

I worked backstage on Jolson! in the West End of London for over a year. For stage crew it was a tough, busy show with a big hydraulic operated set and little wing space in the Victorian theatre to store things. Before each show there was a half hour process of dragging everything out from the positions it was packed in at the end of a previous show and putting it back in the order that would enable us to run the show. Then the three hours of running around in the dark, heaving heavy stuff about began.

我在Jolson的后台工作! 在伦敦西区呆了一年多。 对于舞台剧组人员来说,这是一场艰难而忙碌的演出,在维多利亚女王剧院中有大型液压操作装置和很小的机翼空间来存放物品。 在每场演出之前,都有一个半小时的过程,将所有内容从上一场演出结束时的包装位置拉出,并按顺序放回去,以使我们能够进行演出。 然后,在黑暗中奔波三个小时,沉重的东西开始了。

I loved the organised chaos of the final set of cues. The last half hour of the show was essentially a concert onstage. At 10pm our final job was to strip the set bare to allow the set of bridges to descend from the fly space, musicians in place on the bridges. Then Brian Conley as Al Jolson would appear in the centre of the top bridge, walking down the steps created by the descending bridges to start the concert. This all happened in full view of the audience and was an impressive sight. As the band started playing, we ran around with marble tables and other room set stuff. As the bridges started to descend I ran on with a ladder to get Brian into position on that top bridge once it had descended and then stood and watched, listening to the drone of the hydraulics lowering the bridges into place and peeking at the faces of the audience watching this magic take place.

我喜欢最后一组提示的井井有条。 演出的最后半小时实质上是舞台上的一场音乐会。 晚上10点,我们的最后工作是将布景脱光,以使布景桥从飞行空间下降,音乐家在布景桥上就位。 然后布赖恩·康利(Brian Conley)和艾尔·乔尔森(Al Jolson)出现在顶桥的中央,沿着下降的桥所创建的台阶行走,开始音乐会。 这一切都在观众的视线范围内发生,给人留下了深刻的印象。 乐队开始演奏时,我们带着大理石桌子和其他房间布置物品四处奔波。 当桥梁开始下降时,我骑着梯子继续前进,使Brian下降后便在那座顶桥上就位,然后站起来观看,听着液压机将桥降下并观察其表面的声音。观众观看了这种魔术。

Then I was done. The show was over for me. I’d head over to the pub to laugh with the guys about whatever stupid stuff had happened that evening. It didn’t matter now. The show was over. Tomorrow would bring a new day.

然后我就完成了。 表演对我来说结束了。 我要去酒吧跟那些家伙笑说那天晚上发生了什么愚蠢的事情。 现在没关系了。 演出结束了。 明天将带来新的一天。

Working as a web developer I rarely get that “it is done” moment. There is always a new skill to learn, a new feature to plan, new code to ship, new bugs to track down. Even when we launch something we are right back into planning the next thing. I am never done. I don’t get to look back on that thing, completed, frozen in time and over. I’m constantly picking over my work, refactoring, rewriting, can I make it better? Can I make myself better?

作为Web开发人员,我很少能“完成”这一刻。 总是需要学习新技能,要计划新功能,要发布新代码,要追踪新错误。 即使我们发布了一些东西,我们也将重新计划下一件事。 我永远都做不完。 我不会回头看那东西,它已经完成了,并且不时地冻结。 我一直在忙于工作,重构,重写,我可以做得更好吗? 我可以使自己更好吗?

I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I think perhaps it is important for us as humans to be able to stand back, to look at a thing, to see that it is good and an achievement and that the mistakes and rough edges don’t matter. Perhaps this drives the interest in creating physical items that seems to be a common theme for people who work on the web, to create something that has an end point, is finished, shipped and done. Perhaps it underpins our long hours culture, we are people who feel they should fill every waking moment with learning, testing, improving. Perhaps it also drives much of the obsession with productivity tools, list making, Getting Things Done. Getting things that are never truly done, done.

我已经考虑了很多。 我认为对于人类来说,重要的是能够退后一步,看着事物,看它是一件好事和成就,而错误和粗暴的边缘并不重要。 也许这激发了人们对创建物理项目的兴趣,这似乎是在Web上工作的人们的共同主题,即创建具有终点,完成,运输和完成的项目。 也许这可以支撑我们漫长的工作文化,我们是那些感到自己应该在每个醒着的时刻进行学习,测试和改进的人。 也许,这也促使人们对生产力工具,列表制作和“完成工作”产生了极大的痴迷。 把从未真正完成的事情做好。

Next year I’m going to try to build in those moments. I want to remember to stop before racing onto the next thing, remember to note that this feature, this book, this blog post … however imperfect and incomplete I might feel it is, is good. I want to take a moment to connect with the people using the things I produce, just as 20 year old me used to love to see the faces of the audience watching that magic I had a part in creating, and be happy that I can create something of worth for someone else.

明年,我将尝试在那些时刻进行构建。 我想记得在进入下一件事之前要停下来,记得要注意,此功能,本书,此博客文章…但是我可能觉得它是不完美且不完整的,很好。 我想花点时间使用自己生产的产品与人们建立联系,就像20岁的我曾经喜欢看观众的脸,看着我参与创造的魔法一样,并为能够创造而感到高兴对其他人来说值得的东西。







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