

In my book, The Profitable Side Project Handbook, I advise readers to get to launch as quickly as possible. As anyone who has launched a product will know, you can spend as long working on the infrastructure to sell and support the product as you do on developing the first version of the product itself. However there are a number of services available that can save you needing to write a lot of code to start selling, at least initially.

在我的《获利的方面项目手册》一书中,我建议读者尽快上手。 正如任何已经发布产品的人都会知道的那样,您可以像在开发产品本身的第一个版本中那样,花费大量时间在基础结构上来销售和支持该产品。 但是,有许多可用的服务可以节省您编写大量代码(至少在最初时)开始销售的需要。

As a developer my first instinct is to write code to solve problems. When I started thinking about how I would sell and deliver my book, my first thought was that I could write something to take payment via Stripe and then deliver the files. In the interests of getting quickly to launch I also investigated Gumroad, a platform that Nathan Barry recommends in his book Authority. The problem with Gumroad is that for UK customers they transfer payments via PayPal. I wasn’t keen on a total reliance on PayPal as they seem to be a law unto themselves (something else I talk about in the book).

作为开发人员,我的第一个直觉是编写代码来解决问题。 当我开始考虑如何出售和交付书籍时,我首先想到的是,我可以写一些东西通过Stripe付款,然后再交付文件。 为了Swift上线,我还研究了Gumroad ,这是Nathan Barry在他的书“ Authority”中推荐的一个平台。 Gumroad的问题在于,对于英国客户,他们通过PayPal转移付款。 我并不完全依赖PayPal,因为PayPal似乎对自己而言是一条法律(我在书中谈到的其他内容)。

I then had a conversation with Keir Whitaker about Shopify. I had always thought Shopify more of a solution for people setting up shops selling physical, shippable items. On investigation I found that I could sell a single item through Shopify, using the FetchApp plugin for delivery. I’m in good company using Shopify for e-books as this combination is also used by A Book Apart for delivery of their digital books.

然后,我与Keir Whitaker讨论了Shopify。 我一直认为Shopify可以为人们开设商店销售可运输的实体提供解决方案。 在调查中,我发现可以使用FetchApp插件通过Shopify出售一件商品。 我在将Shopify用于电子书方面表现不错,因为A Book Apart也使用这种组合来交付他们的数字书。

It took me around two hours to pull together the component parts of a sales and delivery system using Shopify, FetchApp and Stripe and this post is just a quick rundown of what I needed to do as a reference for anyone else. All three services have excellent documentation and getting up and running is mostly just a case of following your nose.

我花了大约两个小时才使用ShopifyFetchAppStripe将销售和交付系统的组成部分整合在一起,而这篇文章只是我需要做的快速总结 ,供其他人参考。 所有这三个服务都具有出色的文档记录,并且启动和运行仅是跟随您的鼻子而已。

Sign up for your Shopify account and add your product. If you are selling a single product like me then you can customize the templates so if anyone goes to your store homepage they will just see your single product displayed. Ideally I wanted my customers to just be able to go straight to the checkout page from my website as I am only selling one product, and the instructions on Shopify for Cart Permalinks helped me do that.

注册您的Shopify帐户并添加您的产品。 如果您要销售像我这样的单一产品,则可以自定义模板,这样,如果有人进入您的商店首页,他们只会看到您显示的单一产品。 理想情况下,我希望客户能够直接从我的网站转到结帐页面,因为我只销售一种产品,而Shopify for Cart Permalinks上说明帮助我做到了这一点。

Hooking up FetchApp involves creating an account on FetchApp, installing the FetchApp App on Shopify and then importing your Shopify products and uploading the digital files. There are some notes in FetchApp support- on how to configure your products in Shopify so that when a customer purchases a product they will be sent the download link without you needing to do anything.

连接FetchApp涉及在FetchApp上创建一个帐户,在Shopify上安装FetchApp App,然后导入Shopify产品并上传数字文件。 FetchApp支持中有一些说明-有关如何在Shopify中配置产品的信息,以便在客户购买产品时,他们将获得下载链接,而无需执行任何操作。

You can change the default emails sent by both Shopify and FetchApp so they give good instructions to your customer after purchase.


To take payments you need to link Shopify with a payment provider, however they do have a dummy gateway you can link up in order to test without needing to put actual card payments through. I would suggest doing this to check your integration with FetchApp and the emails that are being sent out, before setting up a real gateway. One of the nice things about using Shopify is that you can set up multiple gateways easily and give your customers a choice of how to pay. In my case I linked up my Stripe account and also PayPal. The integration is handled mostly at the Shopify side – just read and follow any instructions displayed as you link the gateways.

要进行付款,您需要将Shopify与付款提供商链接,但是他们确实有一个虚拟网关,您可以链接该虚拟网关进行测试,而无需进行实际的卡付款。 我建议这样做,以便在设置真实网关之前检查您与FetchApp的集成以及已发送的电子邮件。 使用Shopify的好处之一是,您可以轻松设置多个网关,并让客户选择付款方式。 就我而言,我关联了我的Stripe帐户和PayPal。 集成主要在Shopify端进行-只需阅读并遵循链接网关时显示的所有说明即可。

After making your Shopify store live you should test real payments by each of the methods you have set up. You can also refund yourself, and test that refunds go through. You are then able to go live.

在Shopify商店启用之后,您应该通过设置的每种方法测试实际付款。 您还可以退款自己,并测试退款是否成功。 这样便可以上线了。

其他要看的东西 (Additional things to look at)

You can customize the Shopify store heavily if you want to and also set up your own custom domain – although for a single product where people are linking straight to the cart from your site, the default look and feel is probably fine.


I installed the Shopify iPhone app, and it is fun to get a notification on my home screen when someone buys my book. I also installed the Xero App from Carry the One in order to push my payments through to Xero, as I use this for accounts.

我安装了Shopify iPhone应用程序,当有人购买我的书时,在主屏幕上收到通知很有趣。 我还从Carry the One安装了Xero App,以便将付款发送到Xero ,因为我将其用于帐户。

As my mailing list is in MailChimp I took a look at the Chimpified App which will keep your MailChimp list and Shopify in sync. I think this would work better if I created a new list just for customers rather than trying to link it up with my existing mailing list as it only adds those people who sign up for marketing emails to the list, and removes those who don’t. As my email list isn’t a marketing list I was concerned that people who wanted to receive my weekly email, but didn’t want to be sold to, might get removed so I uninstalled that app. Even without an App it is easy to get your Shopify customers and add them to a list on MailChimp. You download the customers filtering on those who have agreed to be emailed and can then import that into a list at MailChimp, MailChimp will handle the deducing of addresses, so people won’t be emailed twice if they were already on the list.

因为我的邮件列表在MailChimp中,所以我看了Chimpified App ,它将使您的MailChimp列表和Shopify保持同步。 我认为,如果我只为客户创建一个新列表,而不是尝试将其与我现有的邮件列表链接,则这样做会更好,因为它只会将注册了营销电子邮件的人员添加到该列表中,而将那些不添加营销电子邮件的人员添加到该列表中。 由于我的电子邮件列表不是营销列表,因此我担心那些想要接收我的每周电子邮件但又不想被出售给的人可能会被删除,因此我卸载了该应用程序。 即使没有应用程序,也很容易获得Shopify客户并将其添加到MailChimp上的列表中。 您可以下载筛选已同意发送电子邮件的客户的客户,然后将其导入到MailChimp的列表中,MailChimp将处理推论的地址,因此如果用户已经在列表中,则不会再给他们发送电子邮件。

这一切要花多少钱? (What does all this cost?)

Taking payments costs money and the biggest chunk will go to PayPal or your other payment gateway. Shopify has a monthly subscription and takes a percentage on their plans with a lower monthly fee, FetchApp is free for files under 1MB and then a monthly subscription based on storage required.

付款会花费金钱,最大的一部分将转到PayPal或您的其他付款网关。 Shopify每月订阅一次,并以较低的月费收取其计划的一定百分比,FetchApp免费提供1MB以下的文件,然后根据所需存储空间按月订阅。

There is no way to avoid payment provider costs. Rolling your own cart and delivery would save you some money but the monthly costs are not high, and percentage amounts only apply if you are actually selling your product. If you don’t have requirements that mean you need to develop a more complex system I’d advise using and paying for third party solutions and investing your time in marketing your product rather than writing code to sell it.

无法避免支付提供商的费用。 滚动自己的购物车并交付可以节省一些钱,但是每月成本并不高,并且百分比金额仅在您实际销售产品时适用。 如果您没有要求,那意味着您需要开发一个更复杂的系统,我建议您使用第三方解决方案并为此付费,并花时间在产品营销上,而不是编写代码来销售。

If you have first hand experience of other solutions please add your suggestions in the comments.








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