c#处理文件流_在C ++中使用文件流进行文件处理


File represents storage medium for storing data or information. Streams refer to sequence of bytes. In Files we store data i.e. text or binary data permanently and use these data to read or write in the form of input output operations by transferring bytes of data. So we use the term File Streams/File handling. We use the header file <fstream>

文件表示用于存储数据或信息的存储介质。 流是指字节序列。 在“文件”中,我们永久存储数据(即文本或二进制数据),并通过传输数据字节以输入输出操作的形式使用这些数据进行读取或写入。 因此,我们使用术语“文件流/文件处理”。 我们使用头文件<fstream>

  • ofstream: It represents output Stream and this is used for writing in files.


  • ifstream: It represents input Stream and this is used for reading from files.


  • fstream: It represents both output Stream and input Stream. So it can read from files and write to files.

    fstream:表示输出流和输入流。 因此它可以从文件读取并写入文件。

Operations in File Handling:


  • Creating a file: open()

    创建文件: open()

  • Reading data: read()

    读取数据: read()

  • Writing new data: write()

    写入新数据: write()

  • Closing a file: close()

    关闭文件: close()

创建/打开文件 (Creating/Opening a File)

We create/open a file by specifying new path of the file and mode of operation. Operations can be reading, writing, appending and truncating. Syntax for file creation: FilePointer.open("Path",ios::mode);

我们通过指定文件的新路径和操作模式来创建/打开文件。 操作可以是读取,写入,附加和截断。 创建文件的语法: FilePointer.open("Path",ios::mode);

  • Example of file opened for writing: st.open("E:\studytonight.txt",ios::out);

    打开的可写文件示例: st.open("E:\studytonight.txt",ios::out);

  • Example of file opened for reading: st.open("E:\studytonight.txt",ios::in);

    打开供读取的文件示例: st.open("E:\studytonight.txt",ios::in);

  • Example of file opened for appending: st.open("E:\studytonight.txt",ios::app);

    打开的用于追加文件的示例: st.open("E:\studytonight.txt",ios::app);

  • Example of file opened for truncating: st.open("E:\studytonight.txt",ios::trunc);

    打开的要截断的文件示例: st.open("E:\studytonight.txt",ios::trunc);

#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    fstream st; // Step 1: Creating object of fstream class
    st.open("E:\studytonight.txt",ios::out);  // Step 2: Creating new file
    if(!st) // Step 3: Checking whether file exist
        cout<<"File creation failed";
        cout<<"New file created";
        st.close(); // Step 4: Closing file
    return 0;

写入文件 (Writing to a File)

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    fstream st; // Step 1: Creating object of fstream class
    st.open("E:\studytonight.txt",ios::out);  // Step 2: Creating new file
    if(!st) // Step 3: Checking whether file exist
        cout<<"File creation failed";
        cout<<"New file created";
        st<<"Hello";    // Step 4: Writing to file
        st.close(); // Step 5: Closing file
    return 0;

Here we are sending output to a file. So, we use ios::out. As given in the program, information typed inside the quotes after "FilePointer <<" will be passed to output file.

在这里,我们将输出发送到文件。 因此,我们使用ios :: out。 如程序中所给,将在“ FilePointer <<”之后的引号内键入的信息传递给输出文件。

从文件读取 (Reading from a File)

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    fstream st; // step 1: Creating object of fstream class
    st.open("E:\studytonight.txt",ios::in);   // Step 2: Creating new file
    if(!st) // Step 3: Checking whether file exist
        cout<<"No such file";
        char ch;
        while (!st.eof())
            st >>ch;  // Step 4: Reading from file
            cout << ch;   // Message Read from file
        st.close(); // Step 5: Closing file
    return 0;

Here we are reading input from a file. So, we use ios::in. As given in the program, information from the output file is obtained with the help of following syntax "FilePointer >>variable".

在这里,我们从文件读取输入。 因此,我们使用ios :: in。 如程序中所给出的,借助于以下语法“ FilePointer >> variable”从输出文件中获取信息。

关闭档案 (Close a File)

It is done by FilePointer.close().


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    fstream st; // Step 1: Creating object of fstream class
    st.open("E:\studytonight.txt",ios::out);  // Step 2: Creating new file
    st.close(); // Step 4: Closing file
    return 0;

文件中的特殊操作 (Special operations in a File)

There are few important functions to be used with file streams like:


  • tellp() - It tells the current position of the put pointer.

    tellp() -告知放置指针的当前位置。

    Syntax: filepointer.tellp()

    语法: filepointer.tellp()

  • tellg() - It tells the current position of the get pointer.

    tellg() -告诉get指针的当前位置。

    Syntax: filepointer.tellg()

    语法: filepointer.tellg()

  • seekp() - It moves the put pointer to mentioned location.

    seekp() -将放置指针移动到提到的位置。

    Syntax: filepointer.seekp(no of bytes,reference mode)

    语法: filepointer.seekp(字节数,引用模式)

  • seekg() - It moves get pointer(input) to a specified location.

    seekg() -将get指针(输入)移动到指定位置。

    Syntax: filepointer.seekg((no of bytes,reference point)

    语法: filepointer.seekg((字节数,参考点)

  • put() - It writes a single character to file.

    put() -将单个字符写入文件。

  • get() - It reads a single character from file.

    get() -它从文件中读取单个字符。

Note: For seekp and seekg three reference points are passed:
ios::beg - beginning of the file
ios::cur - current position in the file
ios::end - end of the file
ios :: beg-文件的开头
ios :: cur-文件中的当前位置
ios :: end-文件结尾

Below is a program to show importance of tellp, tellg, seekp and seekg:


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    fstream st; // Creating object of fstream class
    st.open("E:\studytonight.txt",ios::out);  // Creating new file
    if(!st) // Checking whether file exist
        cout<<"File creation failed";
        cout<<"New file created"<<endl;
        st<<"Hello Friends"; //Writing to file
        // Checking the file pointer position
        cout<<"File Pointer Position is "<<st.tellp()<<endl;  
        st.seekp(-1, ios::cur); // Go one position back from current position
        //Checking the file pointer position
        cout<<"As per tellp File Pointer Position is "<<st.tellp()<<endl; 
        st.close(); // closing file
    st.open("E:\studytonight.txt",ios::in);   // Opening file in read mode
    if(!st) //Checking whether file exist
        cout<<"No such file";
        char ch;
        st.seekg(5, ios::beg);  // Go to position 5 from begning.
        cout<<"As per tellg File Pointer Position is "<<st.tellg()<<endl; //Checking file pointer position
        st.seekg(1, ios::cur); //Go to position 1 from beginning.
        cout<<"As per tellg File Pointer Position is "<<st.tellg()<<endl; //Checking file pointer position
        st.close(); //Closing file
    return 0;

New file created File Pointer Position is 13 As per tellp File Pointer Position is 12 As per tellg File Pointer Position is 5 As per tellg File Pointer Position is 6


翻译自: https://www.studytonight.com/cpp/file-streams-in-cpp.php






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