
BizSpark Logo

Last November, Microsoft started a new program called BizSpark for startups that's pretty sweet. It's pretty not-too-evil also.

去年11月,微软为初创公司启动了一个名为BizSpark的新程序,非常不错。 这也不是太邪恶。

If you are a small business and you sell a product or service to your customers, you might want to check it out. Here's the criteria:

如果您是小型企业,并且向客户出售产品或服务,则可能需要签出。 这是标准:

  • Actively engaged in development of a software-based product or service that will form a core piece of its current or intended business.

  • Privately held, and in business for less than 3 years.

  • Less than US $1 million in annual revenue.


你得到了什么? (What do you get?)

Here's what you get from the program:


开发工具,平台技术和生产许可​​证 (Development Tools, Platform Technologies and Production Licenses)
  • All the software included in the Microsoft® Visual Studio® Team System Team Suite (VSTS) with MSDN Premium subscription

    带有MSDN Premium订阅的Microsoft®VisualStudio®Team System Team Suite(VSTS)中包含的所有软件

  • Expression Studio Version 2

    Expression Studio版本2

  • VSTS Team Foundation Server (standard edition)

    VSTS Team Foundation Server(标准版)

  • Production use rights to host a “software as a service” solution (developed during participation in the BizSpark Program, on any platform) over the Internet, with regard to the latest versions of Microsoft products including:


    • Microsoft Windows Server® (all editions up to and including Enterprise)

      Microsoft WindowsServer®(所有版本包括Enterprise)

    • Microsoft SQL Server (all editions)

      Microsoft SQL Server(所有版本)

    • Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server

      Microsoft Office SharePoint门户服务器

    • Microsoft System Center


    • Microsoft BizTalk Server

      Microsoft BizTalk服务器

    • Microsoft Dynamics CRM (coming soon)

      Microsoft Dynamics CRM(即将推出)

    Production use rights to host a “software as a service” solution (developed during participation in the BizSpark Program, on any platform) over the Internet, with regard to the latest versions of Microsoft products including:


  • In addition to the core program offering, BizSpark startups will be eligible for other Microsoft offerings, such as:


    • Microsoft Azure Services Platform - The Azure Services Platform is the collection of Foundational, Developer and Live Platform Service such as Windows Azure, Live Mesh, Compute Services, Storage Services, Workflow Services, Identity Services, Connectivity Services, SQL Data Services. All developers will have access to the Azure Services Platform developer tools which includes the local development fabric.

      Microsoft Azure服务平台-Azure服务平台是基础,开发人员和实时平台服务的集合,例如Windows Azure,Live Mesh,计算服务,存储服务,工作流服务,身份服务,连接服务,SQL数据服务。 所有开发人员都可以使用Azure服务平台开发人员工具,其中包括本地开发结构。

    In addition to the core program offering, BizSpark startups will be eligible for other Microsoft offerings, such as:


After three years, they assume you've either succeeded and are making money, or you're gone. If you're around and you want to continue, you pay for your MSDN subscriptions the regular way, and if you want to keep using your production licenses, you pay for those using the Service Provider Licensing program.

三年后,他们认为您要么成功并赚钱,要么就走了。 如果您在附近并且想要继续,则可以按常规方式为MSDN订阅付费,而如果要继续使用生产许可证,则可以为使用服务提供商许可计划的用户付费。

If you want in, you need to find a sponsor, and there's a list on the site. If you can't find one, though, Bill Staples (a General Manager at MSFT) can sponsor you (details on his site, click "Contact Me" under his picture) which is nice of Bill.

如果需要,您需要找到一个赞助商,并且网站上有一个列表。 不过,如果找不到您, Bill Staples(MSFT的总经理)可以为您提供赞助(他的网站详细信息,请单击其图片下的“与我联系” ),这对Bill来说很不错。

BizSpark is for companies that SELL something (product or service), not for pure consulting companies, but if your consulting company has at least one product or service, that appears to meet the criteria.


I asked folks on Twitter to see if they were using it and if it was a good thing, and everyone said it was a good program. It's a messed up economic time, and I think BizSpark would be an easy way to get a small business or startup idea of the ground without thinking about software licensing for 3 years. If you've got an idea for a business, or you already have a business, this could be the program for you. Tell Bill I sent you (he's one of my many bosses, so be nice and don't get me sacked) and he'll help you get setup.

我问Twitter上的人们是否正在使用它,以及它是否是件好事,每个人都说这是一个好程序。 这是一个混乱的经济时间,我认为BizSpark将是获得小型企业或初创公司想法的简便方法,而无需考虑3年的软件许可。 如果您有生意的想法,或者您已经有生意,这可能是适合您的计划。 告诉比尔,我派了你(他是我许多老板中的一位,所以要好,不要让我被解雇),他会帮助你进行设置的。

Are you in this program? Is it a good thing? Leave a comment.

你在这个程序中吗? 这是好事吗? 发表评论。

Update: The guy at MSFT who runs the program is Julien Codorniou and feel free to email him at julienco at with questions. Mention my name for free candy (not really).

更新:运行该程序的MSFT负责人是Julien Codorniou ,可以随时通过microsoft.com的julienco向他发送电子邮件以提出问题。 提到我的名字叫免费糖果(不是真的)。






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