
In web development, tables are the bad party guest we just can’t make leave.


Indispensable to the very earliest days of web design – before CSS existed, tables  were the only method of laying out pages – they became annoying, then momentarily tolerable (as new methods were added to make them more ), and now downright obnoxious.

在Web设计的最早期时期(在CSS出现之前,表格是布局页面的唯一方法)是必不可少的,它们变得烦人,然后短暂地可以容忍(由于添加了新方法以使它们更 ),而现在却令人讨厌。

The central issue is that tables do not wrap or reorient themselves in response to changing viewport sizes. Tables can be dimensioned using percentages, but they will only collapse as far as their inner content will allow them to. If the table consists of multiple columns, sentences inside of cells are inevitably forced into long, thin, almost unreadable vertical lines of text, or are simply cut off.

中心问题是表格不会根据视口大小的变化来自动包装或重新定向。 可以使用百分比来确定表的尺寸,但是它们只会在内部内容允许的范围内折叠。 如果表格由多列组成,则单元格内的句子将不可避免地被迫变成长长的,细的,几乎不可读的垂直文本行,或者被简单地切掉。

There have been many suggestions as to how to make tables more responsive, none of them perfect. For the forseeable future, the issue will likely have to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis; what follows are a few strategies that you can add to your responsive toolkit.

关于如何使表更具响应性,已经有很多建议,但没有一个是完美的。 在可预见的将来,该问题可能必须根据具体情况进行处理; 以下是一些可以添加到响应式工具包中的策略。

Digital Rights Management Technologies: A History of Failure
MediumDRM SchemeYear ImplementedYear CrackedMethod
CD AudioKey2Audio20022002Felt-tip marker
DVDCSS19981999Software (DeCSS)
HD-DVDAACS20062007Leaked key
Blu-RayHDCP, AACS, BD+20062007Various
DRM方案 实施年份 今年破获 方法
CD音频 Key2Audio 2002年 2002年 毡尖笔
DVD CSS 1998年 1999年 软件(DeCSS)
高清DVD AACS 2006年 2007年 钥匙泄漏
蓝光 HDCP ,AACS,BD + 2006年 2007年 各种
游戏类 加密ROM 2007年 2007年 各种

制作响应表 (Making A Responsive Table)

As a text case, let’s use a table that shows the history of Digital Rights Management technologies. The markup for the table is:

作为文本案例,让我们使用一个表,该表显示数字版权管理技术的历史。 该表的标记为:

<table class="respondus">
	<caption>Digital Rights Management Technologies: A History of Failure</caption>
		<th class="hide"><span>Year</span> Implemented
		<th><span>Year</span> Cracked
		<td>CD Audio
		<td class="hide">2002
		<td>Felt-tip marker

响应选项 (Responsive Options)

With the hooks of classes and span elements in the table structure, we have gained a few more options as the browser narrows:


  1. At moderate screen widths, suck the air out of the table.


    Reduce table cell padding, font-size and border-spacing with @media queries to make the table fit on smaller screens. Consider adding hyphenation to break words across lines more frequently. Add zebra striping (if necessary) to retain legibility.

    使用@media查询减少表格单元格的paddingfont-sizeborder-spacing ,以使表格适合较小的屏幕。 考虑添加连字符以更频繁地跨行打断单词。 添加斑马条纹 (如有必要)以保持清晰度。

    @media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
    	table.respondus {
    		border-spacing: 0;
    	table.respondus td, table.respondus th {
    	 	padding: 0.5rem;
    	 	font-size: 1rem;
  2. To gain more space, eliminate unnecessary words.


    The word “Year” in the table header cells might be considered supplementary at smaller screen sizes. As they are surrounded with <span> tags, we can make those words disappear as the screen gets smaller to save even more space:

    在较小的屏幕尺寸下,表标题单元格中的“年份”一词可能被视为补充。 由于它们被<span>标记包围,我们可以使这些词随着屏幕变小而消失,以节省更多空间:

    @media screen and (max-width: 550px) {
    	table.respondus th span { display: none; }
  3. At mobile screen sizes, hide table columns if you absolutely must.


    Less practical, but sometimes necessary, you can set a column of table data to disappear at smaller viewport widths. Very much a last-ditch recourse, as it leads one to naturally question if the data was truly required in the first place, and why we are denying it to mobile users.

    不太实用,但有时有必要,您可以设置一列表格数据以在较小的视口宽度下消失。 最后一个求助之路非常多,因为它自然会引起人们的疑问,即首先是否真正需要数据,以及为什么我们拒绝移动用户使用它。

    @media screen and (max-width: 500px) {
    	table.respondus .hide {
    		display: none;

    Alternatively, use the :last-child selector to eliminate the last column from the end of the table, removing the need for any classes:


    @media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
    	table.respondus tr td:last-child {
    		display: none;
    	table.respondus tr th:last-child {
    		display: none;

    To hide more than one column with this method, use nth-child instead:


    @media screen and (max-width: 500px) {
    	table.respondus tr td:nth-child(n+3) {
    		display: none;
    	table.respondus tr th:nth-child(n+3) {
    		display: none;

    The CSS above will preserve the first three columns of the table at small screen sizes, while removing the others.


  4. Go mobile-first. Make a semantically-appropriate structure appear table-like under certain conditions, collapsing back to the natural display format on smaller devices. This is a more complex solution, and one that needs to be addressed in its own article.

    移动优先 。 使在语义上适当的结构在某些条件下看起来像表一样,在较小的设备上折回到自然显示格式。 这是一种更复杂的解决方案,需要在自己的文章中解决

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/678/Responsive-Table-Design-Strategies





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