
Cover of the book

Summary: A perfect introduction to JavaScript, designed and illustrated to enhance the learning of anyone with visual thinking.


Price: $26.67 (buy it from Amazon


价格: 26.67美元( 从亚马逊购买 )

Jon Duckett’s HTML & CSS is one of the very few books I recommend to : in my experience the volume’s unique combination of clear illustrations and great prose provides excellent instruction in web development in a way that doesn’t scare off designers. Javascript provides far greater challenges for a writer, as it is far more verbose and complex than markup or presentation. Duckett’s excellent JavaScript & JQuery, just published, compensates for that in two ways, becoming significantly larger than its predecessor (622 pages) while sacrificing just a few of the bold multiple-page-spanning Emme Stone illustrations that made HTML & CSS so unique and beautiful to read.

乔恩·达克特(Jon Duckett)的HTML和CSS是我向推荐的极少数书籍之一:以我的经验,该卷独特的清晰插图和出色散文的结合为Web开发提供了极好的指导,而不会吓倒设计师。 Javascript给作者带来了更大的挑战,因为它比标记或表示更为冗长和复杂。 刚刚发行的Duckett出色的JavaScript&JQuery ,以两种方式对此进行了补偿,使其比其前身(622页)大得多,同时只牺牲了几幅大胆的跨多页的Emme Stone插图,这些插图使HTML和CSS如此独特并读起来很美。

Two-page spread from the bookThankfully, neither of these adaptions compromises the clarity and easy reading that made
HTML & CSS such a success. While it addresses technical subjects, JavaScript & JQuery doesn’t present itself as a technical manual, and has no ambition to cover every last detail of the scripting language. This is not a book for programmers, but one written for web development learners.

HTML和CSS如此成功的清晰度和易读性。 尽管涉及技术主题,但JavaScript&JQuery并没有将其本身作为技术手册,也没有雄心涵盖脚本语言的所有最后细节。 这不是一本面向程序员的书,而是一本面向Web开发学习者的书。

JavaScript & JQuery takes much the same approach as Duckett’s previous book: core concepts are introduced and illustrated before being used in practical, relatable examples of web pages (making a booking form for a hotel chain, a to-do list, selling tickets for a Maker Faire event, an image gallery). These examples build steadily in complexity and scope, ending in a summary page for each section. Readers are treated to a smooth progression of information, from fundamental concepts (objects, functions, methods and loops) to the complex (Ajax, JSON, and APIs).

JavaScript&JQuery与Duckett的上一本书采用的方法大致相同:引入并举例说明了核心概念,然后在实际的相关示例网页中使用这些概念(为连锁酒店预订表格,待办事项清单, Maker Faire活动,图库)。 这些示例在复杂性和范围上稳步增长,并在每个部分的摘要页面中结束。 从基本概念(对象,函数,方法和循环)到复杂的信息(Ajax,JSON和API),读者都可以平稳地处理信息。

决定 (Decisions)

JavaScript and frameworks are in an interesting position right now. Developments in the language, often inspired by libraries, increasingly nullify the advantages of frameworks… yet those same tools ensure easy scripting support and cross-compatibility with older browsers, most especially IE 8.

JavaScript和框架现在处于有趣的位置。 语言的发展通常受到库的启发,这些发展逐渐使框架的优势无效……然而,这些相同的工具可确保轻松的脚本支持以及与旧版浏览器(尤其是IE 8)的交叉兼容性。

This creates a delicate, constantly changing balance, one that JavaScript & JQuery handles admirably: JQuery is introduced halfway into the book, with the framework used in examples only when it’s advantages are clear. I wish that a few examples had been slightly more forward-looking – the <dialog> element used in place of a JQuery-generated modal window, for example – but it would be a very small improvement.

这创造了一种微妙的,不断变化的平衡, JavaScript和JQuery很好地处理了这种平衡:JQuery在书的中途引入,只有在其优点显而易见的情况下,示例中才使用该框架。 我希望一些示例更具前瞻性-例如使用<dialog>元素代替JQuery生成的模式窗口-但这将是很小的改进。

演讲与支持 (Presentation & Support)

Two-page spread from the bookNeedless to say, the book is
presented superbly, with outstanding typesetting and attention to detail. I found two minor typos, but nothing that would impact the learner’s comprehension. The book is bound and indexed very well, making it an excellent reference work: I expect JavaScript & JQuery to be a volume that many learners come back to over and over as their skills and appreciation for the language grow. A support site featuring complete code listings and errata is offered as a complement.

表现出色,排版出色,注重细节。 我发现了两个小的错别字,但没有什么会影响学习者的理解力。 这本书的绑定和索引都非常好,使其成为出色的参考书:我希望JavaScript和JQuery成为一门重要的书籍,随着学习者对语言的技能和欣赏程度的提高,它会反复出现。 提供具有完整代码清单和勘误表的支持站点作为补充。

结论 (Conclusion)

I was so eager to see this book that I ordered it directly from Amazon as soon as it was available. I’m very pleased to see that it met or exceeded every expectation I had: Duckett has once again written the JavaScript book I’ve wanted for more than a decade of teaching web development. It’s my intention to strongly recommend it to every one of my students when my classes resume next month; if you’re a design-oriented person interested in learning JavaScript, I would recommend it to you too.

我非常渴望看到这本书,因此我一着书就直接从亚马逊订购了这本书。 我很高兴看到它达到或超过了我的每一个期望:Duckett再次写了我在Web开发教学十多年中一直想要JavaScript书 。 我打算在下个月课恢复时强烈推荐给我的每个学生。 如果您是对学习JavaScript感兴趣的面向设计的人,我也会向您推荐。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/911/Book-Review-JavaScript-amp-JQuery

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