2010年Spring演讲汇总:Microsoft WebCamps的近期讲座和近期讲座

博主斯科特·汉塞尔曼分享了他在全球各地的演讲记录,包括在慕尼黑、开罗、迪拜等地的ASP.NET MVC、.NET 4、信息超载管理等主题。他还预告了即将在北京、上海、悉尼等地的Microsoft WebCamps活动,这些活动将提供深入的技术内容和实践环节,不同于传统的1小时演讲,更注重实践和深度学习。
DevDays and TechDays

I've been travelling some, and I have a few more trips at Microsoft WebCamps before I take a much needed break and stop travelling until 2011.

我一直在旅行,在需要紧急休息并停止旅行到2011年之前,我还在Microsoft WebCamps进行了几次旅行。

I went to Munich, Cairo, and Dubai a few weeks back and presented on ASP.NET MVC (both Beginner and Advanced), .NET 4 in general, Making Your Blog Suck Less, and Information Overload. I presented at Mix 10 on Web Development and Security with Phil Haack.

几周前我去了慕尼黑,开罗和迪拜,并在ASP.NET MVC(初学者和高级),总体上讲.NET 4,减少博客负担信息超载方面作了介绍。 我与Phil Haack参加了关于Web开发和安全性的Mix 10

Last week I was in Belgium and The Netherlands and gave some talks as well.


I thought it would be nice to put all my recent talks in one place. So, here's some video recordings of some of my recent talks. I hope you enjoy watching them as much as I did giving them.

我认为将我最近的所有演讲都放在一个地方会很好。 因此,这是一些我最近的演讲的录像。 我希望您能像我给他们一样喜欢看它们。

ASP.NET MVC 2:基础知识/简介 (ASP.NET MVC 2: Basics/Introduction)

Join Scott Hanselman as he explains ASP.NET MVC from File -> New Project. We’ll dig into the details and try to put MVC into perspective. Is WebForms going away? What’s better about MVC vs. WebForms? How does MVC sit on top of ASP.NET and how was it written? We’ll play with call stacks, and avoid PowerPoint slides! This is an introduction to ASP.NET, but it’s not a “basic” session. We assume you have some web development concepts or perhaps you’re a professional ASP.NET WebForms developers who is just starting out with ASP.NET MVC.

加入Scott Hanselman,他在File-> New Project中解释ASP.NET MVC。 我们将深入研究细节,并尝试将MVC纳入视角。 WebForms消失了吗? MVC与WebForms相比有什么优势? MVC如何位于ASP.NET之上,它是如何编写的? 我们将使用调用堆栈,并避免使用PowerPoint幻灯片! 这是对ASP.NET的介绍,但不是“基本”会话。 我们假设您有一些Web开发概念,或者您是一个专业的ASP.NET WebForms开发人员,他们刚开始使用ASP.NET MVC。

NET。4 (Lap Around .NET 4)

In this session, Scott Hanselman gives a deep and broad tour of the .NET 4 release, with a focus on making your development experience easier. See lots of demos (and very few slides) showcasing the key new features in the .NET Framework 4 including MEF, improvements in ASP.NET, threading, multi-core and parallel extensions, additions to the base classes, changes and additions to the CLR and DLR, what's new for the languages (Visual Basic and C#), and of course, what's new in Windows Presentation Foundation and System.Web. Come and see how all these new features and capabilities improve your overall .NET experience!

在本节中,Scott Hanselman对.NET 4版本进行了深入而广泛的介绍,重点是使您的开发体验更轻松。 请参阅许多演示(和极少的幻灯片),它们展示了.NET Framework 4中的关键新功能,包括MEF,ASP.NET的改进,线程,多核和并行扩展,基类的添加,对Java的更改和添加。 CLR和DLR,这些语言(Visual Basic和C#)的新功能,以及Windows Presentation Foundation和System.Web中的新功能。 快来看看所有这些新功能如何改善您的整体.NET体验!


信息超载和流程管理:有效性和效率 (Information Overload and Managing the Flow: Effectiveness and Efficiency)

This talk is/was a mashup of the various techniques that I try to apply in my everyday life. There's a little GTD, a little Covey, a little Pomodoro, a little Jon Udell, a little 43 Folders, a little Merlin Mann, a little Gina Trapani, and a little Hanselman. I also show some of the tools I used to manage the flow of information in my life. I hope you enjoy it. I'm  pretty happy with the way it turned out, given that I was freaking out about it for a week.

这篇演讲是我在日常生活中尝试应用的各种技术的混搭。 有一些GTD,一个Covey,一个Pomodoro,一个Jon Udell,一个43 Folders,一个Merlin Mann,一个Gina Trapani和一个Hanselman。 我还将展示一些我用来管理生活中信息流的工具。 我希望你喜欢它。 考虑到我一直在为这个问题而发呆,我对结果非常满意。

蒙太奇旅行-如果是星期二,那一定是开罗。 (Trip Montage - If this is Tuesday, this must be Cairo.)

This isn't a talk as it's a "trip montage." I went to Munich, Cairo and Dubai. I presented in three keynotes and did a total of 10 sessions. I crossed 12 time zones and missed my kids. I talked to/with/at about 3000 people.  I took some video while I was travelling with my Creative Vado HD and slapped it into Windows Live Movie Maker just now. Here's my trip montage. You could call this either "The Glamorous Life of a Technical Speaker" or "If this is Tuesday, this must be Cairo" or "Scott needs to learn to say No."

这不是谈话,因为它是“旅行蒙太奇”。 我去了慕尼黑,开罗和迪拜。 我发表了三个主题演讲,共进行了10场会议。 我越过12个时区,想念我的孩子。 我与大约3000人进行了交谈。 当我与Creative Vado HD一起旅行时,我拍摄了一些视频,并将其拍入Windows Live Movie Maker。 这是我的旅行蒙太奇。 您可以称其为“技术演讲者的光辉人生”或“如果这是星期二,那一定是开罗”或“斯科特需要学会说不”。

出色的Web部署:如果您使用的是XCopy,那么您做错了。 (Web Deployment Made Awesome: If you're using XCopy, you're doing it wrong.)

If you typically deploy your web applications using Windows Explorer and Aero Snap, please stop. Come see a practical session on the new deployment goodness in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4. We dig into Web Deploy (a.k.a. MSDeploy) and deployment from within Visual Studio 2010. Is deployment a chore? I say, nay, nay. Let's learn how to package up web apps, deploy them, their settings and component parts easily. We start with the basics and ramp it up quickly, exploring custom database providers and advanced techniques.

如果通常使用Windows资源管理器和Aero Snap部署Web应用程序,请停止。 快来观看有关Microsoft Visual Studio 2010和.NET Framework 4中新部署优点的实践会议。我们深入研究Web Deploy(又名MSDeploy)和从Visual Studio 2010中进行部署。部署是否繁琐? 我说,不,不。 让我们学习如何打包Web应用程序,轻松部署它们,其设置和组成部分。 我们从基础知识入手,并Swift进行扩展,探索自定义数据库提供程序和高级技术。

      Haaha Show:Haack和Hanselman的Microsoft ASP.NET MVC安全性 (The Haaha Show: Microsoft ASP.NET MVC Security With Haack and Hanselman)

      Join Phil Haack and Scott Hanselman for this dynamic and unusual security session. The HaaHa brothers take turns implementing features on an ASP.NET MVC website. Scott writes a feature, and Phil exploits it and hacks into the system. We analyze and discuss the exploits live on stage and then close them one by one. Learn about XSS, CSRF, JSON Hijacking and more. Is *your* site safe from the Haack?

      与Phil Haack和Scott Hanselman一起参加这个动态而异常的安全会议。 HaaHa兄弟轮流在ASP.NET MVC网站上实现功能。 斯科特(Scott)编写了一项功能,菲尔(Phil)利用了该功能并侵入了系统。 我们分析并讨论舞台上的漏洞利用程序,然后将其逐一关闭。 了解有关XSS,CSRF,JSON劫持等的更多信息。 Haack的*您的*地点安全吗?


      超越档案| 新公司:从俗气的样本到社交平台 (Beyond File | New Company: From Cheesy Sample To Social Platform)

      The web has changed and there's a new way of thinking about your applications. You can't just write some HTML and CSS anymore and expect to be the next Twitter. Hear how to make your site socially relevant in the new decade (the '10s?) This session includes everything from Microsoft ASP.NET MVC2, to Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and OData, JSON services and blog flair, microformats, and leverage ASP.NET and Microsoft Silverlight to create rich user experiences. Let's stop messing around and start changing the world. Or at least giving Nerds a place to eat dinner.

      网络已经发生变化,并且有一种新的方式来考虑您的应用程序。 您不能再写一些HTML和CSS并期望成为下一个Twitter。 聆听如何使您的网站在新的十年(10年代?)中具有社会相关性。本次会议包括从Microsoft ASP.NET MVC2到Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)和OData,JSON服务和博客风格,微格式以及如何利用ASP的所有内容.NET和Microsoft Silverlight可以创建丰富的用户体验。 让我们停止混乱,开始改变世界。 或者至少给书呆子一个吃饭的地方。

      ASP.NET MVC 2:忍者仍在黑带提示 (ASP.NET MVC 2: Ninjas Still on Fire Black Belt Tips)

      Having the customer on your back to deliver features on time and under budget with tight deadlines can make you feel like you’re being chased by ninjas on fire. Join Scott Hanselman and he’ll walk through lots of tips and tricks to get the most out of the ASP.NET MVC 2 framework and deliver work quickly and with style. Come see ASP.NET MVC 2’s better productivity features as we make the most of several key features.

      让客户在时间紧迫且预算有限的情况下按时交付功能,可能会让您感到被忍者追赶。 加入Scott Hanselman,他将演练许多技巧,以充分利用ASP.NET MVC 2框架并快速,时尚地进行工作。 由于我们充分利用了几个关键功能,因此请看一下ASP.NET MVC 2更好的生产力功能。

      Also, next month I'll be in Beijing, Shanghai and Sydney speaking at a different kind of event, the Microsoft Web Camps. These are not 1 hour presentations where we talk at you, but two days of technical content and labs. It's slower paced and deeper than a conference presentation. There will be WebCamps all over the world:

      同样,下个月,我将在北京,上海和悉尼的另一场活动Microsoft Web Camps中演讲。 这些都不是1小时介绍,我们你说话,但技术含量和实验室两天。 与会议演示相比,它的节奏更慢,更深入。 全球将有WebCamp:

      Toronto May 07-08Moscow May 19-19
      Beijing May 21-22Shanghai May 24-25
      Mountain View May 27-28Sydney May 28-29
      Singapore June 04-05London June 04-05
      Munich June 07-08Chicago June 11-12
      Redmond, WA June 18-19New York June 25-26
      多伦多五月07-08 莫斯科5月19日至19日
      新加坡June 04-05 伦敦6月4日至5日

      Hope to see you there.




      翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/spring-speaking-rollup-2010-recent-talks-and-upcoming-talks-at-microsoft-webcamps





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