

It is Ada Lovelace Day. A day to celebrate and encourage women working in science and technology. As a conference speaker, I stand in front of audiences that are over 90% young white men often enough to know there is still a diversity issue. I am often approached by one of the few women at a conference who just wants to say how happy she is to see another woman up on stage. I can see that female role models are important.

这是Ada Lovelace日。 庆祝和鼓励从事科学和技术工作的妇女的日子。 作为会议发言人,我站在90%以上的年轻白人观众面前,他们通常足以知道仍然存在多样性问题。 在会议上为数不多的女士中经常有人找我,她只是想说她很高兴看到另一个女士登上舞台。 我可以看到女性榜样很重要。

Something of note is that if you asked me to name the best people speaking and writing about CSS today, I would find it harder to come up with men than I would women. There is a bunch of women doing amazing work right now. If you want some role models, if you want a great speaker for your conference, take a look at this list. This is absolutely not every amazing woman in CSS, but just a bunch of people I’ve had the pleasure of sharing a stage with recently. If you have someone you think should be included then please – add her to the comments. Let’s celebrate the woman doing amazing things on the front-end of the web.

值得注意的是,如果您要我说出当今讲CSS的最佳人选,那么我会发现男人比女人更难提出。 现在有一堆女人做得很棒。 如果您想要一些榜样,如果您想要一个出色的会议发言人,请查看此列表。 这绝对不是CSS中每个出色的女人,而是最近我很高兴与一群人分享一个舞台。 如果您认为有人应该包括在内,请–在评论中添加她。 让我们来庆祝这位女士在网络前端做得很棒的事情。

安娜·德本汉(Anna Debenham) (Anna Debenham)

Anna is a developer at Synk and I’ve seen her present incredibly well-researched talks about frontend style guides and console browsers. She is also a fellow technical editor over at A List Apart, and prevents 24 Ways descending into chaos each year.

Anna是Synk的一名开发人员,我看过她目前有关前端样式指南和控制台浏览器的精心研究的讨论。 她还是A List Apart的资深技术编辑,每年防止24种方式陷入混乱。

夏洛特·杰克逊 (Charlotte Jackson)

Charlotte is a front-end developer at Clearleft, and we recently spoke at an event together in York. Charlotte is a great example of how documenting the things you are learning can make for some of the best blog posts and articles.

夏洛特是Clearleft的前端开发人员, 最近我们在约克举行的一次活动上发表了讲话 。 夏洛特(Charlotte)是一个很好的例子,它记录了您正在学习的东西如何构成一些最佳的博客文章和文章。

埃斯特尔·韦尔 (Estelle Weyl)

Estelle is a consulting web developer, trainer, author and speaker. She has a deep technical understanding of CSS and accessibility and a real passion for sharing that with people.

Estelle是一名咨询网站开发人员,培训师,作者和演讲者。 她对CSS和可访问性有深刻的技术理解,并且非常热衷于与人们共享。

詹·西蒙斯(Jen Simmons) (Jen Simmons)

Jen works at Mozilla and we find ourselves frequently on the same line-up at conferences with our different takes on modern layout. Jen has been doing lots of research into the history of layout and bringing those ideas to her talks about CSS.

詹(Jen)在Mozilla工作,我们在会议上经常发现自己排在同一阵容中,但对现代布局的看法不同。 詹(Jen)对布局的历史进行了大量研究,并将这些思想引入到有关CSS的讨论中

Lea Verou (Lea Verou)

Lea creates the most impressive presentations often going deep into a specific part of CSS, demonstrating with live coding skills I am completely in awe of. I always learn something from her talks, she has a great skill for picking out interesting and clever techniques and solutions to problems.

Lea创建了最令人印象深刻的演示文稿,这些演示文稿经常深入到CSS的特定部分,并以我完全敬畏的实时编码技能进行演示。 我总是从她的演讲中学到一些东西,她在挑剔有趣的技巧和解决问题的技巧上很有技巧。

莱妮·沃森 (Léonie Watson)

Léonie is Communications director and Principal engineer at The Paciello Group, I have been referring people to her talk on accessibility and new CSS and layout during all of my recent talks. Léonie has some fantastic insights into how different people use the web, and brings those to audiences in a friendly and easy to understand way.

Léonie是Paciello Group的通讯总监兼首席工程师,在我最近的所有演讲中,我一直在向人们介绍她关于可访问性以及新CSS和布局的演讲。 Léonie对不同的人如何使用网络有一些奇妙的见解,并以友好和易于理解的方式将它们带给受众。

莎拉·苏迪安(Sara Souedian) (Sara Souedian)

Sara is well known for her excellent tutorials and presentations on SVG, however she has been behind a huge number of tutorials, guides and articles on a whole range of CSS. Her presentations are information rich and full of useful examples.

Sara以其关于SVG的出色的教程和演示而闻名,但是她一直在大量关于CSS的教程,指南和文章的背后。 她的演讲内容丰富,有很多有用的例子。

Una Kravets (Una Kravets)

Una works at Digital Ocean and is always sharing something interesting on her site or at conferences. As I was putting this post together I spotted a tweet from her announcing a little side project highlighting some of the things you can do in CSSyoumightnotneedjs.com.

Una在Digital Ocean工作,总是在她的网站或会议上分享有趣的东西。 在撰写本文时,我发现了一个来自她的推文,该推文宣布了一个小项目,重点介绍了可以在CSS中完成的一些事情– youmightnotneedjs.com

瓦尔海德 (Val Head)

Val is a web and UI animation professional and an energetic speaker who brings a whole heap of practical examples to her talks and workshops.


佐伊·米克利(Zoe Mickley Gillenwater) (Zoe Mickley Gillenwater)

Zoe is a web designer and developer specialising in user experience, responsive web design, and web accessibility techniques. I frequently refer to her talks on Flexbox where she draws on her experience working at booking.com.

Zoe是一位网站设计师和开发人员,专门研究用户体验,响应式网页设计和网站可访问性技术。 我经常提到她在Flexbox上的演讲,她借鉴了自己在booking.com上的工作经验。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2016/10/11/the-amazing-women-of-css/






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