c# wpf 学习书籍_使用BabySmash学习WPF并回到基础知识-进行假设和何时阅读书籍

作者分享了在学习WPF过程中遇到的问题,发现虽然家中有多本书,但由于跳跃式阅读和假设,对基础知识理解不足。通过与Chris Sells交流,认识到深入学习基础的重要性,尤其是不要过早假设,几个小时打牢基础可避免大量时间浪费。
c# wpf 学习书籍

c# wpf 学习书籍

NOTE: If you haven't read the first post in this series, I would encourage you do to that first, or check out the BabySmash category. Also check out http://windowsclient.net/ for more developer info on WPF.

注意:如果您还没有阅读本系列第一篇文章,我建议您先阅读该文章,或者查看BabySmash类别 另请访问http://windowsclient.net/以获取有关WPF的更多开发人员信息。

BACKGROUND: This is one of a series of posts on learning WPF. I wrote an application for my 2 year old using WPF, but as I'm a Win32-minded programmer, my working app is full of Win32-isms. It's not a good example of a WPF application even though it uses the technology. I'm calling on community (that's you, Dear Reader) to blog about your solutions to different (horrible) selections of my code. You can get the code http://www.codeplex.com/babysmash. Post your solutions on your blog, in the comments, or in the Feedback and we'll all learn WPF together. Pick a single line, a section, or subsystem or the whole app!

背景:这是有关学习WPF的一系列文章之一。 我使用WPF为2岁的孩子编写了一个应用程序,但是由于我是位Win32程序员,所以我的工作应用程序充满了Win32-ism。 即使它使用WPF技术,也不是WPF应用程序的好例子。 我正在呼吁社区(即您,亲爱的读者)在博客中介绍您针对我的代码的不同(糟糕)选择的解决方案。 您可以获取代码http://www.codeplex.com/babysmash 。 将您的解决方案发布到您的博客,评论或反馈中,我们将一起学习WPF。 选择一条线,一个部分,子系统或整个应用程序!


I hung out with Chris Sells at the Mall Food Court today. He had trouble finding a parking spot and I felt bad. But I didn't REALLY start feeling bad until I started showing him the code for BabySmash.

我今天在购物中心美食广场和克里斯·塞尔斯( Chris Sells)闲逛。 他在寻找停车位时遇到了麻烦,我感到难过。 但是直到我开始向他展示BabySmash的代码之前,我并没有真正感到难过

He had a number of ideas for ways to make BabySmash better, but what was interesting was that he was using his own book as reference. He'd say, "oh, we did that in Chapter 4" and "ya, that does suck, check out this call out where I explain why." After this happened about four or five times he said (I think in jest, but you can never tell with famous dudes. ;) )

他对提高BabySmash的质量有很多想法,但是有趣的是,他使用自己的书作为参考。 他会说:“哦,我们在第4章中做了。”和“是的,这确实很糟糕,请在我解释原因的地方查看此电话。” 在这件事发生大约四到五次之后,他说(我开玩笑地想,但是你永远都不能和著名的帅哥们说。

"Did you invite me here to read my book to you?"


After I picked my ego off the ground, unfolded it, dusted it off, and smoothed it out, I said, "I don't think so."


Chris had a really good point. It turned out that even though I have a three WPF books at my house, I haven't read them all deeply and thoughtfully. I hadn't even made it though the first few chapters. Mostly I skipped around, looking for answers to my specific questions.

克里斯说的很对。 事实证明,即使我家里有三本WPF书籍,我也都没有深刻而有思想地阅读。 尽管前几章我都没有提到。 通常,我会跳来跳去,寻找针对自己特定问题的答案。

Through my questioning, Chris noticed that I had some fundamental misunderstandings about some the basics of WPF. Things I thought worked one way, worked another or in reverse. Some concepts that were WPF 101 I had overlooked completely because I hadn't least made it through ~5 chapters and cemented the fundamentals.

通过询问,克里斯注意到我对WPF的一些基本知识有一些基本的误解。 我认为事情以一种方式起作用,以另一种方式起作用或相反。 我完全忽略了一些WPF 101概念,因为我至少经过5个章节并巩固了基础知识。

I am not saying that we need to read every book all the way through, but I did learn a useful lesson. Don't assume you know how it works. Just a few hours of covering the fundamentals would have saved me a lot of time.

我并不是说我们需要通读所有的书,但是我确实学到了有用的教训。 不要以为您知道它是如何工作的。 仅花几个小时就可以了解基本原理,这可以为我节省很多时间。

In the last post I said I was starting to grok WPF. Looks like less than I thought. I had left pretty significant gaps in my understanding by skipping around and assuming "oh, this works like that."  Those gaps in my knowledge led to some interesting directions in BabySmash. I'll post about some of those things I learned from Chris soon, but suffice it to say, I completely misunderstood how events moved around a WPF application.

在上一篇文章中,我说我开始学习WPF。 看起来比我想象的要少。 通过跳过并假设“哦,这是这样的工作”,我在理解上留下了相当大的空白这些知识上的空白导致在BabySmash中产生了一些有趣的方向。 我将很快发布一些从Chris那里学到的东西,但足以说,我完全误解了事件是如何围绕WPF应用程序移动的。

Thanks Chris for setting me straight! Sorry about the parking!

感谢克里斯让我直率! 抱歉停车!

OK, page one, "Hello, WPF."


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/learning-wpf-with-babysmash-and-back-to-basics-making-assumptions-and-when-to-turn-to-books

c# wpf 学习书籍





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