

In 2009 I was one half of a successful web development consultancy business, working alongside my husband developing sites for clients. We launched our product Perch as a side project alongside our client work. It became profitable within 24 hours of going on sale, has now taken well over half a million dollars in revenue, and as of the beginning of 2013 became our entire business. – Find out more about the book

2009年,我是一家成功的Web开发咨询公司的一半,与我的丈夫一起为客户开发网站。 我们与客户一起开展产品Perch作为附带项目。 它在销售后的24小时内就开始盈利,现在的收入已超过50万美元,截至2013年初已成为我们的全部业务。 – 了解有关这本书的更多信息

We’ve learned a lot along the way, and I’ve also discovered a real personal interest in everything that goes into running our product business, and in helping other people do the same. I’m a collector of data, and of interesting research and stories. I try things out in our own business and collect the results. I’ve started to share some of this in blog posts, articles and in my workshop but I love the ability to fully work through a subject, long-form in a book. A book gives me a chance to really take the reader through a process, in a way that short articles out of context never can.

我们在此过程中学到了很多东西,而且我还发现了真正的个人兴趣,即对经营我们的产品业务以及帮助他人这样做的一切感兴趣。 我是数据收集者,有趣的研究和故事的收集者。 我尝试在自己的业务中尝试并收集结果。 我已经开始在博客文章,文章和我的研讨会中分享其中的一些内容,但是我喜欢能够通过一本书中的长篇主题来全面工作的能力。 一本书使我有机会真正地引导读者完成整个过程,而这种短篇幅的文章是不可能做到的。

I’ve been contemplating writing this book for some time. I wanted to write a realistic business book. This will not be a book for people “chasing the dream” or with the ability and desire to throw everything at a big win startup dream. I offer no get rich quick schemes. However I think the reality of creating a product business from a side project is far more achievable for most people. It doesn’t have to involve huge risks, sacrifices or life change although it will involve hard work and focus.

我一直在考虑写这本书有一段时间了。 我想写一本现实的商业书籍。 对于那些“追逐梦想”的人,或者有能力和渴望将一切都投向一个成功的创业梦想的人来说,这不是一本书。 我没有提供致富的快速方案。 但是,我认为对于大多数人来说,通过副项目创建产品业务的现实要容易得多。 尽管它将涉及艰苦的工作和专注,但它不必涉及巨大的风险,牺牲或改变生活。

为什么要自我发布? (Why self-publish?)

I’ve written or co-authored a lot of books through traditional publishers. I have a whole shelf of these books in my lounge. If I had need of validation by having a proper book on a shelf I think we can safely say I’ve worked that out of my system.

我已经通过传统出版商撰写或合着了很多书。 我的休息室里有一堆书。 如果我需要通过在书架上放一本合适的书来进行验证,我认为我们可以肯定地说我已经在系统中解决了这一问题。

I haven’t tried to take this subject to traditional or any of the newer publishers. It’s a relatively niche subject and may not be of interest, but more than that, I’ve come to a point where I’d really like to do this one myself. I’m not expecting to produce a print version – it will be e-book only – which takes an awful lot of the hassle out of creating a book.

我没有尝试将其作为传统或任何较新的出版商。 这是一个相对利基的主题,可能没有兴趣,但是除此之外,我真的很想自己做一个。 我不希望产生印刷版-只会是电子书-这样就无需花很多时间来制作一本书。

I also see this book as another side project. Our original side project is now our business, and I thought it would be an interesting experiment to take on the entire production and marketing of this book myself.

我还将这本书视为另一个附带项目。 现在,我们最初的项目是我们的业务,我认为自己进行本书的整个生产和销售将是一个有趣的实验。

If it sounds interesting to you then sign up and I’ll keep you up to date. As of today I have a lot of the material and research in hand and am starting to structure the book. I’ll be sending out a sample chapter and table of contents as I approach something like a finished work.

如果您觉得这很有趣,请先注册,我们会及时更新。 到今天为止,我手头上已有许多材料和研究内容,并且正在着手编写本书。 当我接近完成的作品时,我将发送示例章节和目录。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2013/11/08/announcing-the-profitable-side-project-handbook/


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