Ultimate Developer PC 2.0-第3部分-有关构建WEI 7.9和RFC(用于构建GOM)的更新(上帝拥有的机器)...

Big Ass Mobo
  • WEI - Windows Experience Index. How fast is your machine? If you say "I've got a WEI 6.0" you've got a good machine, for example.

    WEI -Windows体验索引。 您的机器有多快? 例如,如果您说“我有WEI 6.0”,则说明您有一台好的机器。

  • RFC - Request for Comments. This is crowdsourcing. I want to know what YOU think we need to do to make a machine that is so fast that it'll max out at WEI 7.9 and be a GOM.

    RFC-征求意见。 这是众包。 我想知道您认为我们需要做些什么,才能制造出如此快的机器,使其达到WEI 7.9的最高要求并成为GOM。

  • GOM - God's Own Machine. If the Good Lord had a computer, it'd be a 7.9. We want to build that machine.

    GOM-神的机器。 如果好主拥有一台计算机,那就是7.9。 我们要建造那台机器。

There have been two posts so far:


There were lots of great comments on both posts, and arguably there is more content in the comments than the posts! I want to give a big thank you to all the thoughtful people who have commented. You all know more than I do about this topic.

这两个帖子上都有很多很棒的评论,并且可以说评论中的内容比帖子还多! 在此,我要感谢所有有思想的人。 你们比我对这个话题了解的更多。

The point of this exercise is several-fold.


  • First, I haven't built a machine in 3 years, since the first Ultimate PC, lead by Jeff Atwood. Every Jedi should build their own lightsaber.

    首先,自Jeff Atwood领导的第一台Ultimate PC以来我已经三年没有制造机器了。 每个绝地应该建造自己的光剑。

  • Second, it'd be interesting to see if it's easy (or how hard) to get a 7.9 WEI (the current maximum) on a machine given a $3000 limit. It's also interesting to see what a $1000 PC gets. Yes, we all realize that WEI is just one benchmark, but it's a public one and it's built into Windows, so it's interesting.

    其次,有趣的是,看看在给定$ 3000限制的机器上,是否容易(或有多难)获得7.9 WEI(当前最大)。 看到一台1000美元的PC还能得到什么也很有趣。 是的,我们都意识到WEI只是一个基准,但它是一个公开的基准,并且已内置在Windows中,因此很有趣。

  • Third, I am not much of a gamer (I have a Xbox for that) but I do run several large 24" to 30" monitors and don't like waiting for my Windows to repaint, so do like a faster video card.


Here's some scores, some results, and some commentary.


基线。 我的笔记本电脑。 (Baseline. My Laptop.)

This is the WEI my stock Lenovo W500 8Gb with an aftermarket OCZ Vertex 256gig SSD.

这是WEI我的库存联想W500 8Gb,带有售后OCZ Vertex 256gig SSD。

My W500 is a 4.6.

Using Visual Studio 2010 and building the trunk of the NerdDinner project (a smallish sized ASP.NET app) is about 3 to 4 seconds. On my new PC, building NerdDinner from scratch happens before I can say "one one-thousand." I could try it from MSBuild and the command line...

使用Visual Studio 2010并构建NerdDinner项目(较小的ASP.NET应用程序)的主干大约需要3到4秒钟。 在我的新PC上,从零开始构建NerdDinner的过程要先于我说“一千个”。 我可以从MSBuild和命令行中尝试...

使用PowerShell测量命令 (Measuring Commands with PowerShell)

Here's a better way to measure. Taking Chris Tavares' vsvars32.ps2, changed slightly for Visual Studio 2010 and run under PowerShell x86, I add this to my local machine's Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1. (As well as running "set-executionpolicy unrestricted" as admin. Or set it to whatever you like).

这是一种更好的测量方法。 以Chris Tavares的vsvars32.ps2(对于Visual Studio 2010稍有更改并在PowerShell x86下运行),我将其添加到本地计算机的Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1中。 (以及以“ admin”身份运行“ set-executionpolicy unrestricted”或将其设置为任意值)。

function Get-Batchfile ($file) {
$cmd = "`"$file`" & set"
cmd /c $cmd | Foreach-Object {
$p, $v = $_.split('=')
Set-Item -path env:$p -value $v

function VsVars32($version = "10.0")
$key = "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\" + $version
$VsKey = get-ItemProperty $key
$VsInstallPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($VsKey.InstallDir)
$VsToolsDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($VsInstallPath)
$VsToolsDir = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($VsToolsDir, "Tools")
$BatchFile = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($VsToolsDir, "vsvars32.bat")
Get-Batchfile $BatchFile
[System.Console]::Title = "Visual Studio " + $version + " Windows Powershell"

Thanks to Chris, now I can type "VsVars32" at any PowerShell prompt and I'm immediately setup with a Visual Studio Command Line environment. Just as an FYI, while MSBuild does report timings, since I'm using PowerShell, I can surround any command with "measure-command" as in.

多亏了Chris,现在我可以在任何PowerShell提示符下键入“ VsVars32”,并且可以立即在Visual Studio命令行环境中进行设置。 就像FYI一样,虽然MSBuild确实会报告计时,但由于我使用的是PowerShell,因此可以将任何命令都用“ measure-command”括起来。

measure-command { msbuild /t:rebuild .\NerdDinner.sln }

测量命令{msbuild / t:rebuild。\ NerdDinner.sln}

In this case from the command line, NerdDinner takes 1900ms on my laptop and 900ms on my desktop, so this isn't a good test as the app is far too small.


Of course, I can also run msbuild with the /m switch and get parallel builds on multi-core machines. However, since NerdDinner only has two projects, I only get a 10% performance increase. Let's try a more significant project.

当然,我也可以使用/ m开关运行msbuild并在多核计算机上进行并行构建。 但是,由于NerdDinner只有两个项目,因此我只能获得10%的性能提升。 让我们尝试一个更重要的项目。

初步结论:如何构建昨天发布的NHibernate 3.0 Alpha(The Upfront Conclusion: How about building yesterday's release of NHibernate 3.0 Alpha?)

Here's the results, building NHibernate 3.0 Alpha using NHibernate.Everything.sln:

这是使用NHibernate.Everything.sln构建NHibernate 3.0 Alpha的结果:

Times are in secondsLenovo W500 w/ SSDUltimate PC 1.0Ultimate PC 2.0
MSBuild /t:rebuild36.0535.5216.12
MSBuild /t:rebuild /m24.9825.5712.53
MSBuild 6.176.993.11
MSBuild /m5.916.662.72
时间以秒为单位 联想W500带SSD 终极PC 1.0 终极PC 2.0
MSBuild / t:重建 36.05 35.52 16.12
MSBuild / t:重建/ m 24.98 25.57 12.53
MSBuild 6.17 6.99 3.11
MSBuild /米 5.91 6.66 2.72

Interesting that last year's laptop is very competitive with the original "Ultimate PC" from 2007 (still a beefy Quad Core) due to the laptop's new SSD.

有趣的是,由于笔记本电脑采用了新的SSD,去年的笔记本电脑与2007年推出的原始“ Ultimate PC ”(仍然是强大的四核)竞争非常激烈。

Still, against the best numbers the new PC is effectively twice as fast or more at everything. Yesterday I was encoding a large HD video for Channel 9 and while the Lenovo took 3 hours, the new Ultimate PC 2.0 took 15 minutes. In some cases, it'll save hours on computationally intensive tasks, I believe. Additionally, for computationally intensive multi-tasking that have caused me to use multiple computers in the past, this machine has handled easily. For example, while I was encoding that video, I was also streaming live 720p HD video over Office Communicator. This takes at least 2 procs working full and slowed my Ultimate PC 1.0 down to the point of uselessness. The aggregate CPU on the new machine never went above 12% while just streaming video.

尽管如此,与最好的数字相比,新PC的所有功能实际上都快了一倍甚至更多。 昨天我正在为Channel 9编码大型高清视频,而Lenovo用了3个小时,而新的Ultimate PC 2.0则用了15分钟。 我相信,在某些情况下,它将节省大量计算任务。 另外,对于过去导致我使用多台计算机的计算密集型多任务处理,该机器易于处理。 例如,当我编码该视频时,我还通过Office Communicator流式传输720p高清实时视频。 这至少需要2个proc才能正常工作,并将我的Ultimate PC 1.0减慢到无用的地步。 新计算机上的总CPU在流式传输视频时从未超过12%。

While I did go overboard on the Video Card, I'm extremely happy with the computer so far. I threw in an NVidia GTX275 I had laying around to run another 22" monitor while the GTX480 is running the 30" and a 24". The GTX480 does run hot. For you, dear reader, a GTX275 or any decent $100 card would do you just fine and you'd save a lot of money.

虽然我确实不喜欢视频卡,但到目前为止,我对计算机感到非常满意。 我把NVidia GTX275放进去,要运行另一台22英寸显示器,而GTX480却要运行30英寸和24英寸显示器。GTX480确实很热。对于您来说,亲爱的阅读器,GTX275或任何不错的$ 100卡都可以您一切都好,您会节省很多钱。

Here's the final parts list along with some caveats. Remember, building your own PC does come with risks, as you're sometimes putting together different companies parts and things don't always work perfectly. You can get a great 7.x WEI machine for $1000 from just about anyone.

这是最终零件清单以及一些注意事项。 请记住,构建您自己的PC确实会带来风险,因为有时您会把不同公司的零件放在一起,而事情并不一定会完美运行。 您几乎可以从任何人那里以$ 1000的价格购买一台出色的7.x WEI机器。

零件清单 (The Parts List)

Also, Shay Erlichmen wrote some Google Apps Javascript and put up a LIVE Google Spreadsheet that will scrape NewEgg's site and put up the current total of all the components. Thanks to Shay!

另外, Shay Erlichmen编写了一些Google Apps Javascript并编写了一个LIVE Google Spreadsheet,它将抓取NewEgg的网站并发布当前所有组件的总数。 感谢谢伊!

建造 (The Build)

I built the case over two 4 hour sessions and broadcasted live to 80 of my close internet friends on UStream. A lot of really smart people helped me out on this build and offered a lot of interesting points.

我在两个4小时的会议中制作了此案,并在UStream上向80个我的亲密互联网朋友进行了直播。 许多非常聪明的人帮助我完成了这个构建,并提供了许多有趣的观点。

The first day build went bad because of the power supply issue so we got it built, then spent hours thinking it was a motherboard issue. It was the power supply.

由于电源问题,第一天的构建工作很糟糕,因此我们将其构建起来,然后花了几个小时认为这是主板问题。 是电源。

After we assembled the machine and before we installed any drivers, here was the first WEI score. The 1.0s happened because the standard VGA driver loaded.

组装完机器之后,在安装任何驱动程序之前,这是第一个WEI分数。 之所以发生1.0,是因为加载了标准VGA驱动程序。

1.0 WEI

After installing the Intel Chipset drivers for the Motherboard and the latest NVidia drivers, we were at 7.8 for video and 7.4 all up with the SSD holding us back.


7.4 WEI

I moved the SSD to another SATA port as this motherboard has multiple SATA chipsets (Intel, Marvel) and installed the latest drivers. In one case, setting the BIOS to IDE instead of AHCI seemed to stick me at 5.9 for disk.

我将SSD移至另一个SATA端口,因为该主板具有多个SATA芯片组(Intel,Marvel)并安装了最新的驱动程序。 在一种情况下,将BIOS设置为IDE而不是AHCI似乎使我无法使用5.9的磁盘。

5.9 WEI

Once I moved onto the Marvel SATA 3 controller with 6 GB/s I got 7.9 on disk. Interestingly the same drive on the Intel SATA 2 controller gets 7.7. The Marvel gets 310MB/s out of the Crucial SSD while the Intel controller gets 270MB/s.

当我以6 GB / s的速度移动到Marvel SATA 3控制器时,在磁盘上获得了7.9。 有趣的是,英特尔SATA 2控制器上的同一驱动器获得7.7。 Marvel从Crucial SSD中获得310MB / s的速度,而Intel控制器则为270MB / s。

7.8 WEI

At this point, running everything stock and air-cooled, I have a nice 7.8 machine. I suspect I won't be able to get the Processor to 7.9 without overclocking to 4Ghz. As it is, the machine is running lovely. I wouldn't mind overclocking but I have decided against water cooling as I'm just too old and I need a machine to work 100% of the time. Pete Brown will be water cooling his, he says, so I'll be following his build. That said, if anyone wants to sit with me and chat about if it's possible to get this machine to 4Ghz using air-cooling, give me a holler. As for the graphics, I don't see how I can get to 7.9 without something drastic.

在这一点上,运行所有库存和风冷的设备,我有一台不错的7.8机器。 我怀疑如果不超频到4Ghz就无法将处理器提高到7.9。 照原样,机器运行良好。 我不介意超频,但是我已经决定不进行水冷却,因为我年纪太大了,我需要一台机器可以100%地工作。 他说,皮特·布朗(Pete Brown)将为他的水冷却,所以我将继续他的建造。 就是说,如果有人想和我坐在一起聊聊是否有可能通过空冷将机器提升到4Ghz,请给我个空子。 至于图形,我不知道如何在没有剧烈变化的情况下达到7.9。

All in all, a great time was had by all. Thanks so much to everyone who helped and to all the wonderful (and waspish) commenters who made this a better experience.

总而言之,所有人度过了愉快的时光。 非常感谢所有帮助过的人,以及所有使这成为更好体验的出色(和卑鄙的)评论员。

Related Links:


强制任务员截图! (Obligatory Taskman Screenshot!)




翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/ultimate-developer-pc-20-part-3-update-on-building-a-wei-79-and-rfc-for-building-a-gom-gods-own-machine

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