Windows Live Mesh,Silverlight和CoreCLR

Picture the files in the Live Mesh folder

Disclaimer: Everything in this post is pure conjecture by me, done by simply poking around my system and talking to myself. I don't work for the Live Mesh team, nor do I know anyone on the team. Anyone could have written this.

免责声明:这篇文章中的所有内容对我而言都是纯粹的推测,只需简单地环顾我的系统并与自己交谈即可。 我不在Live Mesh团队工作,也不认识团队中的任何人。 任何人都可以写这个。

I was talking to Harry recently and we went poking around in the folder that the Windows Live Mesh client is in. On my machine it's in "C:\Users\scottha\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Live Mesh\"

我最近在和Harry聊天,我们在Windows Live Mesh客户端所在的文件夹中闲逛。在我的机器上,它位于“ C:\ Users \ scottha \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Live Mesh \”中

There's a lot of interesting stuff in there. There's a version of System.Core (LINQ) as well as System.ServiceModel (WCF), but most interestingly there's coreclr.dll. Where have I seen that before? I've seen it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight, of course. It's the Silverlight CLR that you might have on your own system. Remember this isn't the complete CLR, but rather a pared-down more portable version. This makes sense since Mesh plans to do a Mac client and Silverlight runs on Intel Macs.

那里有很多有趣的东西。 有System.Core(LINQ)和System.ServiceModel(WCF)的版本,但最有趣的是coreclr.dll 。 我以前在哪里看过? 我已经在C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Microsoft Silverlight中看到了。 您可能会在自己的系统上使用Silverlight CLR。 请记住,这不是完整的CLR,而是精简的可移植版本。 这是有道理的,因为Mesh计划使用Mac客户端,而Silverlight可在Intel Mac上运行。

It's a different version, though. On my machine I've got Silverlight 2 Beta 2 and its digital signature for coreclr.dll is recent while the Mesh coreclr.dll is version 1.1 and from February. That was back before the Mix '08 conference Silverlight 1.1 was re-christened "2.0."

但是,它是一个不同的版本。 在我的机器上,我有Silverlight 2 Beta 2,它的coreclr.dll数字签名是最近的,而Mesh coreclr.dll是1.1版,从2月开始。 那是在Mix '08会议Silverlight 1.1重新命名为“ 2.0”之前。

You can see more of the MOE (Mesh Operating Environment) external dependences in the "Moe.exe.managed_manifest" XML file. It appears they've got their own private build of the a tiny CLR and just the libraries they need to make it work.

您可以在“ Moe.exe.managed_manifest” XML文件中看到更多有关MOE(网格操作环境)的外部依赖关系。 看起来他们已经拥有了自己的微型CLR的私人构建,以及仅使它们运行所需的库。

Even though Silverlight is a Rich Internet Application (RIA) technology and meant for use as a browser plugin, this is the third time I've found Silverlight living outside the browser (although still doing "connected" work).


The first time was when Jamie Cansdale, the author of TestDriven.NET prototyped running Unit Tests with the CoreCLR/Silverlight.

第一次是TestDriven.NET的作者Jamie Cansdale用CoreCLR / Silverlight对运行单元测试进行原型制作的时候。

The second time, was the Mac Times Reader. You might have seen the NYTimes Reader, and the News Reader SDK. The Times Reader is a XAML-based WPF application. However, there is a scaled-down version of the Times Reader that was released on the Mac and it uses Silverlight to render XAML. In that application Silverlight is being hosted inside of a Cocoa "chrome" shell application using some MacGyver magic. It appears a lot of custom work was done to render the Reader-specific news feed (it's more than just RSS) in a flow layout.

第二次是Mac Times Reader。 您可能已经看过NYTimes Reader和News Reader SDK。 Times Reader是基于XAML的WPF应用程序。 但是,在Mac上发布了Times Reader的缩小版本,它使用Silverlight呈现XAML。 在该应用程序中,使用某些MacGyver魔术将Silverlight托管在可可“ chrome”外壳应用程序中。 似乎已经完成了许多自定义工作,以在流布局中呈现特定于Reader的新闻提要(不仅仅是RSS)。

All of this stuff Mesh is doing struck Harry and I as very interesting. It'd be cool if ISVs could target the CoreCLR (Silverlight) for some scenarios and have their own xcopy deployed private-version of .NET like Mesh. It appears Mesh used this custom version of the CLR so it would have portability between platforms.

Mesh所做的所有这些事情都给哈利和我留下了深刻的印象。 如果ISV在某些情况下可以针对CoreCLR(Silverlight)并拥有自己的xcopy部署的.NET私有版本(例如Mesh),那就太好了。 看来Mesh使用了此自定义版本的CLR,因此它在平台之间具有可移植性。

It's always interesting to see how other groups at Microsoft do stuff. Just like us (the community), other divisions that use things the Developer Division produces, although since they are on the inside they get to do some magical things since they can just walk down the hall. (I work in my home office, so I'm pretty much limited to Office Communicator or I have to ask Phil to walk down the hall for me.)

看到Microsoft的其他团队如何做事总是很有趣。 就像我们(社区)一样,其他部门也使用开发人员部门生产的产品,尽管由于它们位于内部,所以他们可以走下走廊就可以做一些神奇的事情。 (我在家庭办公室工作,所以我几乎仅限于Office Communicator,或者必须请Phil为我走下走廊。)

I'm going to ask around and find out the full story behind how the Mesh (Beta) Windows Client uses .NET, and maybe I can get one of the more technical folks to do a podcast.

我要四处询问,以找出Mesh(Beta)Windows Client如何使用.NET的全部故事,也许我可以请更多技术专家来做播客。






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