

The earliest blog post on this site dates from April 2001 and it started life as my personal blog. Ultimately it became the site from which I also promoted my books, speaking engagements and anything else I was doing as me, rather than as my business edgeomyseat.com.

该站点上最早的博客文章可以追溯到2001年4月,它开始成为我的个人博客。 最终,它成为了我用来推广我的书籍,演讲和其他活动的网站,而不是我作为我的业务edgeomyseat.com所做的任何事情。

Every so often I have attempted some sort of redesign here. I’m not a designer, and the best I really hoped for was that it wasn’t unbearably ugly. I would usually get part way through and deploy it, meaning to tidy up the edges at some point. A point that never came. Despite the fact that I wouldn’t dream of attempting to design any site relating to my business, for some reason letting go of this site – my site – was harder.

我经常在这里尝试进行某种重新设计。 我不是设计师,我真正希望的最好的一点是,它并不是丑陋的。 我通常会通过并部署它,这意味着在某个时候整理边缘。 一点从未出现过。 尽管事实上我不愿尝试设计与我的业务相关的任何网站,但出于某种原因,让这个网站- 我的网站 -变得更难了。

As I do more speaking, and have pieces of writing that I am really proud of scattered around the web I wanted to somehow link all of these things to my personal domain. I found myself writing emails to people and wanting to show some example of my writing, and needing to link to things in various locations. I wanted to be able to just send them to my site, one place where that information lives. I played around a few times with ideas, trying to pull together this stuff in a logical, non-ugly format, and failed.

当我做更多的发言时,我感到非常自豪,因为我散布在网上,我想以某种方式将所有这些内容链接到我的个人领域。 我发现自己在向人们发送电子邮件,并希望展示一些写作示例,并且需要链接到各个位置的事物。 我希望能够将它们发送到我的网站(该信息存在的地方)。 我玩了好几次主意,试图以一种合乎逻辑的,不丑陋的格式将这些东西组合在一起,但失败了。

I’m no designer but I wanted this to still feel like my site. I didn’t want to end up with something lovely, that fulfilled all the goals of a site for a speaker and writer, but that didn’t feel like it represented me.

我不是设计师,但我希望自己仍然喜欢我的网站。 我不想以一个可爱的东西而结束,它满足了演讲者和作家的网站的所有目标,但是那感觉并不代表我。

However, my common sense business brain told me that I didn’t have time to mess about with web design when I neither enjoyed or was good at it, and that I needed to ask for help. For Perch we have worked with Laura Kalbag on a couple of projects, she created the design for our default templates and also the Swift Migrations demo site. I love the style of her work, and her friendly approach, and so asked her if she would be able to work on the design for this site.

但是,我的常识性业务头脑告诉我,当我既不喜欢又不擅长网页设计时,我没有时间去理会网页设计,因此我需要寻求帮助。 对于Perch,我们与Laura Kalbag一起完成了几个项目,她为我们的默认模板以及Swift Migrations演示站点创建了设计。 我喜欢她的工作风格和友好的态度,因此问她是否可以从事该网站的设计。

Having made the decision to hand over control, I really enjoyed the process. I had shown Laura some 1930s styled elements that I liked the feel of and she brought this into the design without it seeming over the top. In terms of the main aim of bringing together all of the things I am doing, Laura developed the idea of the modules. These link to internal blog posts and external articles and podcasts. They are a really flexible way of describing things and made it very easy to implement using Perch. For example the podcasts and writing pages are regular Perch content and then I use perch_content_custom() on the homepage to display the latest items added.

决定交出控制权后,我真的很喜欢这个过程。 我向劳拉展示了一些1930年代风格的元素,这些元素令我很喜欢,她将其带入设计中,但外观似乎没有变化。 关于将我正在做的所有事情集中在一起的主要目的,Laura提出了模块的想法。 这些链接到内部博客文章以及外部文章和播客。 它们是一种非常灵活的方式来描述事物,并且使使用Perch变得非常容易实现。 例如,播客和写作页面是Perch的常规内容,然后我在主页上使用perch_content_custom()来显示最新添加的项目。

Laura sent me the templates built as flat HTML and CSS files on Friday and it really says something about the quality of her work that I am able to get the redesign live today. In reality most of the time over the weekend was spent gathering links to content spread around the web. There is still a bit of content work to do, however I wanted to get this design live as having seen this I didn’t even want to look at my old site!

劳拉(Laura)在星期五向我发送了以平面HTMLCSS文件构建的模板,这确实说明了她的工作质量,今天我可以重新设计。 实际上,整个周末的大部分时间都花在收集指向在网络上传播的内容的链接上。 还有一些内容工作要做,但是我想让这个设计生效,因为我什至不想看我的旧站点!

I’m really glad that I listened to my own common sense and let go of trying to play web designer on this site. I feel like I have something I can be happy to send people to, that meets the aims I have for this site, and it does still feel like it represents me!

我很高兴听到自己的常识并放弃尝试在此站点上玩网页设计师。 我觉得我很乐意将人们发送给我,符合我对该网站的目标,而且确实代表我!

这个故事的后记 (A postscript to this story)

Laura is far too young to ever remember the very early incarnations of this site, however when the first templates came through and I was clicking around, Drew looked over my shoulder and pointed out how they reminded him of some of my very early designs. I trawled back through archive.org and turned up this, and even this (I was a great fan of mystery meat). Those designs were from a time when I was essentially doing web design, and actually were designs that I did like. Perhaps the fact that I feel so at home with this design is partly because it does echo that distant past.

劳拉(Laura)太年轻了,无法记住这个站点的早期版本,但是当第一个模板出现并且我四处点击时,Drew抬头看着我的肩膀,指出它们如何使他想起了我的一些早期设计。 我通过archive.org进行了追溯,并发现了这个 ,甚至这个 (我是神秘肉的忠实粉丝)。 这些设计来自我基本上从事网页设计的时间,实际上是我喜欢的设计。 我对这种设计感到宾至如归的事实可能部分是因为它确实回荡了遥远的过去。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2013/11/04/a-new-site-design/






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