智能手表终于要实现了-Pebble Watch评论

iPod nano, Pebble, TI and SPOT Watch - I had to photoshop the SpotWatch as the battery died long ago

The Pebble Watch is shipping and it's revolutionary, fresh and new! Well, kind of. Dick Tracy got his first smart watch in 1946. It seems we've always wanted a computer and communicator on our wrists. I remember wanting to buy a TV watch in the 80s and we all had Casio Databank watches growing up (well, the nerds did).

Pebble手表正在发货,它是革命性的,新颖的! 好吧,有点。 迪克·特雷西(Dick Tracy)于1946年获得了他的第一只智能手表。似乎我们一直都希望在手腕上配备一台计算机和通讯器。 我记得我想在80年代购买电视手表,而我们所有人都在成长Casio Databank手表(好吧,书呆子也这么做)。

Animated Pebble Watch Faces

The history of smart watches goes back much further of course as Microsoft Researcher Bill Buxton points out. He has a collection of smart watches going back almost 40 years!

正如微软研究员比尔·布克斯顿(Bill Buxton)指出的那样,智能手表的历史可以追溯到更远的地方。 他收集了将近40年的智能手表!

My buddy Karl still wears and uses his Timex Datalink watch, originally made in 1994. Almost ten years ago I bought a Microsoft SPOT Watch from Fossil and loved every minute of it. It had news, sports, stocks, weather and the occasional email. However it didn't connect to my phone (it was mostly PalmPilots back then, and the occasional Blackberry pager) and Bluetooth wasn't a thing quite yet.

我的好友Karl仍然戴着和使用他的Timex Datalink手表,该手表最初是1994制造的。大约十年前,我从Fossil购买了Microsoft SPOT手表,并爱上了它的每一分钟。 它有新闻,体育,股票,天气和不定期的电子邮件。 但是它没有连接到我的手机(当时主要是PalmPilots,偶尔还有Blackberry传呼机)和蓝牙还不是什么。

Smart Phone sales are flattening out as, well, everyone who wants one has one. There's only so many things you can sell with batteries, screens, and wireless technology, right? Moreover, young people don't wear watches! I'm a watch guy, myself, with a watch case and a growing collection. I like watches old and new. I'm often teased by my younger co-workers who declare "my phone is my watch! Why would I want something else to carry around?" Watches are such an outmoded concept, right?

智能手机的销量正在趋于平缓,好吧,每个想要一个的人都有一个。 使用电池,屏幕和无线技术可以销售的东西太多了,对吗? 而且,年轻人不戴手表! 我本人是一个手表人,拥有一个表壳和一个越来越多的收藏品。 我喜欢新旧手表。 我的年轻同事经常嘲笑我,他们宣称“我的手机是我的手表!我为什么还要携带其他东西?” 手表是如此过时的概念,对吗?

I for one, think that the wrist is the next big thing. This is a market that's right on the edge of mainstream adoption and has been for at least a decade, if not the for the last 70 years!

我认为,手腕是下一件大事。 这个市场正处于主流采用的边缘,并且已经持续了至少十年,如果不是过去的70年!

卵石智能手表 (The Pebble Smart Watch)

I was a backer of the Pebble's Kickstarter campaign and my red Pebble showed up last week. It's worth noting that Kickstarter isn't a store or marketplace, but rather a place you invest in an idea and watch it grow. Many Kickstarters fail. You might invest your money and never see a return on your investment. Fortunately, the Pebble succeeded and almost a year later my investment arrived.

我是Pebble的Kickstarter活动的支持者,而我的红色Pebble上周出现了。 值得注意的是,Kickstarter并非商店或市场,而是您投资于某个创意并观察其成长的地方。 许多Kickstarter失败了。 您可能会投资您的钱,却从未看到投资回报。 幸运的是,Pebble成功了,差不多一年后我的投资就到了。

The Pebble Box, closed


The boxing was very Kindle-esque and classy in its recycled granola-ness. It was simple and served its purpose well. The package included just the watch and the charging cable. Sadly, the charging cable is custom with an unnecessarily clever (and weak) magnetic connector. I'd have preferred a micro-USB port (and in fact, would for every device) so that I might travel with yet-another-unique-cable-I-can't-afford-to-lose-can't-tell-apart-at-a-distance-and-will-eventually-lose-in-my-bad. But I'm not bitter.

这款拳头非常像Kindle风格,并且在回收的格兰诺拉麦片质感上非常经典。 它很简单并且很好地达到了目的。 包装内仅包括手表和充电线。 可悲的是,充电电缆是定制的,带有不必要的灵巧(弱)磁性连接器。 我本来希望使用微型USB端口(实际上,适用于所有设备),以便我可以带着另一个唯一的电缆旅行,但我却无法负担得起,却不能-分开告诉我,最终我的坏处就会消失。 但是我并不苦。

初步印象 (Initial Impressions)


The watch is lovely. Truly. Considering that I paid $125 for it - a reasonable price considering its potential - I'm happy with it and would recommend it. Still, it feels...cheap. It's plastic. It's light. It's glossy and smears easily. I'm afraid it will crack or scratch if I bump whilst walking. It's fine, but it's not, well, it's not an Apple Product. It's not made of magical Surface Magnesium. It's a plastic watch with a rubber wristband.

手表很可爱。 真的考虑到我花了125美元买了它-考虑到它的潜力,这是一个合理的价格-我对此很满意并且会推荐它。 不过,感觉...很便宜。 是塑料的。 很轻它有光泽,容易涂抹。 恐怕行走时碰碰会破裂或划伤。 很好,但这不是,不是Apple产品。 它不是由神奇的表面镁制成的。 这是带有橡胶腕带的塑料表。

It's a little too tall, for my taste. This causes the Pebble to be a half-inch taller than the average (read: my) wrist, causing it to stick out just enough that I notice it. I prefer the wider square style of the iPod "watch." The Pebble is not at all unattractive, but I'm assume the creators must be thick-wristed people to not have noticed this.

就我的口味而言,这太高了。 这会使Pebble的腕部比普通(我的)手腕高半英寸,从而使Pebble伸出得恰到好处,我注意到了。 我更喜欢iPod“手表”的方形样式。 Pebble一点也不吸引人,但我认为创作者必须是精打细算的人,才不会注意到这一点。


What do we really want? Something with the intense attention to detail and built quality of an Apple iPod Nano 6th generation combined with a Lunatik Watch Strap. Now THAT'S a fantastic watch.

我们到底想要什么? Apple iPod Nano第6代Lunatik手表表带相结合,对细节和制作质量的高度关注。 现在,这是一款出色的手表。

The idea of an iWatch is an attractive one...and the combination of what you get today with a Pebble combined with what you get with a (now discontinued) iPod Nano is near-ideal.

iWatch的想法很吸引人……将您今天得到的Pebble产品与现在(已停产的)iPod Nano所获得的产品相结合,是近乎理想的。

The Pebble gets you:


  • Low-power Bluetooth 4 connectivity

  • An open SDK

  • Reasonable battery life of a few days

  • Vibrations

  • Motion-activated backlight

  • Potential!

  • a 144x168 1-bit display

    144x168 1位显示器

The iPod Nano (6th generation) "watch" gets you:

iPod Nano(第六代)“手表”为您提供:

  • Fantastic build quality

  • A color screen

  • Touch!

  • FM Radio, Photos, Music, Headphone Jack

  • Pedometer

  • Crappy battery life of a day at best

  • a 240x240 color TFT display


The Pebble effectively gives us connectivity and an SDK. If the iWatch does come - and it will - it better have all these things. Although, I expect it won't have an open SDK (Watch App Store anyone?) and it won't play well with Android as the Pebble does. Therefore, iOS people will get iWatches, and Android people will get Pebbles. Check back in six months and we shall see!

Pebble有效地为我们提供了连接性和SDK。 如果iWatch确实(而且确实会)到来,那么最好拥有所有这些东西。 虽然,我希望它不会有一个开放的SDK(可以观看App Store吗?),它不能像Pebble一样在Android上很好地使用。 因此,iOS人员将获得iWatches,而Android人员将获得Pebbles。 六个月后再回来检查,我们将会看到!

Pebble对iPhone的作用 (What the Pebble does for an iPhone)

My main phone is an iPhone 4s. Pebble really shine on Android, I am told, as the open Android OS gives developers free reign. Still, I've been very happy with the device exactly as it is, even if it didn't improve...and it will.

我的主要手机是iPhone 4s。 有人告诉我,Pebble确实在Android上大放异彩,因为开放的Android OS可让开发人员自由掌权。 尽管如此,我对这个设备仍然非常满意,即使它并没有改善……而且会有所改善。

Today the Pebble is a Bluetooth-connected watch that will give you:


  • Vibration notifications and the full text of SMS texts sent to your phone.


    • This is brilliant, and it's the vibration that is the key. I was in the movies just this evening and got a text from the babysitter. The watch discretely let me see that it wasn't urgent without removing my phone from my pocket.

      这是出色的,而振动是关键。 那天晚上我刚去电影院看保姆的短信。 手表离散地让我看到,不从口袋里取出手机就不急了。
    • SMS notifications are totally reliable on the Pebble with iOS but email notifications barely work. They say they'll fix this soon.

      SMS通知在带有iOS的Pebble上是完全可靠的,但是电子邮件通知几乎无法工作。 他们说他们会尽快解决。

    Vibration notifications and the full text of SMS texts sent to your phone.


  • Clear, backlit display


    • Go into settings, and turn on Motion Activated Backlight and the Pebble will light up with a gentle shake. This was nice at the movies tonight.

      进入设置,然后打开“运动激活的背光”,小卵石将轻轻摇动点亮。 今晚看电影真好。

    Clear, backlit display


  • Customizable watch faces on a clear screen that is visible in total darkness (due to its backlight) and in bright sunlight (due to its low-power memory LCD).


    • It's great to be able to change the LCD screen with new watch faces, but I admit I'd have appreciated plastic colorful watch covers. It's nice I have a red Pebble, but it's forever red. Why not make the face swappable?

      能够更换带有新表盘的LCD屏幕真是太好了,但是我承认我很欣赏彩色塑料表壳。 很好,我有一个红色的小卵石,但它永远是红色的。 为什么不使脸可互换?

    Customizable watch faces on a clear screen that is visible in total darkness (due to its backlight) and in bright sunlight (due to its low-power memory LCD).


  • Answer and Hang-up the Phone


    • When paired with a Bluetooth headset, this means you can get a call, glance at your watch, see who it is, and answer it without touching your phone. iOS doesn't show the name, just the number. Again, we shall see.

      与蓝牙耳机配对时,这意味着您可以在不触摸手机的情况下接听电话,看一眼手表,了解其身份并接听电话。 iOS不显示名称,仅显示数字。 再次,我们将看到。

    Answer and Hang-up the Phone


This is the Pebble today. Tomorrow promises apps and better notifications.

今天是鹅卵石。 明天承诺的应用程序和更好的通知。

Selecting Watch faces
The Pebble is connected to my iPhone

小卵石需要什么 (What Pebble Needs)

The Pebble needs what my SPOT Watch had ten years ago. I want:

Pebble需要我的SPOT手表十年前的产品。 我想要:

  • Weather alerts


    • How about Dark Sky weather alerts on my Pebble? Surely they are working on a notification bridge for 3rd party apps?

      我的Pebble上的Dark Sky天气警报如何? 他们确定正在为第三方应用程序的通知桥工作吗?

    Weather alerts


  • News, Stocks


    • Breaking news and Stock price alerts would be lovely.


    News, Stocks


  • Quick SMS responses


    • "I'll call you back" and a few quick choices for responses to texts would be a nice time saver.


    Quick SMS responses


  • Motion details...speedometer, GPS, etc


    • This would all be using the Pebble as a "remote view" of an app that is doing the right work, but would be great for exercise.


    Motion details...speedometer, GPS, etc


  • Calendar


    • What's my next appt? Give me Google Now, but on my watch.

      我的下一个app是什么? 给我Google即时,但要小心。




卵石的未来是光明的(The Future of Pebble is Bright)

Give people an easy to use SDK and let them download (side-load) apps directly to their device and you'll get a thriving community in no time, and that's what Pebble has done. Watch faces are written in tight "C" and move PNGs around, usually. There's lots of info at http://developer.getpebble.com. One way apps are now starting to show up with two-way apps coming soon (although Pebble will be limited on iOS due to Apple-imposed limitations). Also, there's dozens of great watch faces you can get at http://www.mypebblefaces.com. You can download Pebble Watch Faces directly from your phone which acts as a bridge to the watch. The experience is two clicks, really clean and simple.

为人们提供易于使用的SDK,让他们直接将应用程序(侧载)下载(侧向加载)到他们的设备上,您将很快获得一个蒸蒸日上的社区,这正是Pebble所做的。 表盘通常用紧密的“ C”字样书写,并通常在周围移动PNG。 http://developer.getpebble.com上有很多信息。 应用程序的一种方式现在开始出现,即将推出双向应用程序(尽管由于Apple施加的限制,Pebble在iOS上受到限制)。 另外,您可以在http://www.mypebblefaces.com上找到许多精美的表盘。 您可以直接从手机上下载Pebble Watch Faces,作为手表的桥梁。 体验是两次单击,非常干净和简单。

Smart Watches are the next big thing. You watch.

智能手表是下一件大事。 你看。

SPONSOR: Big thanks to the feed sponsor this week, Ext.NET (seriously, check out their demos, really amazing stuff!) - Quickly build modern WebForm and MVC (including RAZOR) Apps for ASP.NET. Free pancake breakfast with all purchases!

发起人:非常感谢本周的feed赞助商Ext.NET (认真地查看他们的演示,真是太神奇了!) -快速为ASP.NET构建现代的WebForm和MVC(包括RAZOR)应用程序。 所有购买均可免费获赠煎饼早餐!

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/smart-watches-are-finally-going-to-happen-pebble-watch-reviewed

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