面试 生产有多少台服务器_多台显示器生产力的最佳结合点:那台神奇的第三台显示器

面试 生产有多少台服务器

面试 生产有多少台服务器

Al Gore with Three Monitors

I finally took the time to install a monitor bracket this evening to support my center Dell 30" monitor. Installing a monitor bracket is one of those nice little things you can do to really spruce up your workspace. I had been avoiding it because I though it would be expensive but I found a bracket that would support 50 pounds for under $40. It was easier to install than I thought and I'm considering installing two more to support my other two monitors.

我终于在今晚花些时间安装显示器支架以支撑我的中置Dell 30英寸显示器。安装显示器支架是您可以用来真正改善工作空间的一些小事情之一。我一直避免这样做,因为尽管它会很昂贵,但是我发现一个支架可以支撑50磅,价格不到40美元,安装起来比我想象的要容易,我正在考虑再安装两个支架来支撑我的另外两个显示器。

Yes, three. After blogging about multiple monitors for more than eight years (!) and going as far as hooking up five monitors, I've decided that three is the real sweet spot for productivity. Any more is overkill and any less cramps my brain. I admit five was insane. Fun, but insane.

是的,三个。 在博客介绍了多台显示器八年多(!)之后,甚至连接了五台显示器,我决定将三台显示器真正地视为提高生产率的最佳选择。 再多的就是过度杀伤力,更少的抽筋会伤害我的大脑。 我承认五个人疯了。 有趣,但疯狂。

I've always wanted more than one monitor. I remember sometime in the mid-eighties being thrilled when I discovered that I could install a monochrome "Hercules" card alongside my existin  g VGA card and type 'mode mono' from the DOS prompt while running Windows, Desqview or OS/2 and effectively run command line batch processes on one monitor while doing Windowy stuff on the other. This was 25+ years ago and I've never looked back.

我一直想要不止一台显示器。 我记得在80年代中期的某个时候,我发现自己可以在存在的VGA卡旁边安装单色“大力神”卡,并在运行Windows,Desqview或OS / 2时有效地从DOS提示符下键入“ mode mono”,这让我很兴奋在一个监视器上运行命令行批处理,而在另一监视器上运行Windowy的东西。 这是25年前,我再也没有回头。

Three really old CRT monitors

I've said before on Twitter, and I'll say it again, if you're a developer you need to spend money on a great computer, an awesome monitor, a fantastic chair and a good bed. And food. But the other stuff first.

我之前在Twitter上已经说过,然后再说一遍,如果您是一名开发人员则需要花钱购买一台出色的计算机,一台很棒的显示器,一把漂亮的椅子和一张好床。 和食物。 但是其他东西优先。

Bill Gates has three monitors, Al Gore does, Larry Page does. Even Jeff Atwood. ;)

比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)有三台显示器,戈尔(Al Gore),拉里·佩奇( Larry Page)有。 甚至是Jeff Atwood 。 ;)

Many years ago Darrell Norton moved everyone on his development team to two monitors from one with amazing results:

多年前,达雷尔·诺顿(Darrell Norton)将开发团队中的每个人从一台转移到了两台显示器,结果令人惊讶:

After multiple monitors were introduced:


  • Productivity in lines of code per day increased 10%.


  • Defect levels decreased by 26%.


The New York Times said this about multiple monitors in 2006:


Adding a second monitor turned out to be the easiest, most cost-effective and significant improvement in my work since I replaced my modem with high-speed cable.


It's true. Once you get more than one monitor, you can't stop until you get to three.

这是真的。 一旦获得一台以上的显示器,就无法停止,直到达到三台。

为什么三台显示器而不是两台? (Why Three Monitors and not Two?)

I think three monitors is the perfect number because the center monitor is where your primary work happens. I usually run Visual Studio or my blogging software on this monitor. The second and third monitors are like rear view mirrors in that they are about 30 to 35 degrees angled in a wrap-around configuration and I glance at them for information while I work.

我认为三台显示器是理想的选择,因为中央显示器是您进行主要工作的地方。 我通常在此监视器上运行Visual Studio或博客软件。 第二个和第三个监视器就像后视镜一样,它们以环绕式结构倾斜约30到35度,在工作时我会看一眼以获取信息。

For example, here's some typical scenarios with me and my three monitors.


发展历程 (Development)
Documentation/PDFs/BrowserDevelopment IDE, Text SnippetsTarget App Browser, Application being Debugged
文档/ PDF /浏览器开发IDE,文本片段目标应用浏览器,正在调试的应用
Browser with articles being referencedWindows Live Writer (blogging app)NetFlix, Hulu
浏览器引用了文章Windows Live Writer(博客应用程序) NetFlix,Hulu
删除电子邮件 (Deleting Email)
CalendarOutlook Mail/GmailTwitter/Facebook/G+
日历Outlook邮件/ Gmail Twitter / Facebook / G +

Without three monitors, you will be task switching, and I maintain that it's always going to be easier (read: lower effort) to glance to the side or turn your head than it will be to ALT-TAB and switch to the other apps. The more apps you run the more you'll be ALT-TABbing around.

没有三台显示器,您需要进行任务切换,而且我认为,转到ALT-TAB并切换到其他应用程序总是比较容易(阅读:更少的精力)。 您运行的应用程序越多,您的Alt-Tab键就越多。

I actually find with Windows 7 and three monitors that I use WINKEY+LEFT ARROW or WINKEY+RIGHT ARROW to move applications left and right on a single monitor or between monitors with SHIFT+WINKEY+ARROWS which means nothing is every obscured. That's the key with multiple monitors.

我实际上发现在Windows 7和三台显示器上,我使用WINKEY +向左键或WINKEY +向右键在单个显示器上或在具有SHIFT + WINKEY + ARROWS的显示器之间左右移动应​​用程序,这意味着没有任何东西被遮盖住。 这是多台显示器的关键。

When using computers, out of site isn't out of mind. If it's not visible on the screen then it's you that has to store it. I propose that the amount of your memory that's used to keep track of what apps are running and what state they are in is less with multiple monitors.

使用计算机时,不在意站点外。 如果它在屏幕上不可见,则必须由来存储它。 我建议用于多台显示器的用于跟踪哪些应用程序正在运行以及它们处于何种状态内存量应少一些。

安装支架 (Installing a Bracket)

Installing bracket was somehow intimidating to me. Turned out I just needed to make sure that the bracket was exactly positioned such that the bolts went into the center of the stud. I had laser stud finder and used blue painters tape to mark off the edges. I used a small level to make sure it wasn't torqued, although since the monitor bracket I got supports rotation there's more room for error than I realized.

安装支架对我来说有点吓人。 原来,我只需要确保支架位置正确即可使螺栓进入双头螺栓的中心。 我有激光螺柱取景器,并用蓝色油漆带标记了边缘。 我使用了一个很小的水平来确保它没有被扭紧,尽管由于我得到的显示器支架支持旋转,所以出错的余地比我想象的要大。

Then I was concerned it wouldn't support the weight a 30" Dell Monitor. Turns out that this "giant" 30" Dell Monitor is actually only 25 lbs without the stand. The bracket can support 50 lbs so I had lots of room for error there as well.

然后我担心它不能支撑30英寸Dell Monitor的重量。事实证明,这种“巨型” 30英寸Dell Monitor实际上只有25磅(不带支架)。 支架可以支撑50磅,所以我在那里也有很大的误差空间。

Seems there was really no reason for me to be concerned about installing a bracket. I debated using a desk mounted bracket, but my desk is chrome and glass and won't handle any kind of clamp.

似乎真的没有理由让我担心安装支架。 我曾争论过要使用台式安装支架,但是我的台式是Chrome合金和玻璃,无法使用任何类型的夹具。

The only downside to this operation and the bracket is that it only moves horizontally (with 15 degrees of vertical tilt. So, if I get another desk or change the height of this desk, I'll have to move it.



I have another motorized up/down standing desk to the right of my main workstation, so when I get tired of sitting I can move over to the other desk. That desk has a fourth monitor (it's disabled in my current configuration) that I often hook my laptop up to. That way, even if I'm at the standing desk using my laptop, I've still got a second large monitor.

我的主工作站右侧还有另一个电动升降桌,因此当我厌倦了坐姿时,可以移到另一张书桌上。 那张桌子有第四个显示器(在我的当前配置中已禁用),我经常将笔记本电脑连接到该显示器。 这样,即使我坐在笔记本电脑旁的站立台上,也仍然拥有第二台大显示器。

结果 (The Result)

Here's my setup as I sit in my chair. That

这是我坐在椅子上时的设置。 那

Three monitors is love

Here's a cheesy panorama of my setup I as swivel in the chair 180 degrees. The white table is motorized so I can sit and stand. It has another 24" HDTV/monitor with a Cisco Umi Telepresence system connected to it. I use it for LiveMeetings, NetFlix, Xbox or Cisco/Skype.

这是我在椅子上旋转180度后的装置全景图。 白色的桌子是电动的,所以我可以坐着站着。 它还有另一个24英寸高清电视/显示器,并连接了Cisco Umi网真系统。我将其用于LiveMeetings,NetFlix,Xbox或Cisco / Skype。

I just can't think of any reason why a developer shouldn't have at LEAST a second monitor. LCDs are plentiful, low power and inexpensive. Most computers and laptops can run a second monitor and even a $100 video card can run three monitors.

我只是想不出为什么开发人员不应该至少拥有第二台显示器。 LCD丰富,低功耗且价格便宜。 大多数计算机和笔记本电脑都可以运行第二台显示器,甚至一张100美元的视频卡也可以运行三台显示器。

Do you run multiple monitors? Why?

您是否运行多台显示器? 为什么?

You don't? Why not?


相关链接 (Related Links)

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/the-sweet-spot-of-multiple-monitor-productivity-that-magical-third-monitor

面试 生产有多少台服务器





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