

Last week I was catching up on Nathan Barry’s podcast. I listened to a couple of episodes where he had a round table discussion with a number of ebook publishers who had read his book Authority.

上周,我正在关注Nathan Barry的播客。 我听了几集 ,他与许多读过他的著作《 权威》的电子书出版商进行了圆桌讨论。

I can really recommend Authority if you are thinking about publishing your own book. It has some great information on how to go about launching your book – in addition I found it a huge confidence boost. Having a plan to follow is really helpful once you are outside of the enforced framework of a traditional publishing process.

如果您正在考虑出版自己的书,我真的可以推荐权威。 它具有有关如何启动您的书的一些重要信息-此外,我发现它极大地增强了您的信心。 一旦您脱离了传统发布过程的强制框架,制定一个计划就非常有帮助。

During the podcast, the conversation turned to editing and whether or not the authors had been through any kind of editing process. It occurred to me that many ebook authors would not have any idea of the likely costs involved in hiring a technical editor, or how that process might work. If you have never published through a publisher, you wouldn’t be aware of how much influence a good technical editor can have on the finished work. It seemed like an ideal place to put together a kind of productized service, offering technical editing for authors.

在播客过程中,对话转向编辑以及作者是否经历过任何类型的编辑过程。 在我看来,许多电子书作者对聘用技术编辑人员可能涉及的成本或该流程的工作原理一无所知。 如果您从未通过出版商出版过,您将不会意识到优秀的技术编辑人员会对完成的作品产生多大的影响。 这似乎是组合一种产品化服务的理想场所,为作者提供技术编辑。

I’ve written technical books for publishers for over ten years, contributing to multiple-author books and writing books as a sole author. My last two books were self-published. However I’ve also acted as a technical editor on a number of books, and a technical reviewer on many articles and posts. I really enjoy the chance to work with another author, helping them to make their book the very best it can be.

我为出版商写过技术书籍已有十多年的时间,致力于多作者书籍的撰写和作为唯一作者的书籍撰写。 我的最后两本书是自行出版的。 但是,我还担任过许多书籍的技术编辑,以及许多文章和帖子的技术审阅者。 我真的很高兴有机会与另一位作者合作,帮助他们使自己的书达到最好的水平。

I’d also already outlined plans for a new self-published book of my own, a book about the technical side of creating books. Nathan Barry’s podcast discussion helped me form up an idea for a site for self-publishers, based around the services that I can offer and that upcoming book.

我还已经概述了自己编写的新书的计划,这是一本有关创建书的技术方面的书。 内森·巴里(Nathan Barry)的播客讨论帮助我围绕着我可以提供的服务和即将出版的书,为自助出版商建立了一个网站。

After a Sunday of pulling together a Bootstrap theme and building a site on Perch, I’m launching The Book Toolkit today. Hire me for a fixed price as a technical editor, take a look at my upcoming book, and keep an eye on the site as I build up a collection of resources for self-publishers.

在周日汇总了Bootstrap主题并在Perch上构建了网站之后,我今天将启动Book Toolkit 。 以固定的价格聘请我作为技术编辑 ,请看我的下一本书 ,并在为自出版商建立资源集合时密切注意该站点。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2014/10/13/technical-editing-as-a-service-the-book-toolkit/






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