新工具和新内容-ASP.NET,Visual Studio 11 Web和.NET 4.5开发人员预览版(带注释)

While all of you Build attendees are making me feel bad because you have a fancy Tablet and I don't (sell me yours!) the folks over here in the "Angle Brackets Team" (I'm trying out some new names. One will stick.) have been busy.

虽然你们所有的Build参加者都因为您拥有一台花哨的平板电脑而使我感到难过,但我(不卖给我!)在“ Angle Brackets Team”中的同事们(我正在尝试一些新名称。会坚持。)一直很忙。

Here is a summary of all the items from our team that have been announced and shown at Build this week, all of this will be publicly available today (9/16) along with a some narrative and asides from yours truly.


他们在听 (They are listening)

One of the things I am am personally enjoying in working daily with this build of Visual Studio is that there's dozens (hundreds) of little "mental speed bumps" that are smoothed over. A lot of thought was put into workflow and common scenarios in order to, well, get out of a developer's way.

我个人每天在使用此Visual Studio版本时所享受的事情之一就是,平滑了数十(数百)个小的“心理减速带”。 为了避免开发人员的参与,在工作流和常见方案中考虑了很多想法。

Another constant source of happiness on my part is the team's realization that not everyone can upgrade their Visual Studio, so you can round trip your projects and solutions. I can use Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview and open a .NET 4 application, save the project, and then open it in Visual Studio 2010 and it'll just work. As it always should have. Teams can mix and match and the beta guy can  be wacky without checking in solution files that will break the other folks.

对我而言,另一个持续不断的快乐来源是团队意识到并非每个人都可以升级Visual Studio,因此您可以往返进行项目和解决方案。 我可以使用Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview并打开一个.NET 4应用程序,保存该项目,然后在Visual Studio 2010中打开它,它将可以正常工作 一如既往。 团队可以混合搭配,而Beta成员可能会古怪而无需检入会破坏其他人的解决方案文件。

By the way, have you seen our new org chart?


Our new org chart

旁白:改变我们发布软件的方式 (Big Aside: Changing how we release software)

Scott Aside: It's also worth noting that while there is a bunch of stuff in the next version of Visual Studio, there's an equally compelling amount of stuff being released from the Azure/Web Team on NuGet. This gets to my LEGO analogy where we developers have more choice of what we snap together. Most importantly many things will only live on NuGet. I'm looking at the possibility of  NuGet Feed of Supported Microsoft Products. Folks sometimes assume that NuGet is a place to throw binaries up because it's convenient, but we also need a way to know if a NuGet package is actually a support product, kind of like "Verified" is on Twitter. I'm interested in your thoughts on this in the comments, or even better, in the Discussion Tab on the NuGet project site.

Scott Aside:值得注意的是,尽管下一版本的Visual Studio中有很多东西,但从NuGet的Azure / Web团队发布的东西同样引人注目。 这与我的乐高类比类似,在这里我们开发人员可以选择更多的东西。 最重要的是,许多东西只能在NuGet上使用。 我正在寻找支持的Microsoft产品的NuGet Feed的可能性。 人们有时会因为方便而认为NuGet是放置二进制文件的地方,但是我们还需要一种方法来了解NuGet软件包是否实际上是支持产品,例如Twitter上的“ Verified”。 我对您对此的想法感兴趣,甚至在NuGet项目站点上的“讨论”选项卡中的评论中,甚至更好。

Shipping via NuGet is also significant because it helps level the playing field with Open Source libraries. Microsoft's open source libraries will "compete" for our developer-attention by all being in NuGet, and folks should use the ones that make them happy. If you want to use Microsoft's Ajax Minifier or any of a half dozen others, then just get the one you want from NuGet. Microsoft's won't ship out of the box. It'll be on NuGet.

通过NuGet进行运输也很重要,因为它有助于使开源库更公平。 微软的开放源代码库将使所有人都“竞争”我们的开发人员注意力,而所有这些人员都应该使用使它们感到高兴的库。 如果要使用Microsoft的Ajax Minifier或其他六种产品,则只需从NuGet中获得所需的产品。 微软不会开箱即用。 它将在NuGet上。

Visual Studio 11开发人员预览 (Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview)

A new Solution Explorer

Tuesday the "Windows 8 Express" version of Visual Studio was released with the Windows 8 Developer Preview release which supports Windows 8 development. Wednesday during the keynote with Satya Nadella,  Scott Guthrie, Jason Zander  Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview and .NET 4.5 were announced. The bits are available today to the public.

周二,Visual Studio的“ Windows 8 Express”版本与支持Windows 8开发的Windows 8 Developer Preview版本一起发布。 周三,在与Satya Nadella,Scott Guthrie,Jason Zander Visual Studio 11开发人员预览版和.NET 4.5的主题演讲中宣布了这一消息。 这些钻头今天向公众开放

ASP.NET 4.5 Developer Preview includes new core functionality like WebSockets, anti-XSS encoding, granular request validation. It also includes Web Forms improvements like model binding, support for HTML5 and unobtrusive JavaScript. And there have many performance improvements in ASP.NET when combined with Windows 8 Server can decrease startup time by 30% and reduce the memory footprint by 30%.

ASP.NET 4.5 Developer Preview包括新的核心功能,例如WebSocket,反XSS编码,精细的请求验证。 它还包括对Web窗体的改进,例如模型绑定,对HTML5的支持以及不引人注目JavaScript。 与Windows 8 Server结合使用时,ASP.NET具有许多性能改进,可以将启动时间减少30%,并将内存占用减少30%。

All the frameworks from 2 to 4.5 living together in a single dropdown. I never thought I'd see the day.

Scott Aside: I continue to put gentle pressure on all the teams about semantic versioning. In this case, .NET 4.5 is the right version number. It's using the .NET 4 CLR and is an additive (with bug fixes) release to .NET 4. Because it does that, it's very compatible. Your existing .NET 4 stuff won't (shouldn't) break. Check out the Target framework dropdown in this version of Visual Studio. See how you can target from 2.0 to 4.5 with the same IDE? That will be useful for corporate customers who need to develop 2.0 apps but still want the IDE improvements.

Scott Aside:我将继续对所有团队施加有关语义版本控制的轻度压力。 在这种情况下,.NET 4.5是正确的版本号。 它使用.NET 4 CLR,是.NET 4的添加版本(带有错误修复)。因为这样做,它是非常兼容的。 您现有的.NET 4内容不会(不应)中断。 在此版本的Visual Studio中查看“目标”框架下拉列表。 看看如何使用相同的IDE从2.0到4.5定位? 这对于需要开发2.0应用程序但仍希望对IDE进行改进的公司客户而言非常有用。

Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview includes new lots of new functionality including full editor support for CSS 3, full editor support for HTML 5, full editor support for JS, and many niceties like how Web Forms events can be wired up in source view, Web Forms designers can be launched directly from source view, how Live Inspector (code named "Eureka") makes editing the HTML of your document live much easier by automatically finding the HTML in your document as you select it in the Browser and much more.

Visual Studio 11开发人员预览版包含许多新功能,包括对CSS 3的完全编辑器支持,对HTML 5的完全编辑器支持,对JS的完全编辑器支持以及许多技巧,例如如何在源代码视图,Web Forms中连接Web Forms事件。可以直接从源代码视图启动设计器,Live Inspector(代码为“ Eureka”)如何通过在浏览器中选择文档时自动查找HTML,从而更轻松地实时编辑文档HTML。

Scott Aside: They've leveled the playing field across all the editors so things like regions, collapsing hierarchies, commenting, formatting, etc are all the same between CSS, JS, HTML and code. One more reason to just turn off all your foolbars and embrace the text editor and code.

Scott Aside:他们已经在所有编辑人员之间形成了公平的竞争环境,因此CSS,JS,HTML和代码之间的区域,折叠层次结构,注释,格式等内容都是相同的。 关闭所有Foolbars并包含文本编辑器和代码的另一个原因。

You can read more about all the new features that are enabled in this release by reading the What's new in ASP.NET 4.5 and Visual Studio Web Developer whitepaper here: http://www.asp.net/vnext/whats-new.

您可以通过阅读ASP.NET 4.5和Visual Studio Web Developer白皮书中的新增功能,了解有关此版本中启用的所有新功能的更多信息 http : //www.asp.net/vnext/whats-new

NuGet 1.5 w / Dev11支持发布 (NuGet 1.5 w/Dev11 Support Released)

We just published an update to NuGet 1.5 that supports Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview. This allows developers on the Preview builds to continue to use NuGet with the preview releases of Visual Studio.

我们刚刚发布了对NuGet 1.5的更新,该更新支持Visual Studio 11开发人员预览。 这使开发预览版的开发人员可以继续将NuGet与Visual Studio的预览版一起使用。

Note: NuGet does not support the "Windows 8 Express" release that was released yesterday. Support was just recently added to that SKU of Visual Studio and will appear in the next public preview release of "Windows 8 Express".

注意: NuGet不支持昨天发布的“ Windows 8 Express”版本。 支持刚刚添加到Visual Studio的SKU中,并且将出现在“ Windows 8 Express”的下一个公共预览版本中。

You can download the new release here: http://www.nuget.org/

您可以在此处下载新版本: http : //www.nuget.org/

ASP.NET 4.5 (ASP.NET 4.5 )

There's a lot of new improvements in ASP.NET and WebForms in particular in this coming release. ScottGu is doing a series and has done these posts already:

在ASP.NET和WebForms中有很多新的改进,特别是在此即将发布的版本中。 ScottGu正在做一个系列,并且已经完成了这些帖子:

Model Binding will be familiar to MVC folks ,as is Routing. Both features now existing in both WebForms and MVC. So much time is spent in WebForms pulling data out of the request, via Forms, or QueryStrings, or Controls. Sometimes it seems like 30% of my WebForms code is just moving data from the Request into a variable. Now I can do this:

模型绑定和MVC一样,都是MVC人士所熟悉的。 WebForms和MVC中都同时存在这两个功能。 WebForms花费了大量时间,通过Forms或QueryStrings或Controls从请求中提取数据。 有时,似乎30%的WebForms代码只是将数据从Request移到变量中。 现在,我可以这样做:

public IQueryable<Product> GetProducts(
[QueryString("q")]string keyword,
[Control("categories")]int? categoryId)
IQueryable<Product> query = _db.Products;

if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keyword))
query = query.Where(p => p.ProductName.Contains(keyword));

if (categoryId.HasValue && categoryId > 0)
query = query.Where(p => p.CategoryID == categoryId);

return query;

This method supports a GridView that can sort, filter by category, and search via URL. Note the use of a nullable int as well. It makes WebForms code a lot cleaner, and it's just one example.

此方法支持GridView,该GridView可以对类别进行排序,过滤和通过URL搜索。 注意也使用可为空的int。 它使WebForms代码变得更加整洁,这只是一个示例。

Scott Aside: ASP.NET 4.5 is additive to ASP.NET 4, so your existing apps will run, of course, but you can just start using these new features once you're using 4.5. I've been able to "refactor via subtraction" and yank out a bunch of tedious monkey code.

Scott Aside: ASP.NET 4.5是ASP.NET 4的补充,因此您的现有应用程序当然可以运行,但是一旦使用4.5,您就可以开始使用这些新功能。 我已经能够“通过减法重构”并提取出一些乏味的猴子代码。

One other thing I wanted to say. It's becoming clearer to me that it's less about WebForms or MVC or WCF WebAPI Services or OData or IHttpHandlers or SingalR and more about ASP.NET. I used to call mix-and-match apps "hybrid" applications, but now I'm realizing they are just ASP.NET applications. I'll use whatever LEGO piece(s) I want and you should also.

我想说的另一件事。 对我来说,越来越清楚的是它与WebForms或MVC或WCF WebAPI Services或OData或IHttpHandlers或SingalR无关,而与ASP.NET有关。 我曾经将混合匹配应用程序称为“混合”应用程序,但是现在我意识到它们只是ASP.NET应用程序。 我将使用我想要的任何乐高积木,你也应该使用。

MVC 4和网页2开发人员预览版发布 (MVC 4 and Web Pages 2 Developer Preview Released)

The new responsive design of the MVC4 HTML5 default template

ASP.NET MVC 4 Developer Preview is the latest release of our MVC framework. This release includes built-in support for mobile sites, new, fresh HTML5 project templates as well as jQuery Mobile. It has enhanced support for asynchronous methods, and custom code generation.

ASP.NET MVC 4开发人员预览版是我们MVC框架的最新版本。 此版本包括对移动网站的内置支持,全新HTML5项目模板以及jQuery Mobile。 它增强了对异步方法和自定义代码生成的支持。

Also included are Web Pages 2 (like MVC with the V and C in the same file) a lightweight framework for creating dynamic, data-driven websites. The latest version expands support for mobile devices and for integrating client scripts, and adds helpers for tasks like mapping. You can download the new release for Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 11 here: www.asp.net/mvc/mvc4

还包括Web Pages 2(例如在同一文件中带有V和C的MVC),它是用于创建动态的,数据驱动的网站的轻型框架。 最新版本扩展了对移动设备和集成客户端脚本的支持,并添加了诸如映射之类的任务的助手。 您可以在此处下载适用于Visual Studio 2010和Visual Studio 11的新版本: www.asp.net/mvc/mvc4

Scott Aside: Web Pages is what Rob and I used to make http://thisdeveloperslife.com and I'll be doing http://hanselminutes.com over again in Web Pages in the next week or so. If you love Razor just want a simple site, write code, hit F5, and deploy, WebMatrix and Web Pages is a nice change of pace. Also, the fact that they were able to integrate node.js into WebMatrix is not only cool but it brings up interesting questions about WebMatrix and what is can be used for. You can do PHP on it too, you know. Hm.

Scott Aside: Web是Rob和我以前制作的http://thisdeveloperslife.com的内容,下周左右,我将在Web Pages中再次进行http://hanselminutes.com的制作。 如果您喜欢Razor,只需要一个简单的网站,编写代码,按F5键并进行部署,WebMatrix和Web Pages就是一个不错的选择。 而且,他们能够将node.js集成到WebMatrix中的事实不仅很酷,而且还提出了有关WebMatrix及其用途的有趣问题。 您也可以在其上执行PHP。 嗯

WCF 4.5开发人员预览版和“ Web API”在.NET 4及更高版本上带外发行!(WCF 4.5 Developer preview AND "Web API" shipping out of band on .NET 4 and up!)

Introduced Wednesday as part of .NET 4.5, includes new core WCF functionality like WebSockets, UDP multicast, improved streaming and better async support leveraging  Tasks and C# async improvements. We continued our commitment to simplicity with a number of configuration improvements (read "reductions"), making WCF throttles and quotas work for developers by default, better manageability. The WCF Client programming model is included in .NET Core profile available to Windows-tailored app developer.

周三作为.NET 4.5的一部分推出,包括新的WCF核心功能,例如WebSockets,UDP多播,改进的流传输以及利用Tasks和C#异步改进的更好的异步支持。 我们通过许多配置改进(请阅读“减少”)继续保持对简单性的承诺,默认情况下使WCF节流阀和配额对开发人员有效,并具有更好的可管理性。 Windows定制的应用程序开发人员可以使用.NET Core配置文件中包含的WCF客户端编程模型。

Scott Aside: I've used WCF for years, begrudgingly. It is powerful, no one would disagree, but it's notoriously complex and scary. I'm impressed with what they've done in this release because they've effectively used the infinite configurability of WCF and pluged in a re-imagination of what WCF works like in a world of REST and JSON. When it's time for WS-* and the Enterprise, that part of WCF is still there, but when you move to the RESTful open web of 2011-2012, the new Web API is clean and light, nicely integrated with ASP.NET and able to create simple and lightweight web services using things like JSON and conventions that make sense.

斯科特·阿斯德(Scott Aside):我已经使用WCF多年了,这是令人困惑的。 它功能强大,没有人会不同意,但是众所周知它非常复杂且令人恐惧。 他们在此版本中所做的工作给我留下了深刻的印象,因为他们有效地使用了WCF的无限可配置性,并且重新构想了WCF在REST和JSON世界中的工作方式。 当需要使用WS- *和Enterprise时,WCF的那部分仍然存在,但是当您使用2011-2012的RESTful开放式网络时,新的 Web API简洁明了,与ASP.NET很好地集成在一起,并且能够使用诸如JSON和有意义的约定之类的东西来创建简单而轻巧的Web服务。

带有HTML5 / JavaScript的RIA (RIA with HTML5/JavaScript)

Dinesh announced the developer preview for RIA for JS/HTML5 in his BUILD talk. It's a set of jQuery plugins that let you easily work with server data on the client. By bridging the different tiers, RIA/JS lets you quickly build rich forms-over-data applications with HTML/JQuery. The libraries are available via RIAServices.jQuery NuGet package as well as codeplex. The WCF RIA Services for Silverlight were also updated via WCF RIA Services V1.0 SP2 and WCF RIA Services Toolkit Aug 2011 update.

Dinesh在BUILD演讲中宣布了JS / HTML5 RIA的开发人员预览。 它是一组jQuery插件,可让您轻松地在客户端上处理服务器数据。 通过桥接不同的层,RIA / JS使您可以使用HTML / JQuery快速构建丰富的基于数据的表单应用程序。 可通过RIAServices.jQuery NuGet包以及codeplex使用这些库。 还通过WCF RIA服务V1.0 SP2WCF RIA服务工具包2011年8月更新了Silverlight的WCF RIA服务

Scott Aside: RIA was another project that I had checked out very early on and said, meh. I'm zero for two on judging their projects because the WCF team has embraced jQuery, JSON and a more open web in a big way. I'm impressed with their efforts and open attitude. Take a look at their "BigShelf" starter project and check out how they are using jQuery to retrieve and bind, filter and sort data on the client side. Again, fewer black boxes since it's all HTML and JavaScript. Be sure to scroll down on that page as it's a complete walkthrough.

Scott Aside: RIA是另一个我很早就签出并说过的项目。 由于WCF团队在很大程度上接受了jQuery,JSON和更加开放的网络,因此我在两个人的项目评审中是零的。 他们的努力和开放的态度给我留下了深刻的印象。 看一看他们的“ BigShelf”入门项目,并查看他们如何使用jQuery在客户端检索,绑定,过滤和排序数据。 同样,由于全都是HTML和JavaScript,因此黑匣子更少了。 请确保向下滚动该页面,因为它是完整的演练

Here's a rollup of other related links for you, Dear Reader, with downloads at the very bottom.


公告链接 (Announcement Links)

下载链接(Download Links)



翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/new-tools-and-new-content-aspnet-visual-studio-11-web-and-net-45-developer-preview-with-commentary





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