
Back in 2006 I paved (or "formatted", or "torched", or "gave "a technical enema") to my main machine and blogged about the what I call the first-pass software I installed on this new fresh machine.


It was time to torch my Atwood Quadpower machine and name it Quadpower7. Time for a clean install, and this time it includes Windows 7 x64 Ultimate.

现在是时候割炬我的Atwood Quadpower机器并将其命名为Quadpower7了。 干净安装的时间到了,这次它包括Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

I know I have a Tools List (that I know needs to be updated, thank you) but what I needed on this new machine was to be as productive as possible as fast as possible. I needed the 80% stuff installed. 

我知道我有一个“工具列表” (我知道需要更新,谢谢),但是我在这台新机器上需要的是尽可能快地工作。 我需要安装80%的东西。

为新鲜机器和幸福生活而准备的首次通过应用程序 (First-Pass Must-Have Apps for a Fresh Machine and a Happy Life)

Here's what I installed. Total time from naked drive to productive was about 4 hours. Could have been faster had I downloaded things ahead of time or used CDs.

这是我安装的。 从裸车到生产的总时间约为4个小时。 如果我提前下载内容或使用CD,可能会更快。

Windows实用程序 (Windows Utils)
  • 7-Zip - Best Zip Tool with the best shell integration.


  • AutoHotkey and the AutoCorrect for English Script - This will change "teh" to "the" everywhere I type. Plus 4700 other common English misspellings.

    AutoHotkey英语脚本自动更正-这将在我键入的所有位置将“ teh”更改为“ the”。 加上4700其他常见的英语拼写错误。

  • SmartFTP - Love them and gave them money. Got the 64-bit version.

    SmartFTP-爱他们并给他们钱。 获得了64位版本

  • Paint.NET - The best free Image Editor in town. Thanks Rick Brewster!

    Paint.NET-镇上最好的免费图像编辑器。 谢谢里克·布鲁斯特!

  • Prish Image Resizer - If there's one secret super amazing gem in this list, it's Prish. After I pave my wife's machine this is the ONLY util she insists on. She refuses to even touch the machine - "Is Prish on? No? Don't talk to me." Go get it and bask in the wonder of this glorious little app that's hard to find on the web. Gotta get this man a domain name.

    Prish Image Resizer-如果此列表中有一个秘密的超级神奇宝石,那就是Prish。 我铺完妻子的机器后,这是她坚持使用的唯一工具。 她甚至拒绝触摸机器-“ Prish开着吗?不?不要跟我说话。” 赶快去获取它,并惊叹于这个辉煌的小应用程序,它很难在网络上找到。 得给这个人一个域名。

  • Notepad2 3.0 - It's like notepad, but 2. Er, 3.0.

    Notepad2 3.0-就像记事本一样,但是2. Er,3.0。

开发人员资料 (Developer Stuff)

Easiest and fastest way to get productive is to use the Web Platform Installer. It also configures IIS, installs VS and SQL, and can install Silverlight tools, etc. if you like. This tool alone saves me HOURS each time I pave a machine.

获得生产力的最简单,最快的方法是使用Web平台安装程序。 它还可以配置IIS,安装VS和SQL,并且可以根据需要安装Silverlight工具等。 每次我铺设机器时,仅此工具一项即可为我节省数小时。

组织的东西 (Organizational Stuff)
博客的东西 (Blogging Stuff)
  • Windows Live Writer - I love this team and I love their product. Also installed the Pre-Code Plugin for my code samples.

    Windows Live Writer-我爱这个团队,也喜欢他们的产品。 还为我的代码示例安装了Pre-Code插件

  • SnagIt and WindowClippings - SnagIt because their image editor is butter, and WindowClippings because it's amazing with transparency.

    SnagItWindowClippings -SnagIt是因为它们的图像编辑器是黄油,而WindowClippings是因为它们的透明度令人赞叹。

  • FeedDemon - I know you guys are all Google Reader and all, but I really prefer to read my blogs in a REAL client. FeedDemon's awesome, it's free, and it's written in Delphi. What's not to like? 

    FeedDemon-我知道你们都是Google阅读器,但我真的更喜欢在REAL客户端中阅读我的博客。 FeedDemon很棒,它是免费的,并且是用Delphi编写的。 不喜欢什么?

社会的东西 (Social Stuff)
  • TweetDeck - My current Twitter power-client of choice.


  • Zune - Because the Zune Pass kicks ass, as does Jazmine Sullivan.

    Zune-因为Zune Pass和Jazmine Sullivan一样会踢屁股。

  • Messenger - Cuz you gotta chat.


  • Skype and ooVoo - The former so I can talk cheap around the world, and the latter so I can video chat with up to 6 other people in 640x480 high res.


漂亮的东西 (Pretty Stuff)

And there you go. That was it. There's other stuff, but it's part of the 20% and I'll install them as I need them.

然后你去。 就是这样还有其他东西,但这是20%的一部分,我将在需要时安装它们。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/paving-my-machine-for-a-fresh-2009-firstpass-musthaves





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