做事用人 用人做事_这就是我们在这里做事的方式

做事用人 用人做事

Derek Featherstone describes something that seems to be a common feeling among “web standards advocates” right now. For those of us who have been using and evangelising web standards for the last few years it all seems so obvious. In my own company our use of web standards saves us time. Over and over again the benefits are there – cancelling out a hundred fold any extra bit of time puzzling over an IE CSS bug. This is just the way we do things and, over the last couple of years lots of other people have started to see that working in this way, validating mark-up, creating semantic and accessible web pages is a good way to work.

德里克·费瑟斯通 Derek Featherstone) 所描述的东西现在似乎是“网络标准倡导者”之间的一种普遍感觉。 对于最近几年一直在使用和宣传Web标准的人们来说,一切似乎都是如此。 在我自己的公司中,我们使用网络标准可以为我们节省时间。 好处一遍又一遍–消除了IE CSS错误引起的任何额外时间,从而节省了一百倍。 这只是我们做事的方式,并且在过去几年中,许多其他人开始看到以这种方式工作,验证标记,创建语义和可访问的网页是一种很好的工作方式。

However, as Derek describes in his article, there are sites being launched every day that are full of nested tables, spacer gifs, paragraph text styled as headings – even font tags. When does web standards stop being an added extra and just become the way things are done around here?

但是,正如Derek在他的文章中所描述的那样,每天都有许多站点在运行,这些站点充满了嵌套表,分隔符gif,样式为标题的段落文本-甚至是字体标签。 Web标准什么时候不再成为增加的附加功能,而成为此处完成工作的方式?

I don’t actually remember at which point I realised that valid mark-up, or CSS for layout, or creating accessible web sites was the way to go. Although looking through my archives I found this post, written just before I launched my first CSS layout for this site. Despite having learned to handcode HTML, prior to there being tools like Dreamweaver available, I remember those first CSS layouts being a great struggle and I don’t think I would have got anywhere had it not been for the layouts at Glish.com.

我实际上不记得当时意识到有效的标记,用于布局的CSS或创建可访问的网站的方法。 尽管查看了我的档案,但我发现了这篇文章该文章是在我为该网站启动第一个CSS布局之前写的。 尽管已经学会了对HTML进行手工编码的方法,但是在出现像Dreamweaver之类的工具之前,我记得那些最初的CSS布局是一个艰巨的工作,而且我认为如果没有Glish.com上的布局,我将一事无成

Times have changed though, there are so many excellent resources if you want to learn CSS, or web standards or accessibility. However, the people who will go out there and learn the new thing, and keep themselves informed of best practices have already learned this stuff. How do we get to those people who don’t even know that the issues exist, or don’t care? You only need to look in your average basic web design magazine, or hang around on a design mailing list that doesn’t have a strong web standards evangelist user base to realise that the battle of getting people to realise that web standards are important, or even that they exist, is a long way off being won.

但是时代已经变了,如果您学习CSS或Web标准或可访问性,这里有很多优秀的资源。 但是,将到那里学习新事物并不断了解最佳实践的人们已经学习了这些知识。 我们如何去找那些根本不知道问题存在或不在乎的人? 您只需要查看一般的基本Web设计杂志,或在没有强大的Web标准传播者用户群的设计邮件列表中徘徊,即可意识到使人们认识到Web标准的斗争很重要,或者即使它们存在,距离获胜还有很长的路要走。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2004/11/23/this-is-the-way-we-do-things-around-here/

做事用人 用人做事





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