

One of the most notoriously difficult parts of the spec to understand is the eponymous flex property, which uses cryptic values like 1 1 auto. Confusion only deepens when the designer discovers that flex is merely a shortcut for properties with even stranger names like flex-grow and flex-basis.

同名的flex属性是规范中理解的部分之一,它使用像1 1 auto这样的隐含值。 当设计师发现flex只是具有flex-growflex-basis类的陌生名称的属性的捷径时,混乱才加深了。

Most explanations of the flexbox spec are fairly technical and dense, with few concessions to visual thinkers. After struggling with the properties and values, I realized that these aspects of flexbox are actually talking about visual weight.

对flexbox规范的大多数解释都是相当技术性和密集性的,对视觉思想家几乎没有让步。 在挣扎过属性和值之后,我意识到flexbox的这些方面实际上是在谈论视觉重量。

一种不太平等的算法 (A Not-So-Egalitarian Algorithm)

It would be reasonable to assume that the flexbox model might start by distributing  all flexbox items equally. That is, given a series of <article> elements inside a <section>:

假设flexbox模型可以首先平均分配所有flexbox项目开始,这是合理的。 也就是说,给定<section>内的一系列<article>元素:

<h1>The Fortean World Times</h1>
		<img src="earth-vs-the-flying-saucers.jpg" alt>
		<h1>Washington D.C. Attacked By Flying Saucers</h1>
		<h2>Dateline Washington D.C.</h2>
		<h3>Frank Bragg reporting</h3>
		<p>The country was brought to a standstill today when flying saucers appeared over the nation’s capital.

With the <section> provided with display: flex, you might expect each article to have equal width by default, but that’s not the case:

使用display: flex提供的<section> ,您可能希望每篇文章在默认情况下具有相等的宽度,但事实并非如此:

As you can see, the flex items have different widths, depending on their content.


Flex items are not necessarily given even distribution by default

提供宽度相等的柔性物品 (Providing Flex Items With Equal Width)

If we have three articles in the <section> you might go to the instinctive solution of giving each <article> a width of 33% to make them equal. While that will work, it’s a suboptimal solution that removes many of the advantages of flexbox layout. Instead, I would recommend the following:

如果<section>有三篇文章,您可能会想到一种本能的解决方案,即为每个<article>提供33%的宽度以使它们相等。 尽管这起作用,但它是次优解决方案,它消除了Flexbox布局的许多优点。 相反,我建议以下内容:

article { flex: 1 0 0px; }

Which translates to:


flex-grow: 1; flex-grow: 1;
“make sure this element grows in width equally to all other flex items with a value of flex-grow: 1”
flex-shrink: 0; flex-shrink: 0;
“don’t shrink this element more than any others to fit in the available space”)
flex-basis: 0px; flex-basis: 0px;
“start this element at 0 pixels wide, and adjust from there”

In turn, this can be shortcut to:


article { flex: 1; }

I would recommend using this shortcut in your CSS: not only is it quicker to write, but it has better support cross-browser right now.


Note that if flex is shortcut with a unitless value, it defines flex-grow. When a single flex value is defined with a unit (px, etc), the shortcut defines the flex-basis value.

请注意,如果flex是具有无单位值的快捷方式,则它将定义flex-grow 。 当使用单位( px等)定义单个flex值时,快捷方式定义flex-basis值。

Written as part of the following CSS:


section { 
	display: flex; 
article { 
	margin: 1rem;
	flex: 1;
article img {
	width: 100%;
	height: auto;

… the CSS creates equal width and distribution of the flex “columns”:


The advantage of this system is that it’s adaptive: add another <article> element, and the space is distributed automatically between them, with all articles keeping the same width, and no need to adjust any of your CSS.


提供具有更大视觉重量的弹性物品 (Providing A Flex Item With More Visual Weight)

The example we’ve been working on displays articles for an online newspaper. For such a layout, it would make sense that you would occasionally need a larger space for a breaking story, which we’ll apply as a class:

我们一直在为在线报纸显示文章的示例。 对于这样的布局,您偶尔需要一个较大的空间来放置一个故事是有意义的,我们将其作为一个class

<article class="breaking">

It’s reasonable to assume that breaking stories should always take twice as much space as any other articles on the page. I’ll use another flex shortcut to define a new flex-grow value for this particular class:

合理的假设是,突发新闻应始终占用页面上其他任何文章两倍的空间。 我将使用另一个flex快捷方式为此特定类定义新的flex-grow值:

article.breaking { flex: 2; }

However it is applied, flex-grow remains true no matter how big or small the space for the articles becomes: the breaking news article remains always twice as wide as the others: i.e. it always has twice as much visual weight. (The article’s height is determined by it’s content, by default, following standard web layout principles: the one special consideration is that all flex items in a row are the height of the item with the most content).

无论采用何种形式,无论文章的大小有多大, flex-grow都是正确的:突发新闻文章的宽度始终是其他文章的两倍:即,视觉重量总是两倍 。 (默认情况下,文章的高度由其内容决定,遵循标准的Web布局原则:一个特别的考虑是,一行中的所有弹性项目都是内容最多的项目的高度)。

为小屏幕添加解决方案 (Adding A Solution For Small Screens)

Obviously at a certain point cramming articles side-by-side will create unreadable content. At a reasonable breakpoint, we’ll distribute the articles in a column, rather than a row:

显然,在某些时候并排填充文章会产生难以阅读的内容。 在合理的断点处,我们将文章分发到一列而不是一行中:

@media screen and (max-width: 750px) {
	section { 
		-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
		flex-direction: column;

The -webkit-box-orient: vertical is for iOS 7, which somehow didn’t carry through the flex-direction: column part of the specification, while it does support all the rest, albeit with vendor prefixes).

-webkit-box-orient: vertical适用于iOS 7,虽然它不支持规范的flex-direction: column部分,但它确实支持其余所有内容(尽管带有供应商前缀)。

Note that flex-grow doesn’t make any difference now: all the articles are the same width when they are arranged vertically, with each article’s height determined by its content.

请注意, flex-grow现在没有任何区别:垂直放置时,所有文章的宽度相同,每篇文章的高度取决于其内容。

结论 (Conclusion)

grow is only one part of the visual weight controls in : the next articles in this series will deal with the two other aspects, flex-shrink and flex-basis.

grow只是视觉权重控件的 :本系列的下一篇文章将处理另外两个方面,即flex-shrinkflex-basis

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/901/A-Designers-Guide-To-Flexbox-Understanding-Visual-Weight






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