“.. we need to step back from our endless battle to make it look the same across all platforms. We can’t make our site look the same on a PDA as a 21” monitor, we can’t make our site ‘the same’ for someone on a speaking browser, and although things are improving there are still differences in support and implementation of various W3C standards. Let go, its not going to look the same….”
“ ..我们需要从无休止的战斗中退缩,以使其在所有平台上看起来都一样。 我们无法使网站在PDA上的外观与21英寸显示器的外观相同,我们也无法使网站与使用语音浏览器的用户“相同”,尽管情况有所改善,但在支持和实现方面仍存在差异各种W3C标准。 放手,它看起来不会一样……”。
Read the rest of the article on edgeofmyseat.com.
翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2001/12/23/ive-been-ranting-again/