c# xamarin_Xamarin Evolve 2013谈话视频-C#如何保存我的婚姻

c# xamarin

c# xamarin

In case you haven't heard, Xamarin is a fabulous company with amazing products and their Evolve 2013 conference was absolutely smashing.

如果您还没有听说过,Xamarin是一家出色的公司,提供了令人赞叹的产品,他们的Evolve 2013会议绝对令人震惊。

The Visual Studio Solution Explorer now has Android, iOS, and Windows all in the same place!

I was fortunate enough to speak at Xamarin Evolve 2013 in Austin last month, just after lunch one day. I wanted everyone to understand how excited I am about what they're doing, how Azure and Visual Studio appreciates them and how great it is to be a C# developer right now. So, I did a fun little talk called "How C# Saved my Marriage, Enhanced my Career and Made Me an Inch Taller."

上个月午餐后一天,我很幸运地在奥斯汀的Xamarin Evolve 2013上演讲。 我希望每个人都了解我对他们的工作感到兴奋,Azure和Visual Studio如何欣赏它们以及现在成为C#开发人员有多伟大。 因此,我做了一个有趣的小话题,名为“ C#如何挽救婚姻,增强我的职业生涯并使我变得寸高”。

The general story of my talk is that, like VISA, C# is everywhere I want to be. I can create apps now on iOS (iPad, iPhone), Android (Phones and Tablets), Mac desktop apps, Windows Phone, Windows (all flavors), and Windows 8 Store apps. You can use Xamarin Studio, of course, but even better, Xamarin integrates with Visual Studio wonderfully. You can literally write iPhone apps in C# from within Visual Studio and compile them using a networked Mac as a build server. It's amazing.

我讲的总的故事是,就像VISA一样,C#到处都是我想成为的人。 我现在可以在iOS(iPad,iPhone),Android(手机和平板电脑), Mac桌面应用程序,Windows Phone,Windows(所有版本)和Windows 8 Store应用程序上创建应用程序。 您当然可以使用Xamarin Studio,但更好的是,Xamarin与Visual Studio完美集成。 您可以从Visual Studio中直接用C#编写iPhone应用程序,然后使用联网的Mac作为构建服务器对其进行编译。 太奇妙了。

I teamed up with Greg Shackles and we ported the Pan Tilt Zoom client (I already have Web and Windows Desktop versions) to iOS and Android!

我与Greg Shackles合作,并将Pan Tilt Zoom客户端(我已经拥有Web和Windows桌面版本)移植到iOSAndroid

Then Dominique Louis from MonoGame helped me port Daniel Plaisted's "Disentanglement" application to Android and iOS. Now it runs on Windows 8, iOs and Android.

然后来自MonoGame的Dominique Louis帮助我将Daniel Plaisted的“ Disentanglement”应用程序移植到Android和iOS上。 现在它可以在Windows 8,iOS和Android上运行。

We announced better NuGet support for Mono, took a SignalR pull request for iOS support and more. It was great fun.

我们宣布了对Mono的更好的NuGet支持,提出了对iOS支持的SignalR拉取请求等。 这是非常有趣。

Here's a screenshot I took in the middle of the talk. I used Lync and the Xamarin-powered iPhone version of our Pan-Tilt-Zoom app using SignalR to call back to the Seattle Office. Then I turned the camera around so I could see myself watching myself watching me watching the keynote.

这是我在演讲过程中拍摄的屏幕截图。 我使用Lync和Xamarin支持的iPhone版本的Pan-Tilt-Zoom应用程序,并使用SignalR来回西雅图办公室。 然后我把相机转过来,这样我就能看到自己看着自己看着我看着主题演讲。

It's a great time to be developing with C# and .NET. I hope you also join me at the MonkeySpace conference (formerly Monospace) in Chicago in July. I'll be presenting, teaming up with a friend who is launching an amazing soon-to-not-be-so-secret .NET related product that will take C# to even more places!

现在是使用C#和.NET开发的好时机。 希望您也与我一起参加7月在芝加哥举行的MonkeySpace会议(以前称为Monospace) 。 我将介绍一个朋友,他将推出一个令人惊叹的,很快就不会如此秘密的.NET相关产品,它将把C#带到更多地方!

Big thanks to our Sponsor this week. It's Redgate! Check out Deployment Manager – app deployment without the stress. Deploy .NET code & SQL Server databases in one simple process from a web-based UI. Works with local, remote and cloud servers. Try it free.

非常感谢本周的赞助商。 是Redgate! 签出Deployment Manager –轻松进行应用程序部署。 通过基于Web的UI在一个简单的过程中部署.NET代码和SQL Server数据库。 与本地,远程和云服务器一起使用。 免费尝试。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/xamarin-evolve-2013-talk-video-how-c-saved-my-marriage

c# xamarin

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