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翻译 物化视图和命令查询职责分离_关于命令查询分离和面向对象的设计

物化视图和命令查询职责分离什么是CQS / CQRS(命令和查询分离)?(What is CQS/CQRS (Command & Query Separation)?)First, let’s agree that each method of a class can do one or both things: 首先,让我们同意一个类的每个方法可以做一件事或两件事:It can mu...

2020-10-14 19:40:29 383

翻译 aws terraform_使用Terraform在AWS上的mysql数据库上的gcp k8s群集上托管wordpress

aws terraformWe are going to deploy a WordPress application on top of Kubernetes cluster using Kubernetes service of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) along with Load Balancer and for database, we will be c...

2020-10-14 19:30:17 418

翻译 css复选框样式_仅使用CSS的可扩展样式复选框,称为em use em

css复选框样式In replying to Omar Sharaki’s article “From Static to Dynamic CSS values” on rescaling the garbage example from W3schools, I said that it was a severely — and unnecessarily — overthought way o...

2020-10-14 19:21:05 453

翻译 搭建gos_Gos ast Package pt 2的好东西

搭建gosThis is the second part of the walkthrough “Cool Stuff with Go’s AST Package.” If you have not yet had the opportunity to review the first article, I recommend starting there to become acquainted...

2020-10-14 19:10:24 249

翻译 netflix设置语言_由netflix提供的polynote统一笔记本,用于编写多语言代码

netflix设置语言Let’s start writing some small snippet of code in the favorite Jupyter notebook. Please see below video snippet:让我们开始在最喜欢的Jupyter笔记本中编写一些小代码段。 请参见下面的视频片段:As you see, the output is changing...

2020-10-14 19:00:31 646

翻译 詹金斯搭建_使用詹金斯构建django ci cd管道

詹金斯搭建I’ve built multiple Django projects and deployed on servers for testing on a production like environment. Now there was an admin overhead that came with that. Anytime I made a code change I had t...

2020-10-14 18:50:58 297

翻译 用postgresql和java处理树数据模型

As consultant / developer, one of the things I enjoy the most is building bridges between the current world and the future, between the current system and the future system, in this post I will tell o...

2020-10-14 18:40:44 323

翻译 python自带ide使用_使用最好的python ide

python自带ide使用Throughout this article, I will discuss a step-by-step guide for using some of the top Python Integrated Development Environments/Code Editors:I. Google Colaboratory | II. Jupyter Noteboo...

2020-10-14 18:31:16 737

翻译 读chm 编程语言_人类可读的编程语言

读chm 编程语言“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”人才赢得比赛,但团队合作和智慧赢得冠军。 ”Did you ever hear about this quote? Yes, it’s one of my favorite quotes from Michael Jordan! The sa...

2020-10-14 18:21:33 273

翻译 动态编程语言静态编程语言_进行中的动态编程

动态编程语言静态编程语言介绍(Introduction)Dynamic programming can be thought of as a way of breaking a complex problem into sub-problems, solving each of these sub-problems once, and saving the solutions for later...

2020-10-14 18:11:18 316

翻译 ext 表单重构_重构动作视图表单助手

ext 表单重构Since Rails 5.1 theres a new form in town and it goes by the name of ‘form_with’.从Rails 5.1开始,城镇中有了一个新表单,其名称为“ form_with”。 前辈:<form_for>和<form_tag>(The Predecessors: <form_for&...

2020-10-14 18:02:08 95

翻译 python图灵机_用python模拟图灵机并在其上执行程序

python图灵机In this article, we shall implement a basic version of a Turing Machine in python and write a few simple programs to execute them on the Turing machine. This article is inspired by the edX / ...

2020-10-14 17:52:43 2192

翻译 github请求超时_创建请求请求,然后从命令行合并多个github仓库

github请求超时The problem I’m trying to solve: how to create PRs for multiple GitHub repositories and then merge those repos via CLI—without using the GitHub UI!我要解决的问题是:如何为多个GitHub存储库创建PR,然后通过CLI合并这些存储库,...

2020-10-14 17:42:57 263

翻译 python 推迟_推迟恐慌并在戈朗恢复

python 推迟Different programming languages handle errors, exceptions and recovery in different ways. Go employs defer, panic, and recover which work closely with each other to ensure smooth execution of...

2020-10-14 17:32:29 138

翻译 quarkus和vertx_quarkus和Java开发人员的经验

quarkus和vertxThis post covers这篇文章涵盖What is Quarkus?什么是Quarkus?Getting started with Quarkus Quarkus入门What is native executable?什么是本机可执行文件?Building native executable from Java using Quarkus 使用Quarkus从...

2020-10-14 17:23:09 1636

翻译 前端vue后端java_带有Java后端的dockerizing vue js应用

前端vue后端javaDocker is an enterprise-ready container platform that enables organizations to seamlessly build, share, and run any application, anywhere. Almost every company is containerizing its applica...

2020-10-14 17:14:05 225

翻译 实用git使用cli

I decided on writing a tutorial on Git usage. Especially considering how popular remote work is now. When I began software development, I started with using a GUI but I made too many mistakes with it....

2020-10-14 17:04:19 354

翻译 appium怎么测试ios_在同一框架中执行ios和android appium java测试

appium怎么测试iosSome time ago we were tasked with implementing an end to end UI automation testing framework to be used for an anonymous company’s native iOS and Android apps.不久前,我们的任务是实施端到端UI自动化测试框架,以用于...

2020-10-14 16:54:07 497

翻译 软件测试速成_软件测试速成课程,但很有趣

软件测试速成As software engineers, we want to write code that not only works, but works in every possible situation a user could find themselves in. Under any circumstance, we want our code to run the way w...

2020-10-14 16:43:08 450

翻译 玩浮点数

For all the years I have spent coding in C, I have avoided comparing floating-point numbers, because, unlike integer comparison, they are known to produce unpredictable results, owing to the method fl...

2020-10-14 16:32:38 97

翻译 数据科学工具_必须了解数据科学家的工具

数据科学工具Ever felt frustrated because of not being able to recover a small code snippet which got deleted accidentally? Ever felt handicapped because of not being able to re-use an older iteration of you...

2020-10-14 16:21:52 267

翻译 docker和kubernetes指南pt 2使用docker制作真实项目

In part 1 of this series, we familiarized ourselves with Docker by understanding:在本系列的第1部分中,我们通过了解以下内容使自己熟悉Docker:✅ What Docker is and how it operates on the high level✅ What Docker images and contai...

2020-10-14 16:11:22 111

翻译 keras 香草编码器_如何使用香草javascript制作简单的游戏循环

keras 香草编码器Hey everybody! Today I want to talk about how you can create a simple game loop using only vanilla JavaScript. Recently, my friend and I decided to work on a little game project to up our J...

2020-10-14 16:01:38 158

翻译 算术编码 二进制编码_5个简单的二进制编码陷阱

算术编码 二进制编码Spending hours in frustration debugging Simple Binary Encoding (SBE) issues in your application? You aren’t alone. I’ve been there before. This post hopes to alleviate some of your pains by ...

2020-10-14 15:51:23 980

翻译 node js php_开始之前请先阅读Node JS php的工作方式

node js php介绍与我的经验(Introduction & My Experience)Especially on the web, the question of Node.js or PHP has been asked since the day Node.js released, which is 2009.自从2009年Node.js发布之日起,尤其是在网络上,就一直在...

2020-10-14 15:40:30 79

翻译 eclipse启用代码规范_启用锈代码诊断

eclipse启用代码规范Debugging in Rust is difficult. It may be possible, but the instruments allowing to do so are nowhere near the equivalents of Java or C#, partly because the latter languages have virtual ...

2020-10-14 15:29:43 193

翻译 准备编码训练营的五个步骤

Enrolling in Thinkful’s bootcamp was easy. All it took was one $12,000 click of the mouse, and that was it. The chips were down, and I definitely felt a strong sense of “failure is not an option”. I n...

2020-10-14 15:19:12 234

翻译 如何用c++编码一个程序_我最喜欢的5个编码一个想法的程序

如何用c++编码一个程序I read a lot of articles about tools made specifically for programming, but just this morning, I thought to myself, “Some of the tools that get me out of a pinch are not even programming-r...

2020-10-14 15:09:13 496

翻译 数据结构堆栈 内存堆栈_学习数据结构03堆栈

数据结构堆栈 内存堆栈Previously, I explained how linked list works and its common methods. In this episode, I am going to explain about the stack. I am going to use Python in examples but it should be easy to u...

2020-10-14 14:58:36 159

翻译 ruby on rails_ruby on rails vs node js你应该选择什么

ruby on railsWhat is launching a successful startup like? It’s like baking a delicious cake, that everyone likes. Well, almost. What do these procedures have in common? Ingredients. For the cake to be...

2020-10-14 14:49:00 256

翻译 妙法入睡_我如何帮助开发人员晚上入睡

妙法入睡介绍(Introduction)To deliver a highly available application, it’s standard practice to set up alarms that get triggered if something goes wrong. Alarms may be triggered by:为了提供高度可用的应用程序,标准做法是设置在出现问...

2020-10-14 14:38:31 133

翻译 树莓派2 ubuntu_树莓派i2c和ubuntu服务器入门

树莓派2 ubuntuA Rasberry Pi (RPi) is a low cost mini computer and has the size of a credit card. It is a great solution for hobby and home projects (and some commercial, too) because it has various input...

2020-10-14 14:29:05 1411

翻译 使用kubernetes的rdfox高可用性设置

As of today, users have the option to run RDFox in Docker using official images from Oxford Semantic Technologies. In this article I will describe how to deploy these images to a multi-zone Kubernetes...

2020-10-14 14:19:10 267

翻译 osx 开发_在2020年清理开发人员osx

osx 开发The dreaded system warning pops up: “Your disk is almost full”.可怕的系统警告弹出:“您的磁盘快满了”。You’re in the middle of something and ignore that.Maybe you delete some files in downloads and desktop. Then m...

2020-10-14 14:08:23 86

翻译 web服务器和db服务器_使用db身份验证安装cas服务器

web服务器和db服务器I’ve recently installed the Apereo CAS server for a project based on the spring boot. I didn’t find any good tutorial which shows the step-by-step process to install and config it. All the...

2020-10-14 13:58:11 345

翻译 web前端开发最佳实践_学习Web开发的10个最佳途径

web前端开发最佳实践重点(Top highlight)“Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.”“从现在开始,利用自己拥有的,尽力而为。”In every path, in every journey, from trying to be the best version of ourselves, to become s...

2020-10-14 13:48:31 811

翻译 android 启动界面_Android中的启动画面

android 启动界面In any mobile app, Splash Screen is the first thing that the user will see. Despite this I have seen many developers implement splash screen with a fixed timeout, making the users of their...

2020-10-14 13:38:45 2372

翻译 Ruby中的按位运算符定义和操作

We all familiar with calculation operators like * / % . But when we are facing operators like ^ | & ~ , what do they mean? In fact, these operators are doing the binary calculation on numbers. In ...

2020-10-14 13:27:46 587

翻译 intellij 快捷方式_很酷的intellij想法快捷方式

intellij 快捷方式I have used Netbeans, Eclipse, STS, and Intellij IDEA but Intellij has been my ultimate choice since my first use. It is one of the best IDE for developing applications. Compared to other...

2020-10-10 12:54:34 180

翻译 今日适用于python的10个最佳教程

“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.” — Chinese Proverb“学习是一种宝藏,它将随处可见。” —中国谚语We all have different ways of learning but I urge you to not just watch video tutorials but also...

2020-10-10 12:43:55 510



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