python 装饰器装饰类_Python中的装饰器

python 装饰器装饰类

@property is a built-in decorator in python language which is used to make functions like getters and setters in a class behave as class properties.


To understand the concept in a better way, let's take an example.


Below we have a class Student, which has 3 properties, namely fname, lname and fullname, where fullname is a concatenation of the first two properties.

下面我们有一个Student类,它具有3个属性,即fnamelnamefullname ,其中fullname是前两个属性的串联。

And we have a function too, the email() function to generate an email address for the student using its first and last names.

我们也有一个函数, email()函数使用名字和姓氏为学生生成电子邮件地址。

class Student:
	def __init__(self, fname, lname):
		self.fname = fname
		self.lname = lname
		self.fullname = self.fname +' '+ self.lname

	# generate email using first and last name
	def email(self):
		return '{}.{}'.format(self.fname, self.lname)

Let's now create a few objects and call the function email() and doing so try a few things,


# student s1
s1 = Student('Tony', 'Stark')
print('Fullname of s1 is ', s1.fullname)
print('And email address = ',

# now updating the s1 object's first name
s1.first = 'Steve'
print('Fullname of s1 is ', s1.fullname)
print('And email address = ',

Fullname of s1 is Tony Stark And email address = [email protected] Fullname of s1 is Tony Stark And email address = [email protected]

s1的全名是Tony Stark并且电子邮件地址= [受电子邮件保护] s1的全名是Tony Stark并且电子邮件地址= [受电子邮件保护]

Now referring to the above code, in class Student, fname(first name) and lname(last name) are the simple attributes(which are not derived from any other attributes) while fullname and email() are the derived attributes.

现在参考上面的代码,在Student类中, fname (名字)和lname (姓氏)是简单属性(它们不是从任何其他属性派生的),而fullnameemail()是派生的属性。

Here fullname is declared as a variable and email is declared as a function.

在这里, 全名被声明为变量, email被声明为函数。

Now coming to the output, we can see that for a student when the first name is changed then email gets changed automatically but the fullname doesn't change because email() is a function which is called at the time when we want the email to be returned while fullname is set at the time of initialisation of the object.


If you want to fix the problem for fullname, it can be done by making a function similar to email to get fullname as well. But, this will result in the overhead of changing all the access made to fullname in all the python files which have used the Student class.

如果您想解决全名问题,可以通过制作类似于电子邮件的函数来获取全名来解决。 但是,这将导致将所有使用Student类的python文件中对全名的所有访问权限更改为全名的开销。

Also, creating a function is not the pythonic way of solving this problem. But then what is?

同样,创建函数也不是解决此问题的有效方法。 但是那是什么呢?

使用@property装饰器 (Using @property Decorator)

Now we will use the @property in the above program to solve the problem of fullname(which we saw above) by creating a getter function for fullname which will allow it to be used as a simple variable and will always return the updated value of fullname property.


Let's see how we can do so,


class Student:
	def __init__(self, fname, lname):
		self.fname = fname
		self.lname = lname

    def fullname(self):
        return self.fname +' '+ self.lname

    # generate email using first and last name
	def email(self):
		return '{}.{}'.format(self.fname, self.lname)

s1 = Student('Tony', 'Stark')
print('Fullname of s1 is ', s1.fullname)
print('And email address = ',

# now updating the s1 object's first name
s1.first = 'Steve'
print('Fullname of s1 is ', s1.fullname)
print('And email address = ',
Output:- 输出:-

Fullname of s1 is Tony Stark And email address = [email protected] Fullname of s1 is Steve Stark And email address = [email protected]

s1的全名是Tony Stark并且电子邮件地址= [受电子邮件保护] s1的全名是Steve Stark并且电子邮件地址= [受电子邮件保护]

In the above example, @property decorator is used on the function named as fullname(). Now, this function will work as a fullname attribute and also can work as a getter because of the @property decorator attached to it.

在上面的示例中,在名为fullname()的函数上使用了@property装饰器。 现在,由于该函数附加了@property装饰器,因此它可以用作全名属性,也可以用作吸气剂。

使用@property Decorator定义setterdeleter方法 (Defining setter and deleter methods with @property Decorator)

Similar to the getter method(we have defined in the previous example) we can also define setter and deleter methods for any attribute which is using @property in Python.


The setter method will set the value of the attribute and the deleter method will delete the attribute from the memory.


Let's implement a setter and deleter method for our fullname attribute. For defining a setter and deleter method, for an attribute with @property decorator set on its getter method, we use a special syntax, where we put @ATTRIBUTE_NAME.setter and @ATTRIBUTE_NAME.deleter decorator on function with name same as the ATTRIBUTE_NAME. This is shown in the below example,

让我们为fullname属性实现一个setter和Deleter方法。 为了定义设置器删除器方法,对于在其getter方法上设置了@property装饰器的属性,我们使用一种特殊的语法,在该函数中,将@ATTRIBUTE_NAME.setter@ATTRIBUTE_NAME.deleter装饰器放置在名称与ATTRIBUTE_NAME相同的函数上。 在下面的示例中显示,

class Student:
    def __init__(self, fname, lname):
		self.fname = fname
		self.lname = lname

    def fullname(self):
        return self.fname +' '+ self.lname

    #setter for the fullname
    def fullname(self, name):
 	# split the name from space
 	fname, lname = name.split(" ")
	self.first = fname
	self.last = lname

    #deleter for fullname
    def fullname(self):
        self.first = None
        self.last = None
        print('Deleted the fullname')
    # generate email using first and last name
	def email(self):
		return '{}.{}'.format(self.fname, self.lname)

s1 = Student('Tony', 'Stark')
print('Fullname of s1 is ', s1.fullname)
print('And email address = ',

# now updating the s1 object's first name
s1.first = 'Steve'
print('Fullname of s1 is ', s1.fullname)
print('And email address = ',

#setting new value of fullname
s1.fullname = 'Berry Banner'
print('New Fullname of s1 is ', s1.fullname)

#deleting the fullname
del s1.fullname

Fullname of s1 is Tony Stark And email address = [email protected] Fullname of s1 is Steve Stark And email address = [email protected] New fullname of s1 is  Berry Banner Deleted the fullname.

s1的全名是Tony Stark并且电子邮件地址= [受电子邮件保护] s1的全名是Steve Stark且电子邮件地址= [email受保护] s1的新全名是Berry Banner删除了全名。

In the above example, we have successfully created getter, setter and deleter using the @property decorator.


The simple syntax for creating setter and deleter is:




property()函数 (The property() function)

Instead of using @property decorator, we can use the property() function in python to create getters, setters and deleters in python.


Syntax: property(fget, fset, fdel, doc)

语法: property(fget, fset, fdel, doc)

Where the parameters means:


fget(): used to get the value of attribute

fget() :用于获取属性的值

fset(): used to set the value of atrribute

fset() :用于设置atrribute的值

fdel() : used to delete the attribute value

fdel() :用于删除属性值

doc(): string that contains the documentation (docstring) for the attribute

doc() :包含属性文档(文档字符串)的字符串

return: It returns a property attribute from the given getter, setter and deleter.

return :它从给定的getter,setter和deleter返回属性属性。

Below, is an example showing the use of the property() function for the same Student class with the same functions defined as getter, setter and deleter.


class Student:

    def __init__(self, fname, lname):
        self.fname = fname
        self.lname = lname
        self.fullname = fname+' '+lname

    def fullname_getter(self):
        return self.fname +' '+ self.lname
    def fullname_setter(self,name):
        firstname, lastname = name.split()
        self.fname = firstname
        self.lname = lastname

    def fullname_deleter(self):
        self.fname = None
        self.lname = None
        print('Deleted the fullname.')
    def email(self):
        return '{}.{}'.format(self.fname, self.lname)
    fullname = property()
    fullname = fullname.getter(fullname_getter)
    fullname = fullname.setter(fullname_setter)
    fullname = fullname.deleter(fullname_deleter)

 	# this can be done in a single line too
    # fullname = property(fullname_getter, fullname_setter, fullname_deleter)

s1 = Student('Tony', 'Stark')
print('Fullname of s1 is ', s1.fullname)
print('And email address = ',

# now updating the s1 object's first name
s1.first = 'Steve'
print('Fullname of s1 is ', s1.fullname)
print('And email address = ',

#setting new value of fullname
s1.fullname = 'Berry Banner'
print('New Fullname of s1 is ', s1.fullname)

#deleting the fullname
del s1.fullname

Fullname of s1 is Tony Stark And email address = [email protected] Fullname of s1 is Steve Stark And email address = [email protected] New fullname of s1 is  Berry Banner Deleted the fullname.

s1的全名是Tony Stark并且电子邮件地址= [受电子邮件保护] s1的全名是Steve Stark且电子邮件地址= [email受保护] s1的新全名是Berry Banner删除了全名。

In this example, either we can use property() function and specify all the getter, setter and deleter functions as parameters in one go using the syntax described above or in multiple code lines.



python 装饰器装饰类

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