

Long-term, the ranking of your website in Google is not going to depend upon your use of meta tags, SEO techniques, or cleverness with content. Much more important are inbound links and their associated words.

从长远来看,您在Google中的网站排名不会取决于您使用的元标记,SEO技术或内容的巧妙程度。 更重要的是入站链接及其关联的单词。

How then, do you get people to link to you? In the same way you get people to talk about you in the real world, at least in a positive sense: by being unique, being reliable, providing great content or great experiences (products, services, and customer care, if you are a company), and being gregarious, consciously creating a network of people and organizations that know, trust, and depend on you.

那么,如何使人们链接到您呢? 同样,您也可以让人们在现实世界中至少在积极的意义上谈论您:通过独特,可靠,提供丰富的内容或丰富的体验(产品,服务和客户服务,如果您是公司) ),并善于交际,有意识地建立了一个认识,信任并依赖您的人和组织的网络。

In the case of a company, this can be seen as horizontal and vertical marketing: forging relationships with the companies, organizations and people that supply you; that you supply, and that provide goods or services that work with your own.

对于公司而言,这可以看作是横向营销和纵向营销:与提供您服务的公司,组织和人员建立关系; 您提供的商品,以及提供与您自己的商品或服务搭配使用的商品或服务。

For example, let’s say that you craft wooden kayaks, like those at Guillemot Kayaks. Your most valuable inbound links (and those that are the furthest from your direct control) are reviews, testimonials and recommendations from your customers and the public, in blogs and sites related to kayaks. But let’s imagine that you also supply retailers like Mountain Equipment Co-op with your watercraft. You could ask those retailers to provide a “Learn More” or “Go to Manufacturer” link when your kayak is viewed on their site. It is a win-win proposal for them: customers learn more about the product, and can ask the manufacturer questions directly.

例如,假设您制作木皮艇,就像在Guillemot Kayaks一样 。 您最有价值的入站链接(以及距离您直接控制最远的链接)是来自客户和公众的评论,推荐和推荐,这些博客和站点与皮艇有关。 但让我们想象一下,您还为船只提供了诸如Mountain Equipment Co-op之类的零售商。 您可以要求这些零售商在其站点上查看您的皮划艇时提供“了解更多”或“前往制造商”链接。 对他们来说,这是一个双赢的建议:客户了解有关该产品的更多信息,并可以直接向制造商提出问题。

Of course you would also look at anyone else that you supply with your product: charities, sports clubs, provincial waterways. If there are published photos of your work, ask the owner / author for a credit and a link to your site.

当然,您也可以查看产品随附的任何其他产品:慈善机构,体育俱乐部,省级水路。 如果您的作品有公开的照片,请向所有者/作者索取积分和指向您网站的链接。

You also take in raw materials to make your kayaks: mahogany and other woods, epoxy and fibreglass. You probably have one or two lumberyards that you depend on for supplies: do they have product highlights sections on their websites in which uses of their lumber might be shown, together with a link to your site?

您还需要使用原材料来制作皮划艇:桃花心木和其他木材,环氧树脂和玻璃纤维。 您可能需要依靠一两个伐木场进行供应:他们的网站上是否有产品亮点部分,其中可能显示木材的用途以及指向您站点的链接?

Finally, there are products and services that you do not provide but which you recommend to be used with your product: paddles, lifejackets, etc. If you have links to the suppliers of such, it is reasonable to ask for links in return.


As you can see, this process can be long, ongoing, and complex. Most SEO companies go for “quick fixes” – adding semantic markup, as well as a lot of content. Crafting long-term search value for links is much more difficult: it requires a deep understanding of the company and the commercial eco-system of which it is a part. This provides a particular opportunity for freelancers to maintain an ongoing relationship via a maintenance contract with the companies for which they build websites. Part of this relationship is a commitment to grow search results through the techniques I discuss here.

如您所见,此过程可能是漫长,持续且复杂的。 大多数SEO公司都寻求“快速修复”- 添加语义标记以及许多内容。 要为链接建立长期的搜索价值要困难得多:它需要对公司及其所属的商业生态系统有深入的了解。 这为自由职业者提供了特别的机会,可以通过与他们为其建立网站的公司之间的维护合同来维持持续的关系。 这种关系的一部分是通过我在这里讨论的技术来增加搜索结果的承诺。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/103/How-To-Gain-Inbound-Links


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