
Last year I was contacted by the organisers of the Front Trends conference in Poland to ask if I would be willing to speak at the conference, and to speak about “Web Standards”. Although I wasn’t completely sure on the subject of my talk, I said yes and then started to think about what would be helpful to speak to the audience of professional front-enders about.

去年,在波兰举行的“ 前沿趋势”会议的组织者与我联系,询问我是否愿意在会议上发表讲话并谈论“ Web标准”。 尽管我不确定演讲的主题,但我还是说了,然后开始思考与专业前听众讨论会有所帮助的内容。

As so often happens, the ideal topic for the talk showed up quite naturally. Through things I have seen while supporting Perch, in the course of our own client work on the Greenbelt website in particular and in various conversations I have had recently a theme of understanding problems and solving them appropriately has developed.

通常情况下,演讲的理想话题自然而然地出现了。 通过我在支持Perch时所看到的事情,特别是在我们自己的客户在Greenbelt网站上的工作过程中,以及在各种对话中,我最近有了一个理解问题并适当解决问题的主题。

In a post on the Pastry Box in April I thought about how our core languages of HTML, CSS and JavaScript were the things we could be sure of in a fast changing world of technologies. On this site I wrote about not solving problems before you have them, and also made some notes on the process of developing the Greenbelt website. I tried to pull together some of these thoughts in my 30 minute talk.

4月Pastry Box上的一篇文章中,我想到了HTMLCSS和JavaScript的核心语言如何成为我们在瞬息万变的技术世界中可以肯定的东西。 在这个网站上,我写了关于在问题没有解决之前就不解决问题的文章 ,并且还对Greenbelt网站开发过程作了一些说明。 在我30分钟的演讲中,我试图将其中的一些想法综合在一起。

It was a really friendly, international crowd at Front Trends and my presentation seemed to be well received and also fit well amongst the thoughts of several other speakers. In my hotel room after day 1 I tried to include references where appropriate to speakers from the first day and pick up on common themes.

在Front Trends,这是一个非常友好的国际人群,我的演讲似乎很受好评,也很适合其他几位演讲者的想法。 第一天过后,在我的酒店房间里,我尝试从第一天开始就适当地引用演讲者的话,并讨论常见主题。

My slides can be found on Speaker Deck although they probably aren’t very useful on their own. I believe that the presentations were all recorded so if those go up I will no doubt tweet the link.

我的幻灯片可以在Speaker Deck上找到,尽管它们本身可能并不太有用。 我相信所有演示文稿都已记录下来,因此,如果这些演示文稿上升,我无疑会鸣叫链接。

此次会议 (The Conference)

My talk was just 30 minutes of a very enjoyable two day event. I was speaking in Day 2 so could sit back and enjoy the first day. It was fun to hear Vitaly Friedman speak about the Smashing Magazine redesign. It’s the first time I have met Vitaly, despite being a Smashing magazine contributor in the last couple of years.

我的演讲只是一场非常愉快的两天活动的30分钟。 我在第二天讲话,所以可以坐下来享受第一天的快乐。 听到Vitaly Friedman谈论《 Smashing Magazine》的重新设计,这很有趣。 尽管是过去几年的Smashing杂志撰稿人,但这是我第一次见到Vitaly。

Chris Coyier gave an entertaining presentation on the things we don’t know when developing a website. I referenced many of the articles that Chris has written on his CSS Tricks website when updating the CSS Anthology recently, it was great to actually meet in person.

克里斯·科耶尔(Chris Coyier)进行了有趣的演讲,介绍了我们在开发网站时不知道的事情。 最近,当更新CSS Anthology时,我引用了Chris在他的CSS Tricks网站上写的许多文章,亲自见面真是太好了。

I spent much of the conference hanging out with Harry Roberts and Jamie Mason. Harry thought his talk in day one might be in direct opposition to my talk in day two with my web standards focus. As it turned out our approaches are far closer than it might first appear. Harry is a senior UI developer for BSkyB, working with a large team, whereas I tend to work on projects with a very small team or where I have complete control of the front and often back-end. Our contexts are very different and it was interesting to hear what works well in these larger teams.

我花了很多时间与Harry RobertsJamie Mason进行聚会。 哈里认为第一天的演讲可能与我第二天的演讲直接相反,第二天我的演讲集中在我的Web标准上。 事实证明,我们的方法比最初出现的方法要近得多。 Harry是BSkyB的高级UI开发人员,与一个大型团队一起工作,而我倾向于在一个非常小的团队中进行项目,或者我可以完全控制前端和后端。 我们的情况截然不同,很高兴听到这些较大的团队的工作情况很好。

Another person I met for the first time was Lea Verou. I was really impressed by her live coding style with only the relevant CSS needed for people to understand the technique shown on the slides. This works really well and the demonstration of CSS transitions and animations was interesting as I haven’t yet really played with these effects in any great depth.

我第一次遇到的另一个人是Lea Verou 。 她的实时编码风格给我留下了深刻的印象,只需要人们理解幻灯片上显示的技术所需的相关CSS 。 这真的很好,并且CSS过渡和动画的演示很有趣,因为我还没有真正深入地研究过这些效果。

Where so many conferences beg the question, “where are all the women?” Front Trends had a very diverse line-up and there were also a lot of women attendees too – although the line for the ladies bathroom was notable by it’s absence! It was fantastic to be on the bill with so many other technical women. In addition to Lea, we heard Divya Manian speaking on Designing in the Browser. Tali Garsiel gave a fascinating presentation on How Browsers Work Internally. I enjoyed hearing how a browser actually takes our HTML and CSS and renders it – and the things we can do to improve speed and limit redraws when making changes using JavaScript. Rebecca Murphey struggled through her sore throat to give an interesting presentation on how to organise non-trivial JavaScript applications and we also heard from Jina Bolton and Tiffany Conroy.

有那么多会议在哪里问这个问题:“所有的女人都在哪里?” Front Trends的阵容非常多样化,并且也有很多女性参与者-尽管女士浴室的阵容因缺席而引人注目! 能够与许多其他技术女性共同参与,真是太好了。 除了Lea,我们还听过Divya Manian在“在浏览器中设计”的演讲。 塔利·加西尔Tali Garsiel )就浏览器内部工作方式作了精彩的演讲。 我很高兴听到浏览器实际上是如何获取我们的HTMLCSS并进行渲染的,以及在使用JavaScript进行更改时可以做的事情,以提高速度并限制重绘。 丽贝卡·穆菲(Rebecca Murphey)痛苦地挣扎着,就如何组织不平凡JavaScript应用程序进行了有趣的演讲,我们也听取了Jina BoltonTiffany Conroy的来信

啤酒 (The beer)

Front Trends was the first conference I have been to where there was beer available during the sessions. There was always plenty of coffee, tea, water and a range of juices at all of the breaks however and while some people were enjoying a beer in the sunshine it didn’t seem problematic. I chose not to drink as I think the warm sun and a beer would have left me sleepy in the afternoon, and not drinking wasn’t an issue at all. The only negative that I put down to there being alcohol available was that the noise from outside did increase as the day went on, with people sitting outside to chat and not realising they could be heard even at the front of the auditorium. The sunny weather may have been as much to blame however and the relaxed atmosphere did make the conference feel very low-stress and fun. I think a good balance was struck all in all and another time perhaps it just needs someone to tell people to move away from the auditorium to chat!

Front Trends是我去过的第一次会议,会议期间有啤酒供应。 在所有的休息时间里,总是有大量的咖啡,茶,水和各种果汁,尽管有些人在阳光下享受啤酒,但这似乎没有问题。 我选择不喝酒,因为我认为温暖的阳光和啤酒会使我午后昏昏欲睡,不喝酒根本不是问题。 我拒绝喝酒的唯一缺点是,随着一天的过去,外面的噪音确实在增加,人们坐在外面聊天,甚至没有意识到即使在礼堂前也能听到。 也许应该归咎于阳光明媚的天气,但是轻松的气氛确实使会议感到压力很大且很有趣。 我认为总的来说,这已经达到了一个很好的平衡,也许只是需要有人告诉人们离开礼堂聊天!

华沙和波兰 (Warsaw and Poland)

Speakers were looked after very well and put in a hotel near the Old Town area of Warsaw. This meant that even though I only had a little time after arriving and on the morning that I left, I could still explore this part of Warsaw. It really is very pretty and interesting as much of it was rebuilt after WW2, you can see the photos that I took on my walk around on Flickr.

演讲者受到了很好的照顾,并被安置在华沙老城区附近的一家酒店。 这意味着即使我到达后只有一点时间,而且在离开的早晨,我仍然可以探索华沙的这一部分。 它的确非常漂亮和有趣,因为其中大部分都是在第二次世界大战后重建的,您可以看到在Flickr 上漫步时拍摄照片

I would love to go back to Warsaw and spend more time being a tourist. There were lots of great places to eat – even vegetarian and vegan food – and thankfully for a non-Polish speaker most people spoke English and restaurants had English menus. There is also good, inexpensive public transport, which is useful as Warsaw is a lot bigger than I had imagined.

我很想回到华沙,花更多的时间做一名游客。 这里有很多好吃的地方-甚至素食和纯素食-值得庆幸的是,大多数人都不会说英语,所以大多数人会说英语,而餐馆有英语菜单。 这里还有廉价的公共交通工具,因为华沙比我想象的要大得多,所以很有用。

Front Trends has been a real highlight of this year so far and I think the most enjoyable conference I have been to in a long time. The atmosphere was fun but the content was also excellent, and I’d recommend attending future Front Trends events to any web developer.

到目前为止,《前沿趋势》一直是今年的真正亮点,我认为这是我很长时间以来参加过的最愉快的会议。 气氛很有趣,但是内容也很棒,我建议将来向任何Web开发人员参加Front Trends活动。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2012/05/01/front-trends-2012/





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