会注意到“升级警告”。 这个警告

     describes the error, and provides a fairly helpful link that can help you get more information about the


     error, plus steps you can take to fix the error.  To use the link, hold down the control button and left-

错误,以及可以采取的纠正错误的步骤。 要使用链接,请按住控制按钮,然后向左

     click it with your mouse.


          For example, if you had a CommonDialog control on your VB6 form, then you will receive an error


          informing you that the CommonDialog was not upgraded.  The helpful link will provide links to new

通知您CommonDialog尚未升级。 有用的链接将提供新的链接

          controls that replace the CommonDialog, such as "OpenFileDialog", "SaveFileDialog", etc.

替代CommonDialog的控件,例如“ OpenFileDialog”,“ SaveFileDialog”等。

     Correct all of the errors in the project before continuing.


5.更新代码 (5. Update Code)

     VB.Net 2008 continues to support many VB6 methods.  HOWEVER, they are actually SLOWER than their

VB.Net 2008继续支持许多VB6方法。 但是,它们实际上比它们慢

     VB.NET counterparts, so it is very important to go through each line of code in your project, and replace


     each VB6 method with it's .NET counterpart.


     VB6 code runs good in VB6, but VB6 code in VB.NET runs bad (very bad).  VB.NET code in VB.NET runs

VB6代码在VB6中运行良好,但是VB.NET中的VB6代码运行不良(非常糟糕)。 VB.NET中的VB.NET代码运行

     good (VERY good), much faster than VB6 code runs in VB6 (if that makes sense).


     So here are some examples of how to replace VB6 methods with VB.NET counterparts:


         'TIP:  VB.Net strings are zero based, in other words, the first position of a string is 0.  In VB6, the


                 first position was 1.  This greatly affects how strings are parsed.


         Dim myString As String = "Go ahead and search for this string"

Dim myString As String =“继续搜索该字符串”

          -  Instr - Instead of using the Instr() method to search a string, use the IndexOf() method.


               Old way:  Instr(myString, "search for this string")


               New way:  myString.IndexOf("search for this string")


          -  Mid - Instead of using the Mid() method to get a portion of a string, use the SubString() method.


               Old way:  Mid(myString, 14)


               New way:  myString.SubString(13)


          -  Trim - Instead of using the Trim(), LTrim() and RTrim(), use .Trim(), .TrimStart(), .TrimEnd()

-修剪-代替使用Trim(),LTrim()和RTrim(),而使用.Trim()、. TrimStart()、. TrimEnd()

               Old way:  Trim(myString), LTrim(myString), RTrim(myString)


               New way:  myString.Trim(), myString.TrimStart(), mystring.TrimEnd()


          -  Len - Instead of using the Len() method, use .Length() to get the length of a string.


               Old way:  Len(myString)


               New way:  myString.Length()


          -  Replace the "And" operator with "AndAlso", replace the "Or" operator with "OrElse".

-将“ And”运算符替换为“ AndAlso”,将“ Or”运算符替换为“ OrElse”。

             Do this in any non-bitwise comparison.


               And Old way:  If 1 = 1 And 2 = 2 And 3 = 3 Then

和旧的方式:如果1 = 1和2 = 2和3 = 3然后

               And New way:  If 1 = 1 AndAlso 2 = 2 AndAlso 3 = 3 Then

新方法:如果1 = 1 AndAlso 2 = 2 AndAlso 3 = 3然后

               Or Old way:  If 1 = 1 Or 2 = 2 Or 3 = 3 Then

或旧方法:如果1 = 1或2 = 2或3 = 3然后

               Or New way:  If 1 = 1 OrElse 2 = 2 OrElse 3 = 3 Then

或新方法:如果1 = 1 OrElse 2 = 2 OrElse 3 = 3然后

          -  Replace ALL VB6 File I/O classes with the new .NET File I/O Classes.  They are faster than VB6's

-用新的.NET文件I / O类替换所有VB6文件I / O类。 它们比VB6的要快

             so make sure you use them!


              Dim myFile As String = "C:\Temp\myfile.txt"

Dim myFile As String =“ C:\ Temp \ myfile.txt”

              Dim instring As String = String.Empty

Dim instring As String = String.Empty

               ** VB6 File I/O:

** VB6文件I / O:

               FileOpen(1, myFile, OpenMode.Input)


               Do Unil EOF(1)

做Unil EOF(1)

                    instring = LineInput(1)  'Read 1 line from a file

instring = LineInput(1)'从文件中读取1行





               ** VB.Net File I/O:

** VB.Net文件I / O:

               Dim reader As New System.IO.StreamReader(myFile)

昏暗的阅读器作为新System.IO.StreamReader(myF ile)

               Do Until reader.EndOfStream = True

做直到reader.EndOfStream = True

                    instring = reader.ReadLine()

instring = reader.ReadLine()







6. DoEvents (6. DoEvents)

     As soon as I upgraded processor intensive VB6 applications to VB.NET, I noticed that the performance


     was terrible!  While code upgrades are contributing factors, DoEvents is one of the biggest culprits!  VB6

太可怕了! 尽管代码升级是促成因素,但DoEvents是最大的罪魁祸首之一! VB6

     applications ran (in some cases) about 10 times slower when they were upgraded to VB.NET.  With a

升级到VB.NET时,应用程序的运行速度(某些情况下)慢了大约10倍。 用

     few tweaks, VB.NET application performance can be greatly improved, so that they run about 40% -


     50% FASTER than VB6...  


     1.  Add a Module to your project, and name it something like "Do_Events"

1.在您的项目中添加一个模块,并将其命名为“ Do_Events”

     2.  Insert the following code into the module you added:


          Module Do_Events


               Friend Declare Function SetThreadPriority Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hThread As Integer, _

朋友声明函数SetThreadPriority Lib“ kernel32”(ByVal hThread作为整数,_

                    ByVal nPriority As Integer) As Integer

ByVal nPriority As Integer)As Integer

               Friend Declare Function SetPriorityClass Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Integer, _

朋友声明函数SetPriorityClass Lib“ kernel32”(ByVal hProcess为整数,_

                    ByVal dwPriorityClass As Integer) As Integer

ByVal dwPriorityClass As Integer)作为Integer

               Friend Declare Function GetCurrentThread Lib "kernel32" () As Integer

朋友声明函数GetCurrentThread Lib“ kernel32”()作为整数

               Friend Declare Function GetCurrentProcess Lib "kernel32" () As Integer

朋友声明函数GetCurrentProcess Lib“ kernel32”()作为整数

               Friend Const THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST As Short = 2


               Friend Const HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS As Integer = &H80

Friend Const HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS作为整数=&H80

          End Module


     3.  Add 2 lines of code before the intensive processing begins to set the thread priority:


          SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST)

SetThreadPriority(GetCurre ntThread,THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST)

          SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess, HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS)  

SetPriorityClass(GetCurren tProcess,HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS)

     4.  Use DoEvents() sparingly!  Calling DoEvents() has a big performance hit, so use it sparingly.

4.谨慎使用DoEvents()! 调用DoEvents()会对性能产生重大影响,因此请谨慎使用。

          Dim iLoops As Integer = 0

Dim iLoops作为整数= 0

          Do Until iLoops = 10000

直到iLoops = 10000为止

               'Calling DoEvents() every 500 loops will greatly increase application performance


               If iLoops Mod 500 = 0 Then DoEvents()

如果iLoops Mod 500 = 0,则DoEvents()

               iLoops += 1   'Add 1 to iLoops

iLoops + = 1'向iLoops加1



     5.  Create a specific Sub routine for updating the controls on your Form, and call the Sub whenever you


          want to update the form.  


          In the example above, you can substitue DoEvents() with the name of your update method




          Private Sub UpdateForm()


               'Update all controls here:


               progressBar1.Value += 1        'Update ProgressBar

progressBar1.Value + = 1'更新ProgressBar

               label1.Text = "Processing..."   'Update Labels, TextBoxes, etc...

label1.Text =“正在处理...”'更新标签,文本框等...

               Application.DoEvents()  'Call DoEvents() so the form can refresh the changes to the controls


          End Sub


If you follow the steps and tips included in this article, then your upgrade should go pretty smoothly, and your application should perform quite a bit faster in VB.NET than it did in VB6.  


Good luck!  




翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/302/Upgrading-VB6-to-VB-NET-Performance-Improvements.html

vb3.0 升级vb6.0





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