1mhz是多少微妙_Google PageRanks被认为是微妙的



I did not know my Google PageRank until Phil mentioned it to me a while back. Apparently it's like the Richter (not Jeffrey Richter) scale in that a Page Rank of 6 is 10 times "better" than a Page Rank of 5, if I understand correctly.

我不知道我的Google PageRank,直到Phil不久前向我提到了它。 显然,这就像里希特(不是杰弗里·里希特)的量表,如果我理解正确的话,页面排名6的“好”是页面排名5的10倍。

Someone approached me to do advertising on the site, and since the bandwidth bill is due, I quoted a price I though was reasonable. She said, "but you only have a Page Rank of 5." This, for a moment, I become aware of this number since this advertiser cared.

有人找我在网站上做广告,由于要交带宽费,所以我给出了一个合理的价格。 她说:“但您的网页排名只有5。” 自从这个广告商关心之后,我马上就知道了这个数字。

I looked in the Google Toolbar and saw this:


Ok, looks like my Page Rank is 5, seems reasonable. However, later I noticed that if I was at http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ (note the lack of default.aspx) the Page Rank was 6. Seems like even though the home page is the home page, if there's a default.aspx at the end, that's a less "powerful" page.

好的,看来我的网页排名5,似乎很合理。 但是,后来我注意到,如果我在http://www.hanselman.com/blog/上(请注意缺少default.aspx),页面排名为6。即使主页是主页,如果最后是default.aspx,那是一个不太“强大”的页面。

I can only assume that more folks link to http://www.hanselman.com/blog than to the page with default.aspx. Apparently 10 times more, which seems reasonable.

我只能假设链接到http://www.hanselman.com/blog的人多于具有default.aspx的页面。 显然多了十倍,这似乎是合理的。

I mentioned this to Phil who said, "weird, let me try" and sent me this screenshot where his Toolbar says my page is a 7. If I understand it, that's 100 times more shiny than a 5. Or, just +2. Who knows.

我向菲尔提到了这一点,菲尔说:“很奇怪,让我尝试”,并将该屏幕截图发送给我,他的工具栏上说我的页面是7。如果我理解,那它的光泽度是5的100倍。或者,只是2。 谁知道。

if Google's PageRank system is this subtle, and URIs aren't well canonicalized in their system then what's the point, Dear Reader? I know not. Seems like voodoo to me.

如果Google的PageRank系统如此微妙,并且URI在其系统中没有规范化,那么有什么意义,亲爱的读者? 我不知道。 在我看来就像伏都教。

UPDATE: This post on the WebMaster group in response to another user says:

更新: WebMaster组上针对另一个用户的帖子说:

The page rank you see is not the pagerank Google uses.


- The pagerank you see is exported 3-4x/year


- It is "guessed" at whenever the page did not have a pagerank back
then. So if you have a "toolbar pagerank" (the one you see) TBPR 3 for
your homepage, and add a new sub-page, it will guess your sub-page to
be (perhaps) PR2, even though it doesn't have a real value for it yet.

-每当页面没有返回页面排名时,都会被“猜测” 然后。 因此,如果您有一个“工具栏pagerank”(您看到的一个),则TBPR 3 您的首页,并添加一个新的子页面,它将猜测您的子页面是(也许)是PR2,即使它还没有真正的价值。

- It is page-based ("page" rank :-)), not domain / site based


- Your sites internal interlinking structures determine how pagerank is
distributed among the pages - in the simplistic example where you have
a single page with is fed with pagerank (from the outside), you could
determine how that pagerank is spread among your pages based on the
link-structure in your site. You'll likely just give up if you have
more than 5 pages though :-) - it's not worth it.

-您网站的内部链接结构决定了pagerank的状态分布在页面之间-在您拥有的简单示例中的单个页面都被pagerank填充(从外部),您可以确定网页排名如何根据您的网页在网站中的链接结构。 如果有的话,您可能会放弃超过5页:-)-不值得。

- Your example with the homepage with a high PR and the other pages
having lower PR is perfectly normal and could be a "steady state"


Interesting stuff.


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/google-pageranks-considered-subtle






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