


By now most of you will probably have read the article posted today on A List Apart, Beyond DOCTYPE: Web Standards, Forward Compatibility, and IE8.


In a nutshell, the new http-equiv=“X-UA-Compatible” instruction will let you tell Internet Explorer to render the page in the manner of a particular IE version. If you have developed for IE7 you can place a meta element into the head of your document that tells Internet Explorer to render that page as IE7. When IE8 comes out, your page will still render as it did in IE7 regardless of whether rendering bugs have been fixed or support has been added for things in IE8, the page will still display as in the earlier browser.

简而言之,新的http-equiv =“ X-UA-Compatible”指令将使您告诉Internet Explorer以特定IE版本的方式呈现页面。 如果您是为IE7开发的,则可以在文档的头部放置一个meta元素,告诉Internet Explorer将该页面呈现为IE7。 当IE8发布时,无论是否已修复渲染错误或是否已为IE8中的内容添加支持,您的页面仍将像IE7中一样呈现,该页面仍将显示为较早的浏览器。

So what is wrong with this picture? I believe that it will encourage the practice of developing for specific browsers. A practice we have tried to discourage since the days we all had to build two versions of our sites, one for Netscape and one for IE. It will also mean that the large number of developers who code solely for Internet Explorer and who, in the last couple of years, have been forced to update their methods due to IE7 having better standards support can now code purely for a specific version of IE, thus leaving large chunks of the web frozen in time – not taking advantage of improvements that would benefit all of their users.

那么这张照片怎么了? 我相信这将鼓励针对特定浏览器进行开发的做法。 自从我们所有人都不得不构建站点的两个版本以来,我们一直试图阻止这种做法,一个版本用于Netscape,另一个版本用于IE。 这也意味着大量仅使用Internet Explorer进行编码的开发人员,并且由于IE7具有更好的标准支持而在过去的几年中被迫更新其方法,现在可以仅针对特定版本的IE进行编码。 ,从而使大量的网络无法及时冻结–没有利用使所有用户受益的改进措施。

However it gets worse. This feature isn’t simply lurking in Internet Explorer, ready to be invoked by people who think it is a good idea. By default, if you do not add any meta tag to your document, or send it as a header from the server, then your website will display as IE7 … forever. As Jeremy Keith explains so well, this means that if you have used a CSS feature currently unsupported in IE7, when IE8 comes out – despite it supporting that feature – it won’t render your page with it as it will be rendering as IE7. I know this sounds bizarre, but IE8 will only render your pages as IE8 if you tell it to. There is the ability to set IE=edge so you get the terrifying unknown thing that is the latest version of the browser, but how many people will know or care enough to do this?

但是,情况变得更糟。 此功能不只是潜伏在Internet Explorer中,还可以被认为是个好主意的人调用。 默认情况下,如果您没有在文档中添加任何元标记,也没有将其作为标头从服务器发送出去,那么您的网站将永远显示为IE7。 正如Jeremy Keith很好地解释的那样 ,这意味着,如果您使用的是IE7当前不支持的CSS功能,则IE8推出时(尽管它支持该功能)将不会像使用IE7那样呈现您的页面。 我知道这听起来很奇怪,但是如果您告诉IE8IE8只会将您的页面呈现为IE8 。 可以通过设置IE = edge来获得最新版本的浏览器,这真是令人恐惧的事情,但是有多少人会知道或足够关心这样做呢?

I feel this is a huge step back, and if it does happen, the full implications won’t be seen until a few years down the line when we are dealing with JavaScript libraries and widgets hugely bloated in size due to the need to maintain support for legacy browser versions because current browser versions still render as them despite the actual browser having very little usage. When we are seeing sites strangely frozen in time along with development teams with skills similarly stagnated. Once of the good things about Microsoft beginning browser development once again with IE7 was that it meant people did have to update their skills to support the latest Microsoft browser.

我觉得这是一个巨大的退步,而且如果确实发生了,那么直到几年以后,由于需要维护支持,我们处理JavaScript库和小部件的数量大大膨胀时,才能看到全部含义。对于旧版浏览器,因为尽管实际的浏览器使用率非常低,但当前的浏览器版本仍按其渲染。 当我们看到站点和开发团队的时间停滞不前时,它们被奇怪地冻结了。 Microsoft再次使用IE7开始浏览器开发的好处是,这意味着人们必须更新技能以支持最新的Microsoft浏览器。

New versions of browsers should behave, by default, as the version that they are. If there is to be any rendering engine switch, and I believe it to be a bad thing entirely, it should involve opting out of the default standards compliant mode. I also believe that any ‘solution’ like this, should be a solution developed by all major browser vendors, along with the W3C. This all feels like the browser wars all over again, and I don’t want to go back there!

默认情况下,新版本的浏览器的行为应与它们的版本相同。 如果要进行任何渲染引擎切换,并且我认为这完全是一件坏事,那应该包括选择退出默认的标准兼容模式。 我也相信,任何这样的“解决方案”都应该是所有主要浏览器供应商以及W3C共同开发的解决方案。 这一切都感觉浏览器又一次大战,我不想回到那里!

Finally, I believe this is a solution to a problem that was actually becoming less of a problem since IE7. It is a problem that is going away. The “broken sites” caused by the release of IE7 seem to have been, in the main, fairly small differences in rendering and those of us who developed to web standards found we had very few changes to make, if any. The move to Web Standards is the solution to the problem of new browsers “breaking” sites, and just as it starts to look as if there could be a light at the end of the tunnel Microsoft appear to want to call a feature freeze on the web.

最后,我相信这是对自IE7以来实际上已不再是一个问题的解决方案。 这是一个即将消失的问题。 IE7的发布造成的“损坏的站点”在渲染方面似乎主要是很小的差异,而那些按照Web标准进行开发的人发现,几乎没有什么变化。 转向Web标准是解决新浏览器“破坏”网站问题的解决方案,并且它似乎开始看起来像是在隧道尽头时,微软似乎希望将功能冻结。网络。



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