

I sit on two committees as a volunteer, there are a lot of similarities between the two committees, both have buildings and people to consider, both have funding issues that need to be considered before even the smallest action is taken and both are made up of mainly volunteers along with a couple of staff of the institutions concerned.


However there the similarities stop. On committee A the meetings are short and to the point – despite the fact that more work is required and more decisions have to made than on committee B. When a certain project is going to have to happen a small working party is created, date for meetings set and the project can be handled by a small group instead of needing to take up main committee time. Communication on committee A is excellent, I always know when and where the meetings are and what is required of me. I leave the meetings of committee A feeling that I have made a positive contribution and know how I can use my skills for the benefit of the group.

但是,相似之处停止了。 在甲委员会上,会议很简短,尽管如此,尽管与乙委员会相比,还需要做更多的工作,必须做出更多的决定。当某个项目要进行时,成立了一个小型工作组,会议安排和项目可以由一小组处理,而不需要占用主要委员会的时间。 关于A委员会的交流非常好,我总是知道会议的时间和地点以及对我的要求。 我离开委员会会议A感到自己做出了积极的贡献,并且知道如何利用自己的技能为小组造福。

The meetings for committee B tend to drag on after their expected finishing time, despite the fact that there is often very little to discuss. Reports from sub committees are read out and then discussed for no obvious reason; the meeting wanders off topic and rarely achieves anything concrete other than to set another meeting date. Communication is poor, and decisions (even just about meeting dates) are hard to come by, as when ‘lesser members’ of the committee make proposals just to try and get things moving, they are put in their place by the more senior members. Important topics are glossed over and those which would be best left to a small working party discussed in great detail. I leave the meetings of committee B feeling frustrated and as if I have just wasted an evening.

尽管实际上讨论的很少,但委员会B的会议往往在预期的结束时间之后就拖延了。 分委员会的报告被读出,然后进行了讨论,没有明显的原因。 会议徘徊在话题之外,除了设定另一个会议日期外,几乎没有取得任何具体成就。 沟通不畅,而且很难做出决定(甚至几乎是会议日期),因为当委员会的“较小成员”提出只是为了使事情动起来的提案时,高层成员会取代他们的位置。 重要主题被掩盖了,那些主题最好留给一个小的工作组进行详细讨论。 我离开B委员会的会议感到沮丧,好像我只是在浪费一个晚上。

I think both of these committees are very important, and I believe that giving some of my time as a volunteer locally is very important. I’ve sat on several committees over the years and know that committee A is actually a very rare thing indeed, but they achieve their success by being business-like about their meetings and appreciating the time that the members are giving up to be on the committee and the valuable skills that they bring. By doing this they make their meetings more effective and also mean that people are more likely to want to remain on the committee as it doesn’t feel like a waste of time.

我认为这两个委员会都是非常重要的,我相信在当地担任志愿者的时间非常重要。 多年来,我已经在多个委员会中任职,并且知道A委员会实际上确实是非常难得的事情,但是他们通过在会议上表现得像商业人士一样,并赞赏成员们放弃参加会议的时间来取得成功。委员会及其带来的宝贵技能。 通过这样做,他们使会议更有效,也意味着人们更愿意留在委员会上,因为这不会浪费时间。

I’m not a ‘committee person’ however I feel that my skills are more of use in these areas than in making cakes for fundraising for example, which is why I have chosen to volunteer in this way. I do enjoy the challenges – when they are real challenges and not just “how much more of this meeting can I take before I scream”!

我不是“委员会成员”,但是我觉得我在这些领域的技能更多地用于制作筹款蛋糕,例如,这就是为什么我选择以此方式志愿服务的原因。 我确实喜欢挑战-当挑战是真正的挑战,而不仅仅是“我在尖叫之前可以参加多少次会议”!

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2004/10/04/on-being-a-volunteer/






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