psp游戏 lanzou_PSP上的第一人称射击游戏

psp游戏 lanzou

psp游戏 lanzou

Z is fast asleep on my lap, and I'm trying to find a PSP 1st-person shooter that doesn't totally suck. Of course, I bought my PSP as a TV and Portable Media Center, not a gaming system. But, when you've got a kid asleep on your lap at 3am, somehow you find yourself wanting to blow 15 min with a game now and again. Maybe that's just me.

Z在我的腿上快睡着了,我试图找到一个不完全烂的PSP第一人称射击游戏。 当然,我购买PSP的目的是作为电视便携式媒体中心,而不是游戏系统。 但是,当您在凌晨3点让孩子在膝盖上睡着时,您会发现自己想一次又一次地吹15分钟。 也许就是我。

Here's the three I've got.


  • Codedarms1
    Coded Arms - I got this at the same time I bought the PSP. There were few games around an a hacker-themed 1st-person seemed like a no brainer. It's got gorgeous graphics, seriously. Detailed and beautiful. The first level is amazing. However, all subsequent levels are the same level. Never since Mario Bros. (Not Super Mario, people, just Mario Bros.) have I seen a game with such similar levels. I got bored after level 3 and feel asleep. It's a shame because the theme had such potential. You hack from level to level and get upgrades while fighting viruses. Sigh. For sale: $15 or buy me lunch a few times.

    编码武器-我在购买PSP的同时获得了此武器。 围绕一个以黑客为主题的第一人称游戏几乎没有什么头脑。 认真地,它有漂亮的图形。 详细而美丽。 第一级是惊人的。 但是,所有后续级别都是同一级别。 自从马里奥兄弟(不是超级马里奥,人们,只是马里奥兄弟。)以来,我从未见过如此类似的游戏。 3级后我很无聊,睡着了。 很遗憾,因为主题具有如此潜力。 您可以逐级破解,并在抵御病毒的同时获得升级。 叹。 出售:15美元或给我买几次午餐。

  • Starwars1
    Star Wars: BattleFront II - Got this for Christmas, it was on my wish list. It was a great Xbox game, how couldn't it be a great portable game? Well, let's start with an unspeakably obscure control schema that makes virtual no good use of the single analog stick and quite lousy use of the shape buttons. The guys I'm trying to shoot are always just above or just below my view. I literally can't get past the second Hoth level. Folks on the boards insist that this is a great game with some really great spaceship levels, but I'm too much of a putz to get that far. I've almost given up on this game. As I write this, I'm wondering if I was too harsh; I may try again for a few minutes. Seriously, though, it's got Castle Wolfenstein quality graphics (Not Castle Wolfenstein 3D from your 286, I mean Castle Wolfenstein from your C64. Achtung!)

    星球大战:前线II -得到这个圣诞节,这是我的愿望清单上。 那是一个很棒的Xbox游戏,怎么可能不是一个很棒的便携式游戏呢? 好吧,让我们从一个难以理解的模糊控制模式开始,该模式几乎没有很好地利用单个模拟摇杆,而糟糕地使用了形状按钮。 我要射击的家伙总是在我的视野之上或之下。 我真的无法超越第二个霍斯水平。 董事会上的人们坚持认为这是一款很棒的游戏,其中的飞船水平确实很高,但是我实在是太过推销了。 我几乎已经放弃了这个游戏。 在写这篇文章时,我想知道我是否太苛刻了; 我可能会再试几分钟。 严重的是,它具有Castle Wolfenstein的质量图形(不是286上的Castle Wolfenstein 3D ,我的意思是C64上的Castle Wolfenstein

  • Socom1
    SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo - I received a gift card from Cingular for $30 as a rebate and promptly squashed it on this game. Now THIS is a game. It's like Splinter Cell + Hitman + Rainbow Six. Many times while playing I thought I was, for a moment, playing one of these games. It's that broad in it's appeal. Some missions have you not shooting anyone, instead collecting digital photos of conversations between spies. Others have you sneaking into a compound to rescue the VP of Chile, while still others are more battlefield focused. That's just the single player game. What's amazing to me is that it supports online wi-fi multiplayer (via a poorman's Xbox Live that is specific to this game) with a headphone attachment. On a freaking PSP. Now THAT'S 2006 baby. The single player is well done, with excellent pre-rendered cut scenes with missions in locations like Chile and Morocco. And, get this, the folks in the cut scenes and the folks you fight actually speak the local language. I like that they recorded many minutes of Spanish and Arabic and included subtitles. It did give you the sense of traveling around the globe to different locations - and the maps are HUGE. It's not as pretty as Metal Gear: ACID (an almost un-playable, but truly gorgeous game) but it's tight. The controls are clean and feel natural after a few minutes (even though having a single analog stick ISN'T very natural.) You're graded on mundane things like accuracy to more "soft" skills like teamwork.

    海豹突击队:布拉沃火线小组-我收到一个礼品卡从Cingular公司以$ 30的回扣,并及时挤压它,这个游戏。 现在这是一个游戏。 就像“分裂细胞+杀手+彩虹六号”。 在玩游戏时,我想很多次都在玩其中一种游戏。 它具有如此广泛的吸引力。 有些任务不让您射击任何人,而是收集间谍之间对话的数码照片。 其他人则潜入您的营地以营救智利副总裁,而其他人则更着重战场。 那只是单人游戏。 对我来说,令人惊讶的是它支持带有耳机附件的在线wi-fi多人游戏(通过该游戏特有的穷人Xbox Live)。 在一个令人难以置信的PSP上。 现在是2006年的宝贝。 这位单人选手做得很好,在智利和摩洛哥等地有出色的预先渲染过的镜头场景,执行任务。 而且,了解这一点后,剪辑场景中的人和您打架的人实际上会说当地语言。 我喜欢他们录制了许多分钟的西班牙语和阿拉伯语并包含字幕。 它确实带给您环球旅行到不同地点的感觉-而且地图很大。 它不像《合金装备》那么漂亮(ACID)(一种几乎无法玩,但确实很棒的游戏),但是很紧。 控件很干净,几分钟后感觉很自然(即使只有一根模拟摇杆也不是很自然。)您对平凡的事物(例如准确性)进行了评分,对诸如团队合作等“软性”技能进行了评分。

If you really want to know what the "Halo 2" killer addictive game is on the PSP, experience Hot Shots Golf for yourself. I love the single player career game. If I see you around and you've got a PSP with Hot Shots, let's play an ad-hoc multiplayer game, eh?

如果您真的想知道PSP上的“ Halo 2”杀手级成瘾游戏是什么,请亲自体验Hot Shots Golf 。 我喜欢单人职业游戏。 如果我周围有你,并且你有带有HPS的PSP,那么让我们玩一个临时的多人游戏,是吗?

Now playing: Freshlyground - Human Angels

现在播放: Freshlyground-人类天使


psp游戏 lanzou





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