svn: 没有演进历程信息_书评:设计演进

svn: 没有演进历程信息

“… for most of my friends building products, the future is to charge for them. The concept is as old as business itself and it’s the most reliable and authentic way to build a company: provide value that is greater than the value paid for it.”

“……对于我大多数制造产品的朋友而言,未来就是为他们付费。 这个概念与企业本身一样古老,它是建立公司的最可靠,最真实的方法:提供的价值大于为其付出的价值。”

The above quote is from the new Five Simple Steps Pocket Guide – Design Evolution by Josh Long. This little book is part of series three of the Pocket Guide series, my own CSS3 Layout Modules being part of the first series of these books.

以上引自Josh Long的新《五个简单步骤袖珍指南– 设计演进》 。 这本小书是《袖珍指南》系列的第三个系列的一部分,我自己的CSS3布局模块是这些书的第一个系列的一部分。

I love short, well focused books and I am always interested to read anything on the business of developing products and companies in the web. There is always something to be learned from the experiences of other people who are doing this.

我喜欢简短,针对性强的书籍,并且我始终对阅读有关开发网络上产品和公司的业务感兴趣。 总是可以从其他人的经验中学到一些东西。

Design Evolution does not disappoint. It’s a practical little book that definitely provides more value to the product developer than the £2.00 you will pay for it. In the first section Josh explains how to break down your business and product into the different elements, allowing you to focus on small improvements in each of the different areas. This is something we’ve been trying to do at Perch. When you have a product business there are a huge number of areas competing for your time and attention, it’s easy to become swamped and not know what to tackle next. If you feel you are moving things forward in each area – even in small ways – I find that really helps to combat the overloaded feeling.

设计演进不会令人失望。 这是一本实用的小书,肯定会比向您支付2.00英镑的价格为产品开发人员提供更多的价值。 在第一部分中,Josh解释了如何将您的业务和产品分解为不同的元素,使您可以专注于每个不同领域的小改进。 这是我们在Perch一直试图做的事情。 当您从事产品业务时,会有很多领域在争夺您的时间和注意力,这很容易陷入困境,不知道下一步该如何应对。 如果您觉得自己在每个领域都在向前迈进,甚至是在小范围内前进,我都会发现这确实有助于克服过度的感觉。

The second section “Reduce to the essence” encourages business owners to reduce their offering down to the “smallest and best possible version”. It includes some great tips and case studies demonstrating how and why to do this.

第二部分“减少到本质”鼓励企业主将其产品减少到“最小和最好的版本”。 它包括一些很棒的技巧和案例研究,说明了如何以及为什么这样做。

The opening quote for this post comes from the third section entitled, “Focus on core users”. This is something we have worked really hard to do at Perch and I found myself nodding along to the advice in this part of the book. Creating bonds with the users who really love your product is incredibly valuable as a business, but also really enjoyable.

这篇文章的开头引用来自标题为“关注核心用户”的第三部分。 这是我们在Perch所做的非常努力的事情,我发现自己也赞同本书这一部分的建议。 与真正喜欢您的产品的用户建立联系对于企业而言是非常宝贵的,但同时也非常有趣。

Sales and marketing is the thing I find hardest as a product owner. From my conversations with other developers I’m not alone in that. The section of the book covering this topic is full of examples that are achievable for all of us encouraging small actions across different channels to incrementally expand the business. The book wraps up with a section about growth, encouraging businesses to grow by making their product better for those who love it.

作为产品所有者,销售和营销是我最难的事情。 从与其他开发人员的对话中,我并不孤单。 本书中涵盖该主题的部分充满了示例,对于我们所有人来说,鼓励他们跨不同渠道采取小规模行动以逐步扩展业务是可以实现的。 本书以有关增长的章节结尾,鼓励企业通过为喜欢它的人提供更好的产品来实现增长。

I think this is a lovely little book, written as advice from one business owner to another. Even as the owner of a four year old product there were things in the book that gave me new ideas to implement. It should be essential reading for anyone about to launch or with a newly launched product. Much of the book also underlined techniques that have really worked for us at Perch, it encourages a style of business that I personally love and believe works far better than pinning your hopes on a model that relies on being able to sell your company for a few million.

我认为这是一本可爱的小书,是作为一个企业主向另一个企业主的建议而写的。 即使是拥有四年历史的产品的所有者,书中的某些东西也为我提供了实施的新思路。 对于任何即将发布或使用新发布产品的人来说,这都是必不可少的阅读材料。 这本书的大部分内容还强调了Perch真正为我们服务的技术,它鼓励了一种我个人所钟爱的业务风格,并且远比将您的希望寄托在依赖于能够将公司出售几家的模型上更好百万。


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