反向链接 反向代理_妇女与反向渠道

反向链接 反向代理

Yesterday Drew and I were fortunate enough to be invited down to take part in the 12 hour marathon that was the live recording of the 200th Boagworld podcast. It was a brilliant day, great people, a lovely friendly atmosphere down at The Barn, and lots of interesting people coming on the show and talking about a wide range of subjects. Many people on Twitter and in the chatroom on Ustream commented on how the day was just like a free web conference, and it really was a good day. I believe that the full 12 hours was recorded and will be released by Boagworld in the half hour segments in the weeks to come.

昨天Drew和我很幸运,被邀请参加第12个小时的马拉松比赛,这是第200个Boagworld播客的现场录音。 这是美好的一天,伟大的人们,在The Barn的友善友好的气氛中,有很多有趣的人参加表演,并谈论各种各样的话题。 Twitter上以及Ustream聊天室中的许多人评论说这一天就像免费的网络会议一样,这确实是一个美好的一天。 我相信完整的12个小时已记录下来,并将由Boagworld在未来几周的半小时内发布。

For those who weren’t following along, at The Barn was an impressive set up of mics and webcams so the whole show could be streamed live as video, in addition to the audio recording. The show was going out live using Ustream, which also has a chatroom displayed under the video so that the room can join in with the show – something that seemed like a great idea as Boagworld is so much about the community around it. There were hundreds of people watching and a good number commenting given the speed the chat would scroll up off the screen.

对于那些不喜欢的人来说,在The Barn 设置了令人印象深刻的麦克风和网络摄像头,因此除了录音之外,整个节目还可以现场直播为视频。 该节目是使用Ustream直播的,该视频在视频下方还显示了一个聊天室,以便该房间可以加入该节目-这似乎是一个好主意,因为Boagworld与周围的社区息息相关。 考虑到聊天在屏幕上滚动的速度,数百人正在观看,并且有很多人在评论。

Early in the day the chat was very positive. A few moans whenever any technical glitch happened, but generally people were enjoying being part of the show. It was quite difficult in the “studio” to really respond to the chat questions because there were so many people commenting and they would scroll off our screen very quickly. There was a really funny moment at the beginning of our section on eCommerce where somehow the camera that was pointing at me was playing a mooing jingle. We couldn’t hear this in the room at all, so people in the chatroom are complaining about this mooing, pointing out that it was in fact me that was mooing, and we were none the wiser as to what was going on.

当天早些时候,聊天非常积极。 每当发生任何技术故障时,都会有几声mo吟,但总的来说,人们很乐意参加演出。 在“工作室”中,很难真正回答聊天问题,因为评论的人太多,他们会很快滚动出我们的屏幕。 在“电子商务”部分的开头,有一个非常有趣的时刻,指点我的相机在播放嘶哑的叮当声。 我们根本听不到房间里的声音,所以聊天室里的人抱怨这种骚扰,并指出实际上是我在骚扰,而且我们对发生的事情都不明智。

Drew and I took a break for lunch as Jeremy Keith and Anna Debenham showed up to do a segment, and then came back to chat a bit about the Joel Test. That was our main segments done but as we weren’t on a deadline to get back we hung around to chip in on various things and generally just to enjoy the atmosphere at The Barn.

杰里米·基思Jeremy Keith)安娜·德本纳姆Anna Debenham)出现要做一个片段时,我和德鲁(Drew)休息了一下,然后回去聊了一下乔尔测试(Joel Test) 。 这是我们完成的主要部分,但是由于我们没有赶回截止日期的要求,所以我们四处奔波忙碌地忙于各种事情,并且通常只是享受The Barn的氛围。

I’d noticed the odd stupid comment on the chat earlier in the day, I’m pretty thickskinned about personal comments, and so chose to ignore them. However from this point in things started to get really quite unpleasant. During the afternoon Relly Annett-Baker, Sarah Parmenter and Inayaili de León were all doing segments, on copywriting, iPhone design and CSS3 respectively. All three are established professionals in their different fields, with lots to offer, they did excellent segments on the show. Ah yes, and they happen to be women. As Relly later said on Twitter:

我注意到当天早些时候在聊天中出现了奇怪的愚蠢评论,我对个人评论非常陌生,因此选择忽略它们。 但是从这一点开始,事情开始变得非常不愉快。 下午, Relly Annett-BakerSarah ParmenterInayaili deLeón分别在文案写作,iPhone设计和CSS3上进行细分。 这三位都是不同领域的资深专业人士,他们提供很多作品,他们在表演中表现出色。 啊,是的,他们碰巧是女人。 正如Relly稍后在Twitter上所说:

Play the #bw200 chatroom drinking game. Everytime someone says ‘it’s a girl!’ in the chat, take a swig of gin and weep for our industry!

玩#bw200聊天室饮用游戏。 每当有人说“这是一个女孩!” 在聊天中,畅饮杜松子酒,为我们的行业哭泣!

I’m not going to repeat any of the things that were said in the chatroom here, but there were a number of comments that basically suggested that the only reason certain women were invited to be on the show was because of the way they looked, there were comments more suited to an AOL chatroom with regard to what people may or may not be wearing. If the room didn’t like what a male contributor was talking about the comments would be that it was boring or arguing against their point of view, for the women there was this idea that they were only there due to their physical appearance.

我在这里不会重复聊天室中所说的任何事情,但是有很多评论基本上表明,邀请某些女性出现在演出中的唯一原因是因为她们的容貌,关于人们可能穿或不穿的衣服,有一些评论更适合AOL聊天室。 如果房间不喜欢一位男性撰稿人在谈论这些评论,那将是无聊或反对他们的观点,对于女性而言,他们的想法是她们只是因为外表而呆在那里。

We, as a community, need to stamp out this attitude whenever we see it.


I believe that women in any industry should be there due to their own merit, and the same for men who wish to follow a traditionally female career path. That is what feminism has given us, equality. We should stand or fall on the contributions that we bring to the industry and as web designers, developers, scientists, systems administrators etc. our physical appearance is not part of the package.

我认为,任何行业的女性都应有自己的才华,对于希望遵循传统女性职业道路的男性也应如此。 这就是女权主义给我们的平等。 作为网站设计人员,开发人员,科学家,系统管理员等,我们应该坚持或为我们为行业做出的贡献。 我们的外观不属于包装的一部分

What frequently happens in traditionally male industries is that women who want to be part of that dress down, become like “one of the lads”. What message does that send out to young women who are interested in careers in IT? Are we telling young women who are interested in looking good, in clothes and shoes and taking care of their appearance, that if they want to succeed in web development they will need to make sure they don’t look too good, as otherwise they will not be taken seriously? This is potentially hugely damaging to the cause of getting young women to consider our industry as a career path, and once they are here to get them to consider speaking at conferences, something which we discuss again and again.

在传统的男性行业中,经常发生的事情是,想要成为其中一员的女性变得像“小伙子之一”。 这会向对IT事业感兴趣的年轻女性发出什么信息? 我们是否要告诉对外观,衣服和鞋子感兴趣并照顾好自己的外观的年轻女性,如果他们想成功进行网络开发,则需要确保自己看起来不太好,否则他们会不认真对待? 这可能会极大地损害使年轻女性将我们的行业视为职业道路的原因,而一旦她们到这里让她们考虑在会议上发言,我们将对此进行一次又一次的讨论。

The chatroom on the Boagworld show was essentially a backchannel, and similar issues have happened in conference backchannels in recent months, I believe this is something that needs to be addressed in two ways. Firstly, the community need to be ready to stamp on this kind of behaviour as soon as it is seen. If you are in a channel that starts to go down this line make sure you are not contributing to it, and speak up against it. Can you help to turn the general mood to something more positive? Or offer constructive criticism? I’m certainly not suggesting we shouldn’t be able to disagree with a female speaker! Quite the opposite, we should be dealing with everyone in exactly the same way, I’m not a fan of positive discrimination either.

Boagworld展览的聊天室实质上是一个反向渠道,最近几个月在会议反向渠道中也发生了类似的问题 ,我认为这需要以两种方式解决。 首先,社区需要立即做好应对这种行为的准备。 如果您所在的频道开始下降,请确保您没有对此作出任何贡献,并反对它。 您可以帮助将总体情绪转为更积极的事情吗? 还是提出建设性的批评? 我当然不是在建议我们不应该不同意女发言人! 相反,我们应该以完全相同的方式对待每个人,我也不是积极歧视的拥护者。

Secondly I think there are technical solutions to some of this. If you have a live chat or backchannel, people should not be able to post anonymously, or behind nicknames that do not link back to a real person. As a thought perhaps we could have a system where everyone has to sign in with Facebook Connect? Facebook is about real names, real people. Would yesterday’s commenters have been happy for their comments to go out next to their photo, real name and the company they work for? In a conference situation the organisers usually have all those details, so a system can be created that ensured that comments only go out on a live channel that are identified to individuals. There are some people who will quite happily stand behind unpleasant comments but I would suggest they are far fewer than those who switch personalities when they can hide behind an anonymous nickname.

其次,我认为其中有一些技术解决方案。 如果您有实时聊天或反向渠道,人们应该不能匿名发帖,也不能背后没有链接回真实人的昵称。 考虑到也许我们可以拥有一个每个人都必须使用Facebook Connect登录的系统? Facebook是关于真实姓名,真实人物的。 昨天的评论者会对他们的评论,照片,真实姓名和他们工作的公司旁的评论感到高兴吗? 在会议情况下,组织者通常拥有所有这些详细信息,因此可以创建一个系统,以确保仅在个人识别的实时频道上发表评论。 有些人会很高兴地支持不愉快的评论,但是我建议他们比那些可以隐瞒匿名昵称而改变性格的人少得多。

If we are serious about encouraging young women into our industry then we need the women already in the industry to be visible, and for them to be seen as normal. If the female role models are only of a certain type (the stereotypically geeky type for example) then a young woman would be justified in thinking that you need to be like that to be accepted. This is then reinforced by the sort of comments we saw yesterday when young women who do not fit that stereotype were speaking. As a community we need to ensure this behaviour is called out as wrong, every time we see it.

如果我们认真地鼓励年轻女性加入我们的行业,那么我们就需要让该行业中已经存在的女性可见并使其成为正常人。 如果女性榜样只是某种类型(例如,刻板的怪异类型),那么一名年轻女性会以为您需要被接受才是合理的。 然后,我们昨天看到的那种不适合这种刻板印象的年轻女性在讲话时,便看到了这样的评论。 作为一个社区,我们需要确保每次看到此行为时都将其称为错误。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2010/02/13/women-and-the-backchannel/

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