svg 无法访问_使SVG易于访问

svg 无法访问

Inline can do wonders for responsive design while reducing page load times and generating crisp, clean icons, but it comes with some concerns: in particular, accessibility. There’s a strong argument to be made that accessibility was not a priority when the original SVG 1.0 specification was released 15 years ago; however, SVG 1.1 improved upon that some, and the upcoming SVG 2.0 should bring accessibility needs front-and-center.

内联可以在减少页面加载时间并生成清晰,干净的图标方面做出出色的响应式设计 ,但是它带有一些问题:特别是可访问性 。 有强烈的论据认为,当15年前发布原始SVG 1.0规范时,可访问性并不是优先考虑的事情。 但是,SVG 1.1在此基础上进行了改进,即将到来的SVG 2.0应该将可访问性需求放在首位。

In the there here and now, making SVG accessible takes a little work, but it’s a straightforward process if you remember five rules:


1:将链接的SVG图像像位图一样对待,另外添加一个 (1: Treat linked SVG images like bitmaps, with one addition)

When linking to an SVG document as an image, the alt attribute is still required, just like a regular bitmap. An ARIA image role should also be added:

当以图像链接到SVG文档时,仍然需要alt属性 ,就像常规的bitmap一样 。 还应添加ARIA image角色:

<img src="coca-cola-logo.svg" alt="Coca-Cola" role="image">

Without the added role, iOS VoiceOver (Apple’s text-to-speech service for devices) will ignore the alt attribute for the SVG.

如果没有添加角色,iOS VoiceOver(Apple的设备的文本语音转换服务)将忽略SVG的alt属性。

2:如果您使用的是嵌入式SVG,请提供标题 (2: If you’re using inline SVG, provide a title)

The <title> of an SVG element serves a similar purpose to the <title> of an HTML document: it’s a brief text description of the document, or advisory information. Think it as <alt> for inline SVG:

所述<title>的SVG元素的供应类似目的的<title> HTML文档的 :它是文档,或咨询信息的简要文本描述。 认为它是内嵌SVG的<alt>

<svg aria-labelledby="title">
        <title id="title" lang="en">Red Rectangle</title>
        <rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="50" fill="red" />

<title> can also be used for individual elements: specifically, <circle>, <ellipse>, <image>, <line>, <path>, <polygon>, <polyline>, <rect>, <text> and <use>, as well as SVG container elements like <a>, <defs>, <g> and <symbol>. <title> should be the first child of this element. Sometimes this title will be visually descriptive:

<title>也可以用于单个元素:具体来说, <circle><ellipse><image><line><path><polygon><polyline><rect><text><use>以及SVG容器元素,例如<a><defs><g><symbol><title>应该是此元素的第一个孩子 。 有时,该标题在视觉上具有描述性:

<title>Yellow Five-Pointed Star</title>
<polygon fill="#ff0" points="509,19.6 534.7,71.7 592.1,80 550.5,120.5 560.4,177.7 509,150.7 457.6,177.7 467.5,120.5 425.9,80 483.3,71.7 "/>

… and sometimes it will be informational (i.e. describing the purpose or meaning of an element).

……有时它是信息性的 (即描述元素的目的含义 )。

It should be noted that inline SVG <text> elements are, in most cases, completely accessible, as they contain real text, no matter how visually laden with effects they might be; they won’t need <title> in most cases. However, if you break text into outlines (i.e. pure vector shapes) you will need to provide a <title>.

应当指出,在大多数情况下,内联SVG <text>元素都是完全可访问的,因为它们包含真实的文本,无论它们在视觉上有多大的效果 。 在大多数情况下,他们不需要<title> 。 但是,如果将文本分成轮廓(即纯矢量形状), 需要提供<title>

Like an HTML page, text in an SVG element is read by accessibility devices in document order, not visual position order.


If an SVG contains only one element, a single <title> after the opening <svg> tag may well suffice; if the document contains multiple elements, you’ll likely need a <title> for each element or group:

如果SVG仅包含一个元素,则在<svg>标记后的单个<title>可能就足够了; 如果文档包含多个元素,则每个元素或组可能需要一个<title>

        <title>Red Rectangle</title>
        <rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="50" fill="red" />

You can improve this by associating <title> with aria-labelledby. In the case of a single element, this might map to the root <svg> element:

您可以通过将<title>aria-labelledby关联来改善此效果。 对于单个元素,这可能会映射到根<svg>元素:

<svg aria-labelledby="title">
        <title id="title" lang="en">Red Rectangle</title>
        <rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="50" fill="red" />

Like <desc> and other HTML elements, <title> should also have a lang attribute to indicate the language used (see below).

<desc>和其他HTML元素一样, <title>也应具有lang属性,以指示所使用的语言(请参见下文)。

Because SVG elements used in <img> tags may be navigated to as stand-alone elements in browsers, or indexed by search engines as separate documents, they should also contain appropriate <title> and <desc> information in the markup of the original SVG document.


3:在适当的地方提供说明 (3: Provide a description where appropriate)

<desc> is a longer description of the SVG element, containing its purpose or design. It might be broadly thought of as the SVG equivalent of <figcaption>.

<desc>是SVG元素的详细说明 ,包含其目的或设计。 它可能被广泛认为是<figcaption>的SVG等效项。

		<title>International sales by country</title>
		<title lang="fr">Les ventes internationales par pays</title>
		<desc>Bar chart showing company sales by country, in millions of dollars (US).</desc>
		<desc lang="fr">Diagramme à barres montrant les ventes de l'entreprise par pays, en millions de dollars (US).</desc>
			<text x="20" y="70">US Sales</text>
			<title id="USamount">30 million</title>
			<rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="50" fill="red" aria-labelledby="USamount" />

Rendered inline, the SVG document will look something like this:


This example assumes that you’d also provide graph axes and numerical information for users without accessibility needs: when possible, expose information as <text> to benefit everyone.


4:如果SVG纯粹是装饰性的,则无需执行任何操作 (4: If the SVG is purely decorative, you don’t have to do anything)

If the SVG element is being used decoratively - a gradient or background pattern, for example - there is no need to provide <title>, <desc> or alt. (If you want your page to validate, you should include alt for linked SVGs but set the value of the attribute to ”empty” for purely decorative elements: i.e. alt="" or simply alt).

如果SVG元素用于装饰性用途(例如, 渐变或背景图案) ,则无需提供<title><desc>alt 。 (如果希望您的页面进行验证 ,则应为链接的SVG包含alt ,但对于纯装饰性元素(例如alt=""或简单alt ),将属性的值设置为“ empty”。

Neither <desc> nor <title> are rendered visually in the browser by default; <title> text will appear as a tooltip on hover / selection in compatible browsers.

默认情况下, <desc><title>都不会在浏览器中以可视方式呈现。 <title>文本将显示为在兼容浏览器中悬停/选择时的工具提示。

5:不要指望所见即所得工具为您完成任何此操作 (5: Don’t expect your WYSIWYG tool to do any of this for you)

Unfortunately Adobe Illustrator currently has poor support for SVG accessibility: it exports layer names as id values, rather than <title> information. Inkscape does better, allowing you to add and edit <title> and <desc> for every element, at the cost of adding a lot of extraneous cruft to the markup. You’ll likely find a little hand-coding is needed to add full accessibility to an SVG document made in vector illustrator tools.

不幸的是, Adobe Illustrator当前对SVG可访问性的支持很差:它将图层名称导出为id ,而不是<title>信息。 Inkscape的效果更好,它允许您为每个元素添加和编辑<title><desc> ,但代价是要在标记中添加很多无关紧要的东西。 您可能会发现需要一些手工编码,才能为使用Vector illustrator工具制作的SVG文档添加完全可访问性。


svg 无法访问

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