
Last night I had an almost-full-on-computer-emergency. I was trying to sync an iPod with content for a coming 20 hour plane flight, and suddenly Vista announced an "Unknown USB" device. Then another, and another. The iPod died, and every device on my system started a full scale revolt. I was stressed a bit, but I figured a reboot was in order. So, orderly shutdown and reboot, BIOs black screen comes up...and nothing. Zero. My system was hanging on BIOS POST. I couldn't even get into the CMOS via F2 to try other settings.

昨晚我几乎在计算机上遇到了紧急情况。 我试图在接下来的20个小时的飞机飞行中将iPod与内容同步,然后Vista突然宣布推出“未知USB”设备。 然后又是另一个。 iPod死了,我系统上的所有设备都开始全面起义。 我有点压力,但我认为重新启动是有条理的。 因此,有序关闭并重新启动,BIO黑屏出现了……什么也没有。 零。 我的系统挂在BIOS POST上。 我什至无法通过F2进入CMOS尝试其他设置。

I started unhooking stuff. USB devices, internal drives, even the floppy for gosh sake. Nothing. At this point I'm getting uncomfortable. So what did I do? I did what anyone would do. I called Jeff Atwood.

我开始摘东西。 USB设备,内部驱动器,甚至是软盘驱动器。 没有。 在这一点上,我感到不舒服。 那我该怎么办? 我做了任何人都会做的。 我给杰夫·阿特伍德打了电话

Here's a little something about me. Back in the day, I knew a metric crapload about computer hardware. I could go on and on about the different between an SX and DX Processor. If you needed an MFM or RLL hard drive, I could give you a recommendation. You needed a TSR loaded into the UMB, screw QEMM, call me. I could put a field of DIPPs on an ISA add-on board and get your 286 up to a MEG of RAM.

这是关于我的一些事。 过去,我知道有关计算机硬件的度量标准很糟糕。 我可以继续探讨SX和DX处理器之间的区别。 如果您需要MFM或RLL硬盘驱动器,我可以为您提供建议。 您需要将TSR加载到UMB中,拧QEMM,给我打电话。 我可以将一块DIPP放在ISA附加板上,然后将286升级到MEG RAM。

But, alas, after the Pentium 4, everything got complex. People started talking about Northbridge this, and DRAM that, and this whole code name thing with Intel (Conroe? Tahoe? Who knows) just put me off.

但是,a,在奔腾4之后,一切变得复杂了。 人们开始谈论北桥这个问题,以及关于DRAM的问题,以及与英特尔(Conroe?Tahoe?

I no longer know what motherboard to buy. Those brain cells have long been overwritten with more immediately useful information like the internal workings of System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox.

我不再知道该买什么主板。 长期以来,这些大脑细胞已经被更直接有用的信息所覆盖,例如System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox的内部工作原理。

Jeff knows, though, and I called him at 10:45pm last in a sweaty panic. Well, actually I SMS'ed him, and he called me back, but still, details.

杰夫知道,尽管如此,我最后一次在晚上10:45打电话给他,当时他满头大汗。 好吧,实际上我发短信给他,然后他给我回了电话,但仍然是细节。

I explained the situation in exquisite detail with voices for all the characters involved. He said "remove your USB drives." I said, "I did already." He said "Humour me." He's from the Bay Area, but you can always here the "u" in words like Humor with Jeff. It's how he maintains quiet superiority over you and I.

我用所有参与角色的声音详细地解释了这种情况。 他说:“卸下USB驱动器。” 我说:“我已经做了。” 他说:“幽默我。” 他来自湾区,但您总是可以在这里用“幽默”和“ Jeff”一词来表达“ u”。 这就是他保持对我和你安静的优势的方式。

Anyway, I went back upstairs, and alas, I'd missed a drive. My precious Iomega 35G USB Rev drive was still plugged in. (Not sure why, Iomega has no Vista drivers, and their support site sücks. Notice the Heavy Metal umlaut indicating that they don't just suck, but they suck über-ly.

无论如何,我回到楼上,可惜我错过了开车的机会。 我的珍贵Iomega 35G USB Rev驱动器仍处于插入状态。(不确定为什么,Iomega没有Vista驱动程序,其支持站点也很脏。请注意,重金属变音符号表明它们不仅吮吸,而且非常吮吸。

So, I removed my USB Rev Drive, and boom. I'm back in business. Sweet sassy mollassy, I'm back in business. Danke Jeff Atwood.

因此,我卸下了USB Rev Drive,并开始使用。 我又回来了甜美的混蛋,我又回来了。 Danke Jeff Atwood。

The sad, silent tragedy about this whole sordid affair? My wife had given me the go ahead to buy a new motherboard, thinking the USB Root Hubs were toast before Jeff came up with the solution. Um, thanks Jeff?

关于整个肮脏事件的悲伤,无声的悲剧? 我的妻子让我继续购买新的主板,以为在杰夫提出解决方案之前,USB根集线器已经干了。 嗯,谢谢杰夫?

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/system-wont-pass-the-bios-post-yank-external-usb-drives





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