
Last year the ASP.NET team started talking about something we're calling "One ASP.NET." I showed some mockups of our ideas last summer at the aspConf Keynote that you can watch online.

去年,ASP.NET团队开始谈论我们称之为“一个ASP.NET”的事情。 去年夏天,我在aspConf主题演讲中展示了一些有关我们想法的模型,您可以在线观看

We also announced then that we would add new features to ASP.NET as out of band releases (OOB) without breaking existing functionality. This means that developers don't have to wait for the next version of Visual Studio for great web development features today. We're aiming to add to ASP.NET and Web Tools every 6 months.

然后我们还宣布,我们将在带外发行版(OOB)中向ASP.NET添加新功能,而不会破坏现有功能。 这意味着开发人员今天不必等待下一版Visual Studio的强大Web开发功能。 我们的目标是每6个月添加一次ASP.NET和Web工具。

For those that don't want to wait, Mads and the team also started a feature playground called Web Essentials. This is an extension to Visual Studio that updates all the time with ideas and brainstorms about how VS can be an even better editor for the web. As features "graduate" from Web Essentials, they move into ASP.NET and Web Tools proper. A bunch of features graduate with today's release.

对于那些不想等待的人,Mads和团队还创建了一个名为Web Essentials的功能游乐场。 这是Visual Studio的扩展,可随时更新关于VS如何成为Web更好的编辑器的想法和头脑风暴。 作为来自Web Essentials的“毕业生”功能,他们可以使用ASP.NET和Web工具。 今天发布的功能有很多。

Today we announced ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2. You can use the Web Platform Installer to get ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 now.

今天,我们宣布了ASP.NET和Web Tools 2012.2 。 您可以使用Web平台安装程序立即获取ASP.NET和Web工具2012.2

Get it with the Online Installer:


Get ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 with Web Platform Installer

使用Web平台安装程序获取ASP.NET和Web Tools 2012.2

OR use the Offline Installers:


1. Get the ASP.NET 2012.2 pieces then get one of these

1。 获得ASP.NET 2012.2,然后获得其中之一

2. Web Tools 2012.2 for any regular Visual Studio 2012 or  Web Tools 2012.2 for Visual Studio Web Express 

2.适用于任何常规Visual Studio 2012的Web工具2012.2适用于Visual Studio Web Express的Web工具2012.2

Here's some highlights:


编者 (Editors)

Syntax Highlighting for client side templating languages within the HTML editor like:


  • CoffeeScript

  • Mustache

  • Handlebars

  • JsRender


Other editors get new features as well:


  • Syntax Highlighting, intellisense and validation for LESS files.

  • Intellisense for Knockout.js bindings!

  • CSS Auto Sync - type into the CSS editor while the site running and get live updates in Page Inspector

    CSS自动同步-在网站运行时输入CSS编辑器,并在Page Inspector中获取实时更新
  • Everyone's favorite "Paste JSON as Class." Copy some JSON into the clipboard, paste and get either C# or VB classes for your JSON to serialize into.

    每个人都喜欢的“将JSON粘贴为类”。 将一些JSON复制到剪贴板中,粘贴并获取C#或VB类供JSON序列化。

浏览器 (Browsers)

Mobile Emulator support adds extensibility hooks so that third-party emulators and unusual browsers can be installed as a VSIX. The installed emulators will show up in the F5 dropdown, so that developers can preview their websites on a variety of devices. Read more about this feature in my entry on the new BrowserStack integration with Visual Studio.

对移动仿真器的支持增加了可扩展性挂钩,以便可以将第三方仿真器和不寻常的浏览器作为VSIX安装。 安装的模拟器将显示在F5下拉列表中,以便开发人员可以在各种设备上预览其网站。 在我与Visual Studio的新BrowserStack集成中的文章中了解有关此功能的更多信息。

配套 (Packages)

With today’s release, all of the ASP.NET templates have updated versions of jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery Validation, Modernizr, Knockout, and other open source NuGet packages. Your existing projects won't update unless you update them explicitly.

在今天的发行版中,所有ASP.NET模板均具有jQuery,jQuery UI,jQuery验证,Modernizr,Knockout和其他开源NuGet软件包的更新版本。 除非您明确地更新现有项目,否则它们不会更新。


  • OData support in ASP.NET Web API

    ASP.NET Web API中的OData支持
  • SignalR included out of the box and fully supported

  • Web Forms now supports Friendly URLs (no more .aspx extension)

  • Web Forms supports device (mobile) specific pages, so product.aspx can also have product.mobile.aspx.

  • Updated Single Page Application template

  • MVC Facebook Application Template

    MVC Facebook应用程序模板
  • Web Sites get the same publishing tools as Web Projects


These are just the highlights. But let me call out one specific feature that gets us closer to one of the main goals for One ASP.NET which is what I call a more level playing field.

这些只是亮点。 但是,让我指出一个特定功能,使我们更接近One ASP.NET的主要目标之一,这就是我所说的更公平的竞争环境。

社区项目模板 (Community Project Templates)

One of the most significant "under the hood" changes is the ability to add a project template via a VSIX.


We'll be seeing an update to the Visual Studio Gallery soon that will make it so you can upload your own VSIX files (Visual Studio Extensions) that can be installed (and easily updated) into the ASP.NET MVC File New Project dialog with one click.

我们将很快看到对Visual Studio Gallery的更新,因此您可以将自己的VSIX文件(Visual Studio扩展)上传到ASP.NET MVC File New Project对话框中,该文件可以安装(并轻松更新)。一键。

It's important to know that we're only halfway there. This is likely not what the final unified One ASP.NET dialog will end up looking like, but it's a start as it's a good place to open up for new templates.

重要的是要知道我们才刚刚到一半。 最终的统一One.ASP.NET对话框可能看起来不是这样,但这是一个开始,因为它是打开新模板的好地方。

Phrased differently, project templates should be as easy to share as NuGet packages. That's a goal.

措辞不同,项目模板应该与NuGet包一样容易共享。 这是一个目标。

Another goal is to be able to take an example project that looks the way you want, with the NuGet packages setup as you like them, then "Save As | Project Template" then publish the resulting template/VSIX to the gallery. That means projects like NancyFX, or FubuMvc or whatever you can think of can live next to out of the box templates.

另一个目标是能够以自己喜欢的方式创建一个示例项目,并根据需要设置NuGet软件包,然后“另存为|项目模板”,然后将生成的模板/ VSIX发布到图库中。 这意味着像NancyFX或FubuMvc之类的项目或任何您能想到的项目都可以直接使用现成的模板。

Here's the initial documentation on how you can create VSIXs of project templates, get in this dialog and make it easy to spread your vision of a great web app. We are working to make this process fewer steps and unify things, but this works great now with VS2012.2 so you can get started today. Stay tuned for more on this.

这里的初始文档如何创建的项目模板VSIXs,在此对话框中获取并可以很容易地传播你的一个伟大的web应用程序的愿景。 我们正在努力使此过程更少的步骤并统一起来,但是现在与VS2012.2一起使用时效果很好,因此您可以立即开始使用。 敬请期待更多。

In the near future we'd like to see the community sharing project templates that look the way the community wants them to look, living side by side with templates from Microsoft.


The fully populated ASP.NET MVC 4 New Project dialog has many new templates

As start, we're announcing four Single Page Application (SPA) templates you can install now. Please note that these community templates could be anything, the VSIX hooks are wide open, it's just that the first few happen to be SPA templates.

首先,我们宣布您现在可以安装四个单页应用程序(SPA)模板。 请注意,这些社区模板可以是任何东西,VSIX挂钩是敞开的,只是前几个碰巧是SPA模板。

And, a clever play on words from John Papa (because what do you get in a SPA?)

而且,巧妙地演奏了约翰·帕帕(John Papa)的话(因为您从SPA中获得了什么?)

  • HotTowel - a more complex template that includes knockout, bootstrap, sammy, toastr, q, momentjs, breeze and puts them all together into one SPA example.


Note how nice the HTML editor looks when working on an Ember project, for example. We've got syntax highlighting, HTML5 Intellisense and coloring in our Mustache templates.

请注意,例如,在处理Ember项目时HTML编辑器的外观如何。 我们的Mustache模板中有语法突出显示,HTML5 Intellisense和着色。

Mustache template syntax highlighting

Remember, you'll need the 2012.2 release to see these new templates, so use Web Platform Installer to get ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 now. And, if you want check out our future playground features like Zen Coding, CoffeeScript and lots more, also pick up Web Essentials. Note that Web Essentials is a small extension and if it causes you any trouble you can just disable it.

请记住,您需要2012.2版才能看到这些新模板,因此,请立即使用Web Platform Installer来获取ASP.NET和Web Tools 2012.2 。 而且,如果您想查看我们将来的游乐场功能(例如Zen Coding ,CoffeeScript等),还可以使用Web Essentials 。 请注意,Web Essentials是一个小的扩展,如果给您带来麻烦,则可以将其禁用。

您是否应该担心此版本? (Should you fear this release? )

ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 doesn't change any GAC'ed (Global Assembly Cache) files. It won't mess up your install of ASP.NET or change any existing projects. It's changes are either tooling within Visual Studio, or additions and improvements via local NuGet packages.

ASP.NET和Web工具2012.2不会更改任何GAC(全局程序集缓存)文件。 它不会弄乱您的ASP.NET安装或更改任何现有项目。 它的更改要么是Visual Studio中的工具,要么是通过本地NuGet包进行的附加和改进。

Go get it. ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2

去实现它(梦想);去得到它(东西。 ASP.NET和Web工具2012.2

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/released-aspnet-and-web-tools-20122-in-context

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