
The Friends privacy setting on status updates extends to tagged friends and their friends

My wife is quite a bit smarter than I am. She is also more educated that I am. Frankly, I'm happy she talks to me at all.

我的妻子比我聪明得多。 她对我的知识也更高。 坦白说,我很高兴她和我说话。

She put a photo on Facebook last week of she and a friend and was careful to double-check that the photo was set to "Friends only."


A few days later she rushed in and told me that she thought the photo was public even though it was set as Friends only.




"Because random people that I don't know are commented on this photo! Like, who is this guy? I don't want him to see this - I don't know him! Why did they let non-friends see it?"

“因为这张照片对我不认识的随机人发表了评论!例如,这个人是谁?我不希望他看到这个-我不认识他!为什么他们让非朋友看到它? ”

I looked for a minute and noticed that she had "tagged" her other friend in the photo as in this example photo below:


A photo in Facebook with 4 people "tagged"

In this photo there are four people tagged. When you tag someone they are notified that they've been tagged and they can remove the tag which removes it from their "photos of me" list. The photo above is totally public but let's say it was posted by me and I tagged my three friends and marked as "friends only."

在这张照片中,有四个人被加了标签。 当您标记某人时,他们会收到通知,告知他们已被标记,他们可以删除该标记,从而将其从“我的照片”列表中删除。 上面的照片是完全公开的,但可以说它是由我发布的,我标记了我的三个朋友并标记为“仅朋友”。

Who can see the photo of me and my 3 friends? Who can see the photo of my wife and her friend when the photo is marked Friends?

谁可以看到我和我的3个朋友的照片? 将照片标记为“朋友”时,谁可以看到我妻子和她的朋友的照片?

Who sees the photo? The union of all our friends!

Answer: The union of all the friends of everyone tagged in the photo. If someone else sees the photo and tags some more people, the circle of visibility for that photo or post expands.

答:照片中标记的所有人的所有朋友的联合。 如果其他人看到了该照片并标记了更多人,则该照片或帖子的可见性范围会扩大。

This may seem obvious to a software engineer or someone with a background in set theory but it's not obvious even to smart regular folks. It certainly surprised my wife although she gets it now. Here's the thing, though. Now she says she really is less likely to put photos on Facebook and certainly less likely to tag folks in photos.

对于软件工程师或具有集合论背景的人员来说,这似乎是显而易见的,但即使是聪明的普通人也不是显而易见的。 尽管我的妻子现在知道了,但这当然使我感到惊讶。 不过,这是东西。 现在她说,她真的不太可能在Facebook上放照片,当然也不太可能在照片上给人们加标签。

Confused a little? There's more. Recently my programmer man crush and favorite Canadian Reginald Braithwaite wrote a post called When you share personal data with Facebook friends, you're sharing your personal data with every app your friends use. Read that title again.

有点困惑? 还有更多。 最近,我的程序员迷和最喜欢的加拿大人Reginald Braithwaite发表了一篇文章,当您与Facebook朋友共享个人数据时,您正在与朋友使用的每个应用程序共享您的个人数据。 再次阅读该标题。

Remember that when you aren't paying for something (like Facebook), someone is paying. The advertisers are paying and you, your friends and all your info are the product.

请记住,当您不付款时(例如Facebook),有人在付款。 广告客户付款,您,您的朋友和您所有的信息都是产品。

Reginald points out that when you grant an application (Farmville, etc) in Facebook access to your profile you are often granting that application access to your friends personal information. That means that your annoying friend who is always pushing the Mob Wars invites has likely granted an application access to your information by proxy.

Reginald指出,当您在Facebook中向某个应用程序(Farmville等)授予访问您的个人资料的权限时,通常会向该应用程序授予您朋友的个人信息的访问权限。 这意味着您一直在推动“暴民战争”邀请的烦人朋友很可能已通过代理授予了应用程序对您的信息的访问权限。

UPDATE: When you are sharing something note that you can pull down the privacy dropdown, select custom and make changes then hover your mouse over the gear to get a plain English tooltip showing the resulting visibility of this update:


The Tooltip will show the resulting visiblity of the post

您的作业-继续进行 (Your Homework - and pass it on)

Go log into Facebook and in the upper right corner click Privacy Settings:


Then, spend some time in these two areas of Settings. Timeline and Tagging and Apps and Websites.

然后,在“设置”的这两个区域中花费一些时间。 时间轴和标记以及应用程序和网站。

Under tagging you can choose what happens when someone tags you and tags that friends add to your own posts or photos. You can also control tag suggestions. You can lock this down as much as you want.

在标记下,您可以选择当有人标记您以及朋友添加到您自己的帖子或照片中的标记时发生的情况。 您还可以控制标签建议。 您可以将其锁定为任意数量。

Next, click on Apps and Websites and freak out when you see how many you (or your teen) has added. You can remove them as you like. Most importantly, click on "How people bring your info into apps they use."

接下来,单击“应用程序和网站”,然后在看到您(或您的青少年)添加了多少时感到惊讶。 您可以根据需要删除它们。 最重要的是,单击“人们如何将您的信息带入他们使用的应用程序中”。

How much of this info to you want your friends sharing with their applications? Turn this stuff off.

您希望您的朋友与他们的应用程序共享多少信息? 关掉这个东西。

And finally, check out the Public Search option. Do you want Facebook and your public timeline to show up when someone Googles for you  or your child? If not, turn this OFF.

最后,检查“公共搜索”选项。 您是否要在有人为您或您的孩子用Google搜寻时显示Facebook和您的公开时间表? 如果不是,请将其关闭。

You can also go back in time and "limit old posts." This will take posts from years ago when you didn't know this information and make them visible to friends only.

您还可以返回过去并“限制旧帖子”。 这将取自几年前您不知道此信息的帖子,并使它们仅对朋友可见。

Facebook will likely try to talk you out of it. Use your judgment.

Facebook可能会尝试说服您。 用你的判断。

Now, for a fun over-dinner exercise try explaining this to your 14 year old and why everyone should be careful about information leakage. Seriously. At least try.

现在,为了进行有趣的晚餐活动,请尝试向您的14岁孩子解释这一点,以及为什么每个人都应该注意信息泄漏的问题。 说真的至少尝试一下。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/facebooks-privacy-settings-are-too-complex-for-anyone-to-use-change-these-settings-today

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