
There's been jokes for years asking if I sleep. I do tend to stay up late and I get a lot done between 2am and 5am, but I sleep quite nicely, thank you.

问我是否睡了好多年了。 我的确倾向于熬夜,并且在凌晨2点到凌晨5点之间做了很多工作,但是我睡得很好,谢谢。

However, I've always been fascinated by sleep. How long does it take me to fall asleep and how deep do I sleep? According to my wife I can fall asleep mid-sentence and I have personally slept through no less than three earthquakes.

但是,我一直着迷于睡眠。 我入睡需要多长时间?我要睡多久? 根据我妻子的说法,我可以在句子中期入睡,而且我个人经历了至少三场地震。

Here's a shot of me being beaten in my sleep by my two sons.


I'm already plugged into other devices like my insulin pump and my blood sugar meter, so I've been used to testing my system and getting a number, then acting on that number.


When I heard about the Zeo Personal Sleep Coach, I knew I needed to check it out. It's basically a fancy clock radio with a headband. The headband has a pad and a number of metal contacts. You wear it - like a heartbeat monitor for your head - while you sleep. It's weird the first day, but meh, you get over it.

当我听说Zeo个人睡眠教练时,我知道我需要检查一下。 基本上,这是一款带头带的高档时钟收音机。 头带具有一个垫和许多金属触点。 睡觉时,您可以戴上它-就像头上的心跳监视器一样。 第一天很奇怪,但是,嗯,你克服了。

The headband recharges in the top cradle of the device, and when it's on you it transmits data back to the base station. There's an SD card slot with data card. You login to the Zeo site and upload the data occasionally.

头带会在设备的顶部底座中充电,当您戴上头带时,它会将数据传输回基站。 有一个带数据卡的SD卡插槽。 您登录到Zeo站点并偶尔上传数据。


The site is quite fancy and lets you look at your sleep from a number of dimensions. The Zeo measures how long you are in Light Sleep, Rem Sleep or Deep Sleep. You can see in this chart below that I had an awesome REM night on Friday. This is totally true. I was dreaming up a storm and knew it. When I woke up I was impressed that the Zeo had picked up up. I dreamt for over 3 and a half hours that night, compared to only 90 minutes the previous night.

该网站非常漂亮,可让您从多个角度查看睡眠状况。 Zeo可以测量您处于浅睡眠,雷姆睡眠或深度睡眠的时间。 您可以在下面的图表中看到,我在星期五度过了一个很棒的REM晚。 这是完全正确的。 我在做一场风暴,就知道了。 当我醒来时,Zeo的拾起令我印象深刻。 那天晚上我梦了三个半小时,而前一天晚上只有90分钟。

This chart view shows how much time I spent in each phase. notice how it only took a few minutes to fall asleep. I'm known for this and the Zeo also picked up on this as well. I went straight from awake into deep sleep in about 10 minutes.

该图表视图显示了我在每个阶段花费了多少时间。 请注意,入睡只花了几分钟。 我为此而闻名,Zeo也对此有所了解。 我从清醒直接进入大约10分钟的深度睡眠。

The best part - the part  I most enjoyed - about the Zeo is the SmartWake feature. It's an alarm clock, but instead of waking you up at 8am, for example, you tell it to wake you up near 8am at the best time for you. You ever wake up right in the middle of a dream or right when you're in really deep sleep? SmartWake will watch how you're sleeping and wake you up +/-30 minutes of your preferred time. For me this really worked. It totally woke me up at the right time and I found I awoke more refreshed than usual.

关于Zeo最好的部分-我最喜欢的部分-是SmartWake功能。 这是一个闹钟,但例如,与其说是在早上8点起床,不如说是让它在最适合您的时间在早上8点起床 您是在梦中醒来还是在深睡中醒来? SmartWake将观察您的睡眠方式,并在您首选时间的+/- 30分钟内唤醒您。 对我来说,这确实有效。 它在适当的时候完全唤醒了我,我发现自己比平常更清醒。

The worst part of the Zeo, really the only bad part for me was that after 5 straight days of wearing the headband it began to "burn" my forehead. These weren't bad, but there were red marks that were significant enough that my wife said "what happened to your head." These weren't just pressure marks but tiny, minor electrical irritation or burns. I've not heard anything about this irritation on the web or on their site, so perhaps I'm just hyper-sensitive to the tiny bit of electricity that powers the sensor. I mention it just because it would prevent me from using Zeo every single day. I'd probably use it only 4 times a week as each day this mark got worse. Your mileage may vary.

Zeo最糟糕的部分,对我而言真正唯一的坏处是,连续5天戴着头带后,它开始“灼伤”我的额头。 这些还不错,但是上面有红色标记,足以使我妻子说“你的头怎么了”。 这些不仅是压力痕迹,还包括微小的轻微电刺激或烧伤。 我没有在网络上或在他们的网站上听到有关这种刺激的任何消息,所以也许我对为传感器供电的一小部分电非常敏感。 我之所以提及它只是因为它会阻止我每天使用Zeo。 我可能每周只使用4次,因为这一标记每天都会变得更糟。 你的旅费可能会改变。

UPDATE: Zeo responded in the comments and in a private email, and a few of you in the comments pointed this out as well. The marks after wearing the band are very likely something allergic, not "burns" or electricity related. Here's what Zeo said in a private email, and I think this makes a lot of sense. I'm likely a statistical anomaly, but either way, the marks clear up in a few hours and won't keep me from using the Zeo:

更新:Zeo在评论和私人电子邮件中进行了回复,并且在评论中的一些人也指出了这一点。 佩戴乐队之后的痕迹很可能是过敏的,与“灼伤”或电无关。 这是Zeo在私人电子邮件中说的,我认为这很有意义。 我可能是统计异常,但是无论哪种方式,这些标记都会在几个小时内消失,并且不会阻止我使用Zeo:

The most probable cause of the irritation is either a dirty sensor pad or acne mechanica.  The headband can get dirty over time due to a build-up of oil, dead skin, sweat, lotions, etc.  Depending on your skin type, this can result in irritation.  If you think you have a dirty headband, we recommend either replacing it or hand washing it with a mild detergent such as Woolite.
With regards to acne mechanica, we consulted with a dermatologist who advised that there is a small percentage of people who get irritations from the normal contact and friction of wearing anything on the head or face.  This can include hats, caps, and even the Zeo headband. We wanted to make sure you were aware of this possibility.

引起刺激的最可能原因是传感器垫变脏或痤疮。 随着时间的流逝,头带可能因油污,死皮,汗水,乳液等堆积而变脏。根据您的皮肤类型,这可能会导致发炎。 如果您认为头带较脏,建议您更换它或用中性清洁剂(例如Woolite)洗手。 关于痤疮的机理,我们咨询了一位皮肤科医生,他建议有一小部分人由于正常接触和戴任何头或脸的摩擦而感到不适。 这可能包括帽子,帽子甚至Zeo头带。 我们想确保您知道这种可能性。

They've also got a Sleep Coach online that will analyze your sleep patterns as well as some questionnaire data and suggest specific ways you can improve your sleep. While using the Zeo was really fascinating and a valuable experience for me, for me it just confirmed that I sleep awesomely.

他们还在线提供了一个睡眠教练,该教练将分析您的睡眠方式以及一些问卷数据,并建议您改善睡眠的具体方式。 虽然使用Zeo对我来说真的是很有趣和宝贵的经验,但对我而言,这只是证明我睡得很香。

There's a 30-day risk free trial right now where you can use the Zeo for $19.95. If you keep it it's between $200 and $249 depending on whatever specials they are running. I haven't decided, but since I have no sleep problems and even according to the Zeo itself my "ZQ" showed I do just fine.

现在有30天的无风险试用版,您可以以19.95美元的价格使用Zeo。 如果保留的话,它的价格在200美元到249美元之间,具体取决于他们运行的特价。 我还没有决定,但是由于我没有睡眠问题,甚至根据Zeo本身,我的“ ZQ”也显示我的表现很好。

That said, just take a look at the site. These folks really dig sleep. The Sleep Info Center is impressive in its scope and I found it a valuable read. I haven't decide if I'll keep it, but I will say this, if you're into analysis or you have any issues sleeping, you can't beat a $19.95 trial. I'm really enjoying the experience.

就是说,只要看看这个网站。 这些人真的很想睡觉。 睡眠信息中心的范围令人印象深刻,我发现它很有价值。 我还没有决定是否保留它,但是我要说的是,如果您正在分析,或者您有任何其他问题,您都无法击败19.95美元的试用版。 我真的很喜欢这个经历。



翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/review-zeo-personal-sleep-coach

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条件1.使用stm32f103c8t6,c语言编程条件2.使用PA1,PA2,PA3,PA4,PA5,PA6配置成上拉输入,根据6个引脚的电平高低生成。例如000000表示6引脚电平全为0,并使用串口1以字符串形式发送该二进制数到PC端。统计该二进制数中0的次数记作zeo_count;条件3.配置PA11引脚为下拉输入;条件3.串口1使用中断接收数据,帧头FF,结束符0X0D,0X0A.帧头不是FF则重新接收,不以0X0D,0X0A结束符则重新接收;条件4.若PA11电平为0或者串口1没有接收到数据,则记录1分钟内条件2中的最大值zeo_count;记作zeo_count_max;条件5.若zeo_count_max大于zeo_count,打开蜂鸣器;若zeo_count_max小于等于zeo_count,则zeo_count_max==zeo_count;条件6.若PA11电平为1且串口1接收数据不为空,则若串口接收字符串为"1",关闭蜂鸣器;若串口接收字符串为"2",打开蜂鸣器;则若串口接收字符串为"3"且条件2中zeo_count=1,则发送字符串"拿取数量正确",否则发送拿取数量异常;则若串口接收字符串为"4"且条件2中zeo_count=2,则发送字符串"拿取数量正确",否则发送拿取数量异常;则若串口接收字符串为"5"且条件2中zeo_count=3,则发送字符串"拿取数量正确",否则发送拿取数量异常; 则若串口接收字符串为"6"且条件2中zeo_count=4,则发送字符串"拿取数量正确",否则发送拿取数量异常;则若串口接收字符串为"7"且条件2中zeo_count=5,则发送字符串"拿取数量正确",否则发送拿取数量异常;则若串口接收字符串为"8"且条件2中zeo_count=6,则发送字符串"拿取数量正确",否则发送拿取数量异常;




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